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Blood Angels Death Company Razorback/Whirlwind WIP


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Greeting all,


I wanted to share my progress with my current project. I am a Blood Angels player and I have a 5 man Death Company unit with jump packs. I also have a Death Company Dread. While I don't want to do an entire army of Death Company, I wanted to make a Death Company support vehicle so I took a razorback kit and went to town. At first all I planned on doing was taking some styrene and making an X to put on the sides of the tank. I thought that 3D Death Company markings would be more striking than just using paint. I also didn't want to just but the Forge World doors. I wanted my unit to be unique.




While I was assembling the tank, I decided that I wanted the main gun to be the twin linked assault cannon. But wouldn't you know it, that doesn't come in the kit. Ok..... I thought, Maybe I can scratch build one..... and it didn't turn out to bad. I used toothpicks, some spare bits and a little bit of green stuff. This was actually a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. At times im not sure if I had more glue on my fingers than the AC.




I also tried my hand at some sculpting. I am really not a big sculptor. I have only used green stuff so far to plug gaps in seams. I have painted skulls on other tanks in this army so I wanted to keep the theme going here. I sculpted a skull and put it on the front of the tank. I know that others here can sculpt much better but for my first time really using green stuff like this, I think I did pretty well.





After I cleaned up the assault cannon a bit, as you can see I had glue all over the AC, I spray primed the tank black. I then went to work on blocking in some of the major colors and while doing that I thought to my self, Hey, I made an Assault cannon using toothpicks and some spare bits, I bet I can make a missile system for a whirlwind. And low and behold after some planning, and a bit of work, I got a piece I am actually pretty proud of.














Now all I have to do is finish painting it. I am going for a high-ish table top paint job. I know that I will never win any paint competitions but I do want it to look decent when I take it to the local store. I am planning on using the flat areas of the missile system for some nice artwork since the BA's are pretty artistic. So far I am thinking of doing a fancy coat of arms motif.


Comments and suggestions and such are welcome.





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I like the look of the whirlwind! But it seems a little large, which is what you were probably going for. I'll suggest you go 3 missile rows up instead of the 4 you're currently at. I think that would keep the mean and big look it has while keeping it more realistic. My $0.2 :)

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