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Greetings fellow worshippers of the dark gods. I humbly present to you, my latest creation. Tokar'Zhagareth, Prince of Nurgle, Slayer of the unrepentant, Eater of nacho's and generally all-round nice guy.

I would like to make the rider stand out more, but I'm not sure how.






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Kits and bits used:


Mount: Zombie Dragon

Rider: Chaos Lord on Manticore, CSM, Possessed, Warp Talons, a few parts from Guardsmen and Guard support teams.


In game he will be used as a CSM Daemon prince of Nurgle, Wings, Gift of Mutation, Black Mace of awesomesauce.



If you dare, you may feast your eyes on my unedited background for his exalted awesomeness below. If your eyes bleed from reading bad english, I would advise you to advert our eyes entirely.





In M35 the one who would later be called Tokar'Zhagareth, were still a loyal follower of the Emperor. The Conservators were a celebrated chapter operating on the southern fringe. Tokar were a celebrated sergeant in the tenth comany. A position he had held for nearly four hundred and fifty years. Most of the chapters veterans had once served alongside him, and almost all the younger brothers had received his guidance during their years as neophytes.


It therefore came as a shock when the rest of his chapter was lost during the scouring of gehennemacht IV. What started as rebellion against the light of the Emperor quickly escalated to a full blown daemonic incursion while the conservators were fighting the rebellious planetary governors forces on the ground. During a final engagement in front the spaceport Obringast, the Imperial lines almost overrun by the rampaging daemons, the world came to an end. An inquisitorial Black Fleet had arrived in system during a planned visit to the system, and insted of risking their precious cargo, the planet were condemned to immediate extermination.


When death came upon gehennemacht IV, Tokar were leading the remnants of his scout squad deep underground. Trying to secure a small breach in the massive caverns housing the spaceports reactors. Their mission a success, the small band were shocked when the world suddenly began to shake itself apart. They quickly made their way to the surface, only to find horror and death in all directions. A massive landscape stretched before them, with countless bodies twisted and mangled beyond recognision. Tokars eyes darkened when he saw the devastation wrought upon his proud and noble chapter. And yet, while his faith was shakened, he still swore to serve the Imperium.


Picked up by a lone thunderhawk ready to brave the devastation, the remains gathered upon the battle barge. It was clear that such massive losses could never be rebuilt, but neither could the chapter put down their weapons and do nothing. It was decided the remaining survivors, a mere handfull, would join the Deathwatch.


One hundred years passed. Tokar and the remains of the chapter served proud and well, and while Tokar fought the wretched foes with all the righous fury he could muster, he could not prevent sorrow from creeping into his heart, each time he learnt of the death of one of his old brothers.


As the last surviving member of the chapter, the final push into the arms of Nurgle came upon the fifth world of Goraten. It was upon this wretched world he learnt that the Inquisitor who fought besides them, were the same one who once brought doom upon his chapter. In disgust he slew the Inquisitor, and the rest of the squad he was working alongside when they tried to stop him. Despairing over his actions, and the  shame they would bring his once chapter, he realised only his own death could erase the guilt he felt.


He travelled the world, seeking one who could slay him and end his suffering, and when noone would present themselves, he would provoke them into fighting him. Khorne would have been proud of the carnage this single once marine were spreading, and yet all his killings were made with a profound sense of detachment. No offerings were given, no blows were struck in anger. It was with a sad regret that Tokar ended the lives of those he wanted to be his slayers. A year passed, and the population of the world had been reduced to a tenth of what it was before his arrival. Having found none worthy of his slaying, Tokar travelled to the next system, and there repeated his actions.


Accross a minor subsector, whole populations were reduced to nothing. Tokar himself gathered a minor warband around his presence, all swore to fight for him, yet never lift a blade against himl. And so it was that this detached warrior carved a path before him, seeking a release he could not find.


It was during the scouring of a minor world that this warrior came to the attention of Nurgle. Epidemus, Tallyman of Nurgle were pouring over another battlefield of rotting corpses, the third planet in a row, when i came upon a lone gore streaked warrior in a crumpling power armour, lightning claws held apathetically by his side. Epidemus, annoyed by he figure interruptiong his studies, sent his plaguebearer minions to slay the figure. All were handily dispatched by sweeping flurries, and masterfull strokes, honed on a thousand battlefields. Epidemus annoyed, yet intrigued by the warrior cautiously approached him, and began to question his motives, whilst the warrior continued to lay waste to his bodyguard. Hearing the story of the despairing warrior, Epidemus offered to bring the story to his master, if the warrior would let him finish his buisness upon this world.


Tokar, feeling the power emanating from the figure, saw a possible release from his torment, and agreed upon the terms of the daemon.


Nurgle, in his infinite greatness, agreed to help the Tokar, but on his own terms. Tokar would serve Nurgle untill the day Nurgle saw fit to release him from his duties. Tokar, to the eternal damnation of his soul, agreed to these terms. From the infinite aether Nurgle summoned Zhagareth, a powerfull greater daemon. Zhagareth was unlike other great unclean ones. He had no humor, he was not proud of his purpose, he did not spread corruption and disease. He was the aspect of the death that comes at the end of all. Zhagareth had but a single purpose: To slay all those that had rejected Nurgles great gifts, and continued to live in bliss.


Scooping up Tokar and Zhagareth in his great fists, Nurgle dumped them both into his bubbling cauldron. The infernal forces rotted flesh and bone from daemon and man alike. Yet it was their very essense that experienced the most dramatic change of all Tokar and Zhagareth became one. The warrior seeking death, and the daemon bringing death now a single being.


The once-Tokar would receive his gift of release, but not until the day all belonged to Nurgle. Until that day, Tokar'Zhagareth would bring despair to all those who would otherwise deny the great gifts of father Nurgle. 

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So you are using a Chaos SM riding a monstrous creature as count as Daemon Prince? Brilliant idea!

I was thinking about a similar concept for a rogue SM chapter not completely devoted to Chaos because a true daemon prince would have made no sense for that chapter fluff but I never started the project.


It's nice to see you were successful ;)

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