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Hammer Of Wrath


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Hey guys, so now that I'm using my jump packs again I hit a bump yesterday in a game. Being fellow Blood Angels I'm sure you've run into this and might've found an answer. I don't think I need to quote the rule, but I will so people don't have to pull out their books to read the fine print.


Hammer of Wrath : " *fluff* .. If a model with this special rule charges and ends it charge move in base contact with one or more enemy models, it makes one additional attack that hits automatically and is resolved at the model's unmodified strength with an AP of --. This attack is resolved during the fight sub-phase at the Initiative 10 step. This does not grant the model an additional Pile In move at the Initiative 10 step"


So my question is more about Lemartes and his maul. I charged and was like "Hmmm does his I10 attack concuss the enemy model?"


Me and my opponent read the rule book, we both saw that it said an additional attack which almost implies that you can use your weapon but with their restrictions.


HOWEVER those restrictions have this semi-weapon profile thing going on which makes it seem like it could be Games workshop telling us this is a unique separate weapon.


So we did the gentleman thing and rolled off ( I won ^_^ SCREW YOU BLOODTHIRSTER). But this wasn't really substantial for me and I wanted to know if anyone found some official thing about this? While opinions and insight is always welcomed, I see both sides of the argument and there is no need to shed blood here. 


Also sorry if this has been beaten to death. It seems like a topic like this could've came up the day after 6th ed. came out :P.


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It's base strength with no bonuses from wargear. It's like the JP marines are kicking the opponents in the head as they land on them.

Regular marines will strike with S4 whilst Mephiston and Furioso Librarian using Wings of Sanguinius will strike with S6.

I'm pretty sure that's correct but I could be wrong.

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Woot! They actaully put some official stuff up! Shouldve looked there first:



Q:When a model makes a Vector Strike or Hammer of Wrath,
do these attacks benefit from any special rules (such as Furious
Charge,Poisoned or Rending), or any weapons or other wargear
it is equipped with? (p37/43)
A: No.
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