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Death Company Razorback WIP


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Well Brothers Here I go again trying to stretch my modeling ability. Lets hope it turns out decent.


I had a Razorback sitting in the closet and I figured it was time to use it. As I tried to figure out how to best fit it in my army, I had the idea of making it a DC unit. Then I started to wonder how to make it as cool as possible without buying Forge World items. There is nothing wrong with the FW stuff, its just a little pricey in my book. Anyhow. First I figured I could make my own Red X's on the side of the Razorback with sheet Styrene (or however its spelled). Once I had the X cut out, I made grooves in it to make it look like it was a Mosaic or just or and had cracks in it.





As I was finishing that up, I happened upon a good bit of green stuff I had forgotten about. With that, I thought I would give my first try at a real sculpture. Before, I had used green stuff to just fill in gaps and such. I figured that a huge skull on the front of the tank would be very appropriate for a DC vehicle. I am going to have to sand out my fingerprints once its set.




I also wanted to use an Assault Cannon with this unit. Since the AC doesn't come in the box, I made one out of toothpicks, the ammo can from the box and a little bit of green stuff. As I look at the really close up of the AC, I can see I need to clean up the glue and such but that shouldn't be a huge problem.




I don't think it has turned out to bad so far. Now I have to wait until tomorrow for the green stuff to set up properly so I can base coat it and start the paint job.


Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

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I see what you mean by the sun glasses thing. I wish I was a better sculptor. I really don't know what to do to fix it other than take it off and start again, and even then I wonder if I can do any better. I will take a good look at it and see if I can make it better.

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That's a very good start! I especially like the plasticard X, you've carried out the mosaic look really well.


The skull is a really good start and a brave move! I haven't ever tried anything quite to large myself, so take these suggestions with a grain (or a handful) of salt...


Take a look at some images of skulls, you'll get a better idea of the proportions for yours. There are a few good ones here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skull. Here's a couple of particularly good ones:



Fill in the top of the nose cavity with more greenstuff so you have the bony projection that extends below the bridge of the nose.


Cut away the ridge between the eyes to form the bridge of the nose.


Add cheekbones at the bottom outside edges of the eye sockets.


Fill in the bottom of the sockets themselves so they are more rectangular and have their centre higher up the face.


Cut away the ridge around the bottom inside edges of the eye sockets and then add more greenstuff around the top lip so you have the flared, cone shape that has its base on the upper jaw and its point at the bridge of the nose.


Hope this helps! Don't give up, you have the start of a really impressive bit of sculpture there, it just needs some refinement is all.

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Thanks for the help Golf33, That picture you posted helped a lot. I am not saying that I did an awesome job but I think this re work is much better. I used the last of my Green stuff to make it so If it looks horrible, well, its going to stay that way until I buy more. But since I am not entering it into any sculpting competitions.....


So here are some quick shots of the new skull.





and from a different angle



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Yes, that looks much much better. Good job!!!


PS Hope you didn't mind the sunglasses comment. I try to do oil paintings and when my firlfriend points stuff out to me that I got wrong, she's usually right and it helps :)

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No I did not mind Ash. It was an apt description. When you said it, I looked and said it looked like the skull of a young Elton John. And if you not said something, I probably wouldn't have done the re work. I don't mind constructive criticism. No one was mean about anything and that's why I like the people on this site.

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So a bit of an update....


I have blocked in the major colors of the tank and painted the skull. I also scratch built a Missile system so that I had the flexibility of either fielding it as a razorback or a Whirlwind. I am really happy with the way the missile system has turned out. I still need to paint the missiles.








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Looking at it now, yeah its a bit tall. When I was making it, it didn't seem like it was going to be that big. I don't think I am going to make another one that's smaller, I am just going to use the nice big sides for some nice art. Also who knows, I probably wont ever use the whirlwind but it is nice to have it if I ever decide to.

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You know what?  It's funky.  So who cares.


BTW Whirlwinds are awesome, BA players dont give these things a chance.  I dont know I see alot of Nids, Crons, and some Dark eldar, those things make the opponent think how to deploy very carefully and very spread out, which makes the whole unit slower, especially when trying to manouever around area terrain.  Vindicators are wonderful too, but I think that I love the idea of artillery.  Plus they're a bit cheaper than a Vindy

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