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The Rhubric

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Just a quick question:


I thought that Ahriman's Rhubric was meant to stop mutation in the Thousand Sons - as in none of them mutate anymore and those without strong enough psychic powers had this done by being reduced to dusty souls in sealed armour.


If the spell worked, albeit at a steep pricd, how come Aspiring Sorcerers have the Champions of Chaos Special Rule?

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The Rubric was specifically intended to prevent the "Flesh-change", which is the rapid degeneration into Spawndom that could randomly strike any Thousand Son before it was used.


In the book A Thousand Sons it was implied that the Flesh-Change was brought on in Psykers by them losing control of their powers - which means that if your Aspiring Sorcerer gets Spawned by Champions of Chaos, then the Rubric's protection has failed and they just got a bit cocky.

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... Yeah, we don't go there. The MoTZ should give Perils protection.

This, would it have been so hard for Phill Kelly just to add the line "A model with the mark of Tzeenthx may use it's invun save against perils of the warp"? Or made the spell familar's effect's built in for Tzeentch models, it doing something else?

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I always took it as the flesh change being random mutation because of 'generic' warp influence. Mutation from the Champion of Chaos special rule is the specific attention of a od, an therefore beyond what mere mortals can prevent with some flimsy Rubric.
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"Gifts" from Tzeentch isn't what the rubric was trying to mend anyway. Their geneseed was horribly unstable, to the point where they had to constantly be on their toes with enumerations and tutelaries to keep it in check, and even then it didn't work all that well in the end. Heck, even Ahriman nearly turned into a spawn...



The rubric was a good idea that failed and succeeded at the same time. It was not what Ahriman's cabal was aiming for exactly, but it was a "it'll do" situation...




...still a bit sad though...as their entire history...the road to the planet of sorcerers is paved with good intentions indeed...

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