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Tyrants Legion or Siege Vanguard?

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So I've been looking at the Badab army lists with a view to using either one or the other as a fluffy way of using my Iron warriors.


The siege vanguard list seems quite fun, with siege dreadnought talons as troop choices, lots of big guns, and an objective marker you HAVE to claim to be able to win. But it's lacking the Cannon fodder  human auxilia that IW are known for employing, and that would mean having to ally with IG, and lacks a great deal in chaosyness in general.


There's also the Tyrants legion, which hase the previously mentioned auxilia, but the points seem a little off with them, and if I'm honest, the HQ centurion is frankly rubbish! You can't even give him a ++ save! Or even a 2+ one for that matter! You do get squadrons of Vultures though, so that's a big plus as I love those freaking models! There's also the option of Marines in Chimeras :D


Also I could ally with CSM as battlebrothers, or even do it the other way around I guess?


So Does anyone here use either list? How do you find them? Obviouly this isn't with tourny play in mind.





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i use the siege vangyuard list myself and find it fits the iron warriors very well. the legion was renowned for its siegecraft and love of technology, and they can BB with guard (taking platoons is your best bet for cannon fodder), you can also take CC geared squads, and have up to 4 HS choices, although only 2 FA. you can't take bikes with it though, but the list counts as space marines for the purposes of allying, and can also BB with vanilla marine to grant the ability to take bikes, scouts etc. the tyrants legion itself isn't bad, but it is designed so it won't match the pinnacles of pure marine or pure guard lists, but its strength lies in the units it can take. however, they can't ally with CSMs, but can be AoC with vanilla marines. so yeah, my vote goes to the siege vanguard list, its fun and gritty, and i've modelled my objective to be an archeotech horde sought out by their dark masters. 

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Thanks for the input Leinmann, Have you got any pics of your IW and objective markers? Just so I can steal all the cool ideas ;)


I may ally with IG for the auxilia then, maybe take some conscripts so I can use my cultists models?


Have you tried the Tyrants legion? What made you pick the Vanguard over legion? Apart from the reasons you've already given? Do you miss any of the Chaos elements?

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I miss obliterators, though.

well if you are using a FW list , then you can ally in some IG and IG have sentry guns which are something oblits would want to be[high T , skyfire and interceptor and while lex flexible in weapon set up , they dont have to switch from battlecannons to something else].

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@angelsabsolute as soon as i can i will get some picks up as i'm without laptop/pc atm and doing all my surfing through my ps3. i have to get some up in the next couple of days for my LPC vow, so i'll post a couple here for you too. i chose the SVL as i love the idea of IWs battering down the enemies gates and pummeling those in their way. i can't say i miss many elements of the chaos dex as to me its ideal for creating a largely pieced together warband, whereas i feel those with a mono-legion warband should be able get certain benefits too (although i have a couple of squads from renegades but this is largely to break up the scheme a little but i do have a bit of fluff as to why they are there). the TL as i say is a good list but it just didn't suit me, but if you ask 1000heathens he can give you better advice on them. plus, being able to use IG in either list allows you to use their ordnance, which is arguably the best in the game. 

@nehekare i know what you mean, oblits are a hallmark of IWs but alas...

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