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distracting sorceror of doom


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So i converted a cool jump pack sorceror the other day and i really wanted to use him. only problem was the list i was playing that day had no other fast units so i decided to run him on his own. I ran him with nothing a jump pack at 75 points and i completely expected him to die horribly. i got fiery form for his power (+2S & 4++)  and i ran him straight at a squad of 10 assault marines. He got into combat on turn 2, having saved all the small arms fire coming at him and a plasma shot. he killed the sergeant in a challenge and then settled in to kill 2 marines a turn for the next 4 turns. he eventually got killed in the 4th turn of combat but by that time the unit was decimated and were too far away from what they were meant to get to so they couldn't do any good. 


so he didn't die horribly and i'm going to use it again this saturday. 


anyone else tried something like this?

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So i converted a cool jump pack sorceror the other day and i really wanted to use him. only problem was the list i was playing that day had no other fast units so i decided to run him on his own. I ran him with nothing a jump pack at 75 points and i completely expected him to die horribly. i got fiery form for his power (+2S & 4++)  and i ran him straight at a squad of 10 assault marines. He got into combat on turn 2, having saved all the small arms fire coming at him and a plasma shot. he killed the sergeant in a challenge and then settled in to kill 2 marines a turn for the next 4 turns. he eventually got killed in the 4th turn of combat but by that time the unit was decimated and were too far away from what they were meant to get to so they couldn't do any good. 


so he didn't die horribly and i'm going to use it again this saturday. 


anyone else tried something like this?



Errm... When I play with my SoB I often run St.Celestine (sp?) out the front by herself. Although I do expect her to die (as you did your sorcerer), I also feel there is a good chance she will get back up.

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If you were dead set on doing something like this, I'd take a Tzeentch lord on a disc with sigil and brand. A T5 3++ unit with a nasty flamer can be quite the distraction.

Hows he T5? Unless im missing something huge the disc only gives a crappy +1A :(

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If you were dead set on doing something like this, I'd take a Tzeentch lord on a disc with sigil and brand. A T5 3++ unit with a nasty flamer can be quite the distraction.

Hows he T5? Unless im missing something huge the disc only gives a crappy +1A :(

As well as the +1 A, a disk of tzeentch follows the rules for jetbikes. Which gives +1 T.

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I used to run lord w wings by himself all the time, well sort of, he jumped from friendly unit to friendly unit, never actually on his own, until maybe late in the game when I knew he couldnt get shot and he could clean up a already damaged/weak squads by himself.  Jumped over a cravas and Took out 8 tau battlesuits in 1 turn on his own once , in a desparate bid to win the game . My opponent was not happy, he thought he had game in the bag.  Gotta love rolling 6 for daemon weapon attacks.

Hmmm maybe I'll try a lord on a disk next time I play csm's, just to see what happens. Oh crap, cant give him disk and blind axe...maybe I'll try black mace, but I almost  always play vs meq's.

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I run mastery lv 3 nurgle sorcerer on palanquin usually do 2 biomancy, one Nurgle power very expensive though highly resilient. He has survived every game I have used him, sorc usually start off in a plague marine unit going after anything in sight, a good highly risky tactic is when sorc with squad gets near an enemy unit and the squad is within an objective (getting endurance helps alot) Sorcerer leaves squad who rapid fires the enemy squad with sorcerer blasting unit for fun with a shooting power then he charges in finishing off or bogging down an enemy squad whilst the squad he was with captures an objective has worked wonders for me especially if sorc can challenge something


I miss the 3.5 plague swords they were amazing

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