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Stormravens and reserves


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The rules state that 50% of the army rounded up are allowed to be placed in reserve. Units that must start the game in reserve are ignored for the purposes of counting which units are reserved. So a Stormraven is always ignored in this case. Units embarked on a dedicated transport are counted as one unit. IC's are counted as a separate unit.

But what about the units that are embarked upon the Raven? Are they ignored since being embarked on the Raven they must start the game in reserve? Or are they counted individually because the Raven is not a dedicated transport and the units don't have to start the game in the Raven?


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They are ignored. From a rules stand-point, you could start as few as one model on the table (or none, if you're using drop-pods). From a tactics stand-point, though, you're opening yourself up to being tabled, or not getting your reserves on unit too late for it to matter. I have been scaling back how much I start in reserves every week since 6th has come out. Blood Angels, more than perhaps any other MEQ army, cannot really survive if we enter play piecemeal. We NEED the concentration of force and fire power.

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Well I'm building a BA/IG army and wish to reserve the BA's. With an Astropath my reserves are 2+ instead of 3+.

The idea is to fill two Ravens with Death Company and Dreadnoughts, the IG dig in behind an ADL and wait for the BA to arrive.

Another list I have is 2 Tactical Squads with a priest each, 2 Librarians and 2 Furiosos. The tacs can Skies of Blood over objectives, librarians can shield and prescience the ravens (one shields the other prescience one Raven as I have incredibly bad luck with Bloodstrike missiles) and the Furiosos are an assault element.

It's all based on a theme rather than WAAC.

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If using sound strategy and tactics, and actually making some token effort towards winning, is WAAC, so be it. It sounds like you're trying to use that term as a pejorative,  though, so I'll just make a mental note of avoiding conversation with you in the future. In any case, good luck to you.

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Perhaps you would do best by asking what the other person means instead of jumping to the conclusion that they purposefully set out to insult you.

Do you not understand what I said? Do you believe that I set out to insult you on purpose? Do you not like it when someone mentions WAAC?

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The onus is on the speaker to be understood. "WAAC" is a loaded term, and you surely know, and you used it in a loaded way. If you don't want to sound like you're trying to condescend or be rude, you should be more mindful of how you present your thoughts in the future.

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No, the onus is not on the speaker to be understood, it is on the listener to make sure that they understand what is being said and by doing so they need to ask questions when they may possibly misinterpret what is being said, as is the case here.


You're being completely ridiculous and blowing what I said way out of proportion. You're the one that has chosen to see more into what I said. You're the one that has chosen to take offense and in doing so you have completely derailed this thread.

If you think for one moment you may actually realise that I had absolutely no intention of offending you after you answered my question. What good would that do to offend someone after they have helped me answering a question? It makes no sense. Please stop being so sensitive.

You also alluded to a point that I had no intention of using tactics or strategy and therefore I will do nothing but lose each and every game. Have I taken offense to that? No I haven't, because that assumption is beyond ridiculous as I have mentioned a viable tactic within the list that I am creating.


I will now ask a moderator to delete this thread as my original question has been answered and this thread has now gone off the rails.

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