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just got back into 40k after 10years. I have a large space marine army,trying to do as many differant chapters as possible.  Look forward to discussing space marine stuff. 

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Welcome to the B&C, and welcome back to the hobby! I hope you enjoy the forums here as much as I do. I highly recommend starting a thread in either the WIP or Hall of Honour subforums and displaying your minis. It's a good way to maintain motivation to paint, to be inspired and to inspire others.

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Will try to get some pics up soon, trying to get everything put together first.  I have been doing alot of converting,so ill start putting them on hear to see what u guys think.  This is the first time ive done one of these forums so please bair with me.  How do i post pictures.    

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When you write a post there is a little image icon in your posting toolbar. All you have to do is supply the URL of the picture and it automatically adds it to your post. You can use an outside hosting site like Photobucket, or you can start a user gallery here at the B+C. You can start a user gallery through the user controls area up at the top of the page where you sign in.

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