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Demus Ragnok's LPC 2013

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Brother Jaredor, Apothecary, 8th company Sons of Creightos.

As most of the 8th Co. Brother Jaredor is young as astartes go, but Jar (as he is known by his brothers) is a competent field medic, an accomplished chirugeon and a warrior worthy of the lineage of Ferrus Manus.

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Brother Sergeant Saul, Command Sergeant 8th company Sons of Creightos, Veteran Sergeant Saul is one of the oldest members of 8th co. Centuries of hard fighting have left Saul a step slower than he once was, but don't let him hear you mention it. Saul's aim is still as true as ever and his skill with a chainsword is unrivaled amoung the entire chapter.

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Brother Tuval, Banner Bearer 8th company.




The Arrow, battle banner of the 8th company. The Arrow doesn't look like much compared to other banners, but it is a point of utmost pride for the assault marines of the Sons of Creightos. It was in the in the Lebanin Sector that the Arrow was first born into battle. Waaagh Dremcrusha was gouging a bloody swath through the sector. The Sons of Creightos deplyed four companis against the greenskin menace. The Ork Big Mek Mo Dakka had sacked the forgeworld of G'taina and built himself a fortress amoung the manufactoria. The 8th company was to serve as the speartip for the Imperial attack on the ork positions. During the landing an Ork rokkit destroyed the company captain, all aboard perished. Not to be put off the astartes organized under command of the serior most sergeant and prepared for the final assault. During preparation for the assault on Mo Dakkas bastion a young marine gathered some pipe and some tattered cloth and some paint. The 8th company assault saw the Ork forces routed opening the way for the massed assault of the Imperial Guard. After the Big Mek fell the other orks in the sector soon followed. The 8th has born the Arrow into battle ever sence.

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Brother Tuval not only carries the company banner into battle but a legendary weapon as well.Swordbreaker is powerfist said to have been weilded by a paragon of the company that defeated a chaos champion whom had collected the skulls of untold loyalist warriors. It is said that the assault marine simple reached out and took hold of the champion's cursed blade shattering it in the powerfist's grip. So great was the victory over the chaos champion that the gauntlet was artificed in remembrance of the battle. 

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