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The Steel Brethren

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Hi guys. Just wanting to know as much as i can about the Steel Brethren warband. All i know is that they are a splinter faction of the Iron Warriors and that they participated in the siege of vraks..... is there anything else we know about them??


Also, could someone kindly please give a detailed account of what the Steel Brethren done on vraks.



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They helped fortifying stuff, and were pretty good at it, as far as I remember.

But the Chaos warbands' fluff within the Siege of Vraks books wasn't really detailed. The books weren't focused on them at all.

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There's a little snippet of fluff about them in the entry for the Valdor Tank Hunter in IA Volume 7 (p. 119). During the siege, they were accompanied by a Dark Magos, who taught the Vraksians how to operate Valdors. In return, the Steel Brethren took several Valdors and a data-core which details the tanks design.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the replies.

Why do you think they split from the iron warriors legion?




Their insignia is stated as two crossed iron halos (according to WH40K wiki) but why would it be iron halos, aren't they only for loyal astartes?? Could it possibly be two chaos stars crossed together?

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Why do you think they split from the iron warriors legion?

It is stated that warbands from different legions came to Vraks, and the IW are among such legions.

With their colour scheme, their "steel" thingy, their efficiency in fortifying, the Steel Brethren obviously have an IW background. Their relation with the legion isn't known, though.



Their insignia is stated as two crossed iron halos (according to WH40K

wiki) but why would it be iron halos, aren't they only for loyal

astartes?? Could it possibly be two chaos stars crossed together?

I see it as two stylized gears shaped as Chaos stars. Just my take.

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We don't have a clue about their leadership, which is central to understand a warband.

They could be everything, they likely are a warband that left the IW legion to further their own goals. Their name imply that they could all share a strong link of brotherhood, something that may have made them special in their own legion, or something else... Speculations to the max.

Impossible to tell, in fact. Pretty much up to you to fill the blanks.

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You could always exaggerate what little fluff they have into something more interesting.


They could be IW's from various Grand Companies who joined a Dark Magos on his quest to uncover technology that was lost during the Heresy. The Marines would be "nostalgic" for certain warmachines they used in the olden days, while the Magos would be a bit of an "archaeologist" with no interest in daemonic tech.

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Good ideas. Especially the Magos idea.


Does anyone know every official piece of literature that the steel brethren are referenced in?

So far I know they are referenced in C:CSM 4th edition and the IA Siege of Vraks part 3. I'm sure there must be more than those two references?


Are they mentioned at all in the new 6th edition C:CSM?

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Good ideas. Especially the Magos idea.


Does anyone know every official piece of literature that the steel brethren are referenced in?

So far I know they are referenced in C:CSM 4th edition and the IA Siege of Vraks part 3. I'm sure there must be more than those two references?


Are they mentioned at all in the new 6th edition C:CSM?


I just double-checked and no, they're not in the 6E codex, none of the warbands created for the Vraks books are. Those (and the previous dex) are the only places where they're mentioned.

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Briefly, in passing. Their ship features in the naval battle over Vraks (which is some of the best FW fiction, imo) and they're stated to be an Iron Warrior sub-faction, but that's all. Most of the second book focusses on the tunnel war benwath the surface of Vraks, the arrival of the berserkers on the frontlines and the fleet engagement.

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