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Flawless Angels

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I would like your help to answer the following questions for my proposed army below:

1. Is this legal for competitions?

2. Is this ok fluff-wise?

3. Is this interesting?

Flawless Angels

-       Idea is that this army is a combination of The Fallen (Dark Angels) and Emperor’s Children (Blood Angels), but the Fallen do
not realise they are falling into Slaanesh’s grasp – see story below.

-       Army list taken from Dark Angels Codex with Blood Angels Codex Allies – to be confirmed but thinking:

o   Sammael with RW Black Knights

o   RWCS (Apoth/BoDev) with RWAS x2 with Dark Shroud and maybe Librarian

o   Reclusiarch (or Mephiston) with Death Co and Death Co Dread

o   Stormraven and Furioso Dread

-       Dark Angels and Blood Angels models  painted dark pink, black and gold, converted with daemonette heads and other Slaaneshi bits to make Emperor's Children Chaos Marines

-       Maulerfiend and Hellbrute (both converted) count as Furioso and Death Co Dreads

-       Undecided as yet how to model two miniatures to counts as Sammael or Mephiston

-       Preferred enemy Chaos Space Marines obviously doesn’t work if they’re meant to be CSM so could I swap it for Dark Angels?

Fluffy story

The Fallen.

Once Dark Angels – trusted acolytes of the Emperor – they
are now scattered and divided. They are lost.

Malevolent shadows of former glory, they are now ronin.  Masterless warriors; wanderers of the
Warp; odious pirates; corrupted daemons. All, united in betrayal.  There is no forgiveness.  There is no way back. They are lost.

But all is not lost. 
For some chosen few, out of the darkness, something stirs.  Something elusive. A mirage.  Originally inaudible the feeling builds
over time. Slow but inexorable.  Stronger and stronger, it begins to take hold. Until an
unmistakeable desire consumes them. 
They have found purpose. They know what they must do. It is clear now.
They must find Him.  They must find
Cypher. All is not lost.

With unrelenting and unquestioning fervour they scour the
galaxy – they must find him. They will not stop, they will not
rest.  He encourages them.  His melodious sermons stoke the
remnants of their pride: 

Do not be deceived my brothers. There is no Emperor. He is a false
prophet. You cannot betray that which does not exist. Let go of your guilt.
Feel no pain. Do not suffer. For all that you thought you knew, is a great

Join me and know the truth. Cast off the shackles of his lies and realise
your potential. Your power is limitless. Delight in you lust for perfection.
Taste the limits of existence. Joy in the suffering of our foes. Smite them
with rapturous ecstasy. Together we will tear down the façade of the false
prophet and his heathen. We will create perfection.

For you are not fallen…you are a Flawless Angel.

Cypher repeats this sermon, over and over. They are drawn
together in an ever tightening union, like a body of water flowing down a hole.
All are moving to the same point. In meeting, they realise a common purpose, a
common bond. A cadre of convenience is formed. They paint their power armour
with lurid colour – proud to display their temerity.  Leaders retake their positions of authority. No violence is
necessary, all want the same thing. To find Cypher. Together they will find
him. Together they will tear down the façade of the false prophet and his
heathen. Together they will create perfection. For they are…

Flawless Angels.

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For tournaments, you can't hink around with any of the special rules. However, if they're falling to Slaanesh while thinking they're working towards redemption, then the preferred enemy might work out.


In 3.5 edition, Emperor's Children psykers and daemon princes had the possibility of getting Siren as a psychic power. This basically turned the psyker into someone that the other guy wouldn't ever hurt. It's possible that there's a powerful psyker manipulating things for Slaanesh and the Fallen Angels don't actually SEE that they're chilling with Emperor's Children, it could be seen as them hanging out with other fallen marines hoping for redemption.

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