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I would like to introduce Smaug, my Iron Warriors Heldrake. (I know very original, but they were the ones who resurrected the old beast)


I have seen several new aircraft in action, and even though the Heldrake is light on weapons, I have caused more planes to crash-n-burn with either the Baleflamer or Vector Strike, and Marines can't stand up to the Baleflamers might either.


I had a hard time to decide which weapon to use, but decided on the Baleflamer because I can always fire it and it doesn't need a BS.


Only a few lucky shots have killed it, but so far it is the best aircraft I have.






Oh For the Love of the Emperor! Shoot it down!



Drive through BBQ



The next round, the Heldrake zoomed 36 inches, but on the way he destroyed the Predator AND torched another 7 marines across the battlefield.



Hello! My name is Smaug and I'm gonna eat you!


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The Heldrake has the Skyfire special rule, allowing it to fire it's template weapon at another flyer. I saw this FAQ'd somewhere and another question on one of the forums, but can't seem to find it now.
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I saw that, and was going to install the Hades Autocannon, but then I read it can fire the Baleflamer somewhere....nonetheless, I kill more with the Vector Strike anyway, and wipe the ground clear of troops with the Baleflamer. Appreciate the rules help.
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Nice pics of a very well done model! My baledrake is built as if circling his prey, banking hard, swooping low and twisting his neck around to survey his handiwork. All the non-metallic bits are kind of a sickly flesh tone.

My buddy that places Dark Angels has just discovered the Azrael/Guard Blob maneuver and is making my life hell lately, but I can usually still kill a fair amount with him when he decides to grace me with his presence.

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Well, the model looks cool for 1.


As far as the bale flamer goes skyfire allows you to shoot at flyers at full BS but a template weapon cannot hit a zooming flyer. In other words you could declare that you're shooting the bale flamer at a flyer but it will automatically miss (as it cannot hit it).


The same is true of blast weapons.

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