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Skarbrand the exiled one from 5th to sixth edition

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Hi guys on my last post I asked a question for info which is against the rules so very thinly treading on the line I'm asking what upgrades of stats and points from the last codex has he got and are his weapons ap2 because monstrous creatures weapons don't look like power weapons anymore so is it ap 2 with 1+ str and int 1 or have they got special profiles


I hope I haven't stepped over the line if I have don't lock the topic just tell me so I can re word my question or something thanks

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Look, we`ve pretty much told you everything there is to know about Skarbrand, If I were to tell you more now, I would have to post points cost and directly copy the entire statline and all the special rules (we have already told you his every single special rules, as you can yourself deduct that from our posts), and then it would be me, and not you, who were in trouble..


As for AP 2, he is a MC, so obviously yes.

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Hi guys on my last post I asked a question for info which is against the rules so very thinly treading on the line


I just wouldn't - if you want the rules, pay for them. It'll feel a lot better to own them and be able to use them whenever!

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Hi guys on my last post I asked a question for info which is against the rules so very thinly treading on the line


I just wouldn't - if you want the rules, pay for them. It'll feel a lot better to own them and be able to use them whenever!




Look, we`ve pretty much told you everything there is to know about Skarbrand, If I were to tell you more now, I would have to post points cost and directly copy the entire statline and all the special rules (we have already told you his every single special rules, as you can yourself deduct that from our posts), and then it would be me, and not you, who were in trouble..


As for AP 2, he is a MC, so obviously yes.

Just wanted t and wounds sorry not whole startling and I wanted points cost

Thanks anyway

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Getting the codex is the first step to building your army.


If you can't get the codex right now, head down to your local shop and ask if you can review a store copy.


For now, I'm locking this thread. Please don't start another similar one.

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