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Skull Cannon & CSM demons


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There are a few items in the chaos daemon codex that reference friendly daemons, to me, this is anything with the daemon rule, that is friendly, so a maulerfiend would benefit from the skull cannon (as it has the daemon USR).

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It's an interesting thought, and with careful planning could be useful as a buff for assaulting CSM Daemonic units. Especially as those units generally don't come with grenades (daemon princes, daemon engines, possessed, mutilators, warp talons etc.)


However, it's use might be limited, if you're going for CSM with CD allies then you could only have 1 skullcannon. So only able to offer that bonus to 1 unit (maybe 2 if you got lucky with placement or scatter.)


The other problem is that many of the daemonic CSM units are outperformed (for the points) by the non-daemonic units in the codex (the #1 exception being the Heldrake, the #2 being the Daemon Prince) and if something requires careful synergy/planning then it's easy to get wrong unless you are well organised from a tactical point of view.


The final disadvantage I can see is that the Skullcannon is a S8 large blast, and any units you want to assault the target are going to be fairly close to the target that shooting phase. Now, it's only AP5, so isn't likely to worry most daemonic infantry from C:CSM however the Maulerfiend is already a glass cannon (AV12, 3HP, assault-only walker) and risking it losing a hull point to/being destroyed/crippled by your own shooting in the hope of it gaining "assault grenades" is a questionable call.

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