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chaos demon icons?


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Please read the icon section in the Daemon codex or the many topics discussing this.


For one, cheack out the Daemon allies thread, where this has just recently been explained


Anyway, a short answer is "to a certain degree but mostly no".


Daemonic Instabillity: This rule states that daemons which have it cannot be joined (vice versa as far as I understand, though I note that there is some debate concering that). All daemons in the CSM book sadly lack instabillity (IMO obliterators and such should have been unstable), and as such, even though they are Battle Brothers, no, you cannot directly join a CSM unit with daemons (they are fleetingly unstable and blah blah, so doesnt work), and vice versa.



Hope that helps.

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Daemon units from codex CSM only scatter 1d6 if arriving near an icon. A CSM Daemon Prince of the same alignment could deepstrike accurately off an icon.


A Codex Daemons unit with an instrument can also bring along a friendly Daemon with it when it arrives from reserve, like a helldrake for example.


Daemonic Instability just prevents characters from one codex from joining units from the other.

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Thank you shug. I appreciate your answering the question I asked. As I currently stand I'm sitting on 1500 points of demons minus the new codex.

Seems like I'll be trading them in rather than expanding. A shame too cause my world eaters love having a bloodthirster run around with them.

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