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So, Dreadclaws...


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Why can't they just be dedicated transports?  Or can you get multiple Dreadclaws for one Fast Attack choice?

Unfortunatly , no.


But when you play 2kpts games you have 6 FA slots, so when i want to play my Dreadclaws i take 2 With Zerkers+Khârn, 1 Khorne CSM in a Rhino( to still have units on the table at the end of turn one), Bikes, Defiler, Mauler and Drake.


Now recently i send an email to FW to asks a few questions about the Dreadclaw, in the response i got, they told me that the Dreadclaw rules would be updated in a faq or IA book soon.


Now the "soon" could be in 8 months or 8 years.


Personnaly i feel that GW missed an opportunity to sell models to chaos players, they could have done a Plastic Dreadclaw kit, and sell it with the Death from the Skies book, with the new updated rules...

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you don't have to disembark next to the enemy until you are ready to assault. Arrive turn 2. sit in the pod, turn three hover, disembark and charge. the only shooting that unit ever faces is hitting on a 6 and is going against the pod. Its worth remembering that the claw can pick stuff up too. i haven't yet used this feature however i can think of various uses for it. 


the fluff says that there is a hatch thing on the bottom that lets people in. I want to be able to have it deepstrike down on top of an enemy unit, eat it and then take off again. 

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the only shooting that unit ever faces is hitting on a 6 and is going against the pod.

 yeah . only we are both using FW and it is 6th ed , so flyers , anti flyers and IG sentry guns are everywhere .

a 3ed turn charge can be done on foot , if someone runs. and it isnt even a 100% chance , because you dont get reservs automaticly on turn 2 . it maybe turn 4 .

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You might not get there sooner, but depending on what you're up against you could easily get there safer.  for the most part, though, I'd stick to short range hybrid shooty/assault units that wouldn't mind deploying the turn they drop.  dreadnoughts, combi-armed terminators, chosen with meltas, ultragrit CSMs, etc.


At which point, yeah, it's an overpriced drop pod.  But I'd be willing to use overpriced drop pods, if they didn't also eat up my fast slots.

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I have used mine to deploy and redeploy havok special units as well as 1k sons and khorne csm with melts. The redeploy ruled are very useful, as you can deploy one unit and embark another same turn then repeat, doing a bit of a u.it shuffle.


I run them because I'm love with the model and don't want another $80 paper weight. ;)


-edit- this had got me thinking, what's the best way to guarantee a 2nd turn drop? A load of Slaaneshi CC or 1k sons are the sort of expensive iche units I'd like to deploy wherever I need them to e.force my lies or break through an opponents...

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Vesper, on 22 Mar 2013 - 21:44, said:

And turn two if you're lucky with reserves and ok to take the risk of disembarking next to the enemy, right ?

You're not allowed to disembark after arrival from reserve, even from Assault Vehicle.
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well it still is, when you deep strike you are still technically flying. you only actually land on your second turn which is when you disembark.

I'm not sure about this one, but I'd say no. Rules for deep striking transport says that you're landed, just as Drop Pod does. Only difference that you don't want to go outside from Dreadclaw.


I think that wording was the main reason for GW to remove Deep Strike from all flyers.

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well it still is, when you deep strike you are still technically flying. you only actually land on your second turn which is when you disembark.

I'm not sure about this one, but I'd say no. Rules for deep striking transport says that you're landed, just as Drop Pod does. Only difference that you don't want to go outside from Dreadclaw.


I think that wording was the main reason for GW to remove Deep Strike from all flyers.


Vehicles that arrive by DS are considered to have moved Cruising Speed P.36 


You need to declare if you will be in hover mode or zooming for flyers with the hover type. P81 


If Zooming, cruising speed is 18.00001-36 inches. P.80


it certainly isn't the case that a deepstriking flyer has to sit there for a turn and get shot at regular bs

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Vehicles that arrive by DS are considered to have moved Cruising Speed P.36 


You need to declare if you will be in hover mode or zooming for flyers with the hover type. P81 


If Zooming, cruising speed is 18.00001-36 inches. P.80


it certainly isn't the case that a deepstriking flyer has to sit there for a turn and get shot at regular bs

Ok, feel free to correct me once again, by here are my arguments:


page 36, "deep striking units may not move any further, other than to disembark from deep striking Transport vehicle". Dreadclaw can only enter game via deep strike, so it's deep striking transport but not flyer.


And to prove my point I've asked that question to FW, here's the answer (will upload screenshot somewhere on "liar!"):


The Dreadclaw enters via deepstrike on the turn it arrives. From the turn after this it then becomes a Flyer. As such the reserve rules take precedent on the turn it arrives in regards to any models that are transported.

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Dont you need the "skys off.." to rule to be able to get out of a zooming flyer at all ?


You have to wait till it is hovering





Vehicles that arrive by DS are considered to have moved Cruising Speed P.36 


You need to declare if you will be in hover mode or zooming for flyers with the hover type. P81 


If Zooming, cruising speed is 18.00001-36 inches. P.80


it certainly isn't the case that a deepstriking flyer has to sit there for a turn and get shot at regular bs

Ok, feel free to correct me once again, by here are my arguments:


page 36, "deep striking units may not move any further, other than to disembark from deep striking Transport vehicle". Dreadclaw can only enter game via deep strike, so it's deep striking transport but not flyer.


And to prove my point I've asked that question to FW, here's the answer (will upload screenshot somewhere on "liar!"):


The Dreadclaw enters via deepstrike on the turn it arrives. From the turn after this it then becomes a Flyer. As such the reserve rules take precedent on the turn it arrives in regards to any models that are transported.


is that thing from forgeworld pre or post imperial armour aeronautica. the old dreadclaw had a rule to that effect but its not in aeronautica.

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I've been considering this as a potential delivery method, myself.

So, it seems to me that it deep strikes on 2, is considered having moved as a flyer (hit on 6s) and you cannot move it? So it lands where it lands and that's the end of it. Then on 3 you can still skim and disembark/assault, right? Or did I misread something in all these weird phrasings 40k is famous for?

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So, it seems to me that it deep strikes on 2, is considered having moved as a flyer (hit on 6s) and you cannot move it? So it lands where it lands and that's the end of it. Then on 3 you can still skim and disembark/assault, right? Or did I misread something in all these weird phrasings 40k is famous for?

In my understanding, when it arrives it stands still like normal drop pod. So anyone can shoot it or CC it as immobilised vehicle.



I'm glad FW plans on updating the Dreadclaw's rules.

Hm... But they just recently released Aeronautica and HH, using the same rules. What makes you think they will update it?
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This is a poorly written iteration of the rules, though at least this time it has assault ramps.


It wouldn't make any kind of sense for an assault boat to land the turn it arrives, then gamble it doesn't get bayoneted in the side before it gets back up and tootles over to where it wants to disgorge troops.


For this model to make any sense it should go one of two ways: Deepstrike/Gyro Stabilisers/Assault from Deepstrike; or Outflank/Gravchute Insertion/Assault from Reserves.


I suppose if the model was as good as either of those then nobody would be encouraged to purchase a Storm Eagle...

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I still think my assumption of the rules makes the most sense. You can't move after you deep strike, and it's a flier. However, if a flier doesn't move, it dies in a fire, so the deep strike was considered the movement for the turn. Turn 3 you can zoom your happy ass around as much as you want or drop to (fast?) skimmer mode and drop off the goodies. 
Unless it has a specific rule saying the turn it arrives it is able to drop troops that can then assault, or zoom about, or do both.

I think it's safe to assume they didn't design a unit that comes into play as a flier and then immediately crashes, killing all 10 occupants. 

But then again....

edit: wow, typos.

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I think it's safe to assume they didn't design a unit that comes into

play as a flier and then immediately crashes, killing all 10 occupants.

I remember the time when BA rhinos didnt have any exit points . I remember when DA were given pistol+bolter combo first , but rules still didnt care if you fired a rapid fire weapon and wanted to charge , but only checked if you fired while owning a rapid fire weapon and then wanted to charge.

And those were easy not working things , there were rules that were "crashing" the game , because both couldnt work at the same time and before 6th we didnt know which took priority.

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I think it's safe to assume they didn't design a unit that comes into

play as a flier and then immediately crashes, killing all 10 occupants.

I remember the time when BA rhinos didnt have any exit points . I remember when DA were given pistol+bolter combo first , but rules still didnt care if you fired a rapid fire weapon and wanted to charge , but only checked if you fired while owning a rapid fire weapon and then wanted to charge.

And those were easy not working things , there were rules that were "crashing" the game , because both couldnt work at the same time and before 6th we didnt know which took priority.

hahaha... wow.

Well, as I said:



But then again....

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