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Converting a Black Legion Huron-who is he?


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I'm converting a Huron out of couple of the chosen from Dark Vengeance (the guy's power axe arm fits seamlessly on the shoulder of the guy with the power fist, with a carry strap for a familiar-who knew?). The only issue is that I play Black Legion, and this fellow looks NOTHING like Huron. He's got a power fist and a power axe and the chaos version of a furby on a strap, of course, but otherwise he's got no similarities with Huron. Is there anybody left alive from the Black Legion who this guy could be? I haven't read the first few heresy book in a while, so I don't remember who's alive and who's dead. I would pick someone from the Mournival, but they're mostly dead or running Black Crusades...any help?


Note-I'd happily make up fluff, but I'd like something plausible instead of "Chaos Lord Derp commands you to infiltrate!"

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Black legion had some bad losses after the flight to the eye of terror, lots of marines lost as burned out deamonhosts when the legion switched chaotic alliances (which was frequently). This left the legion undermanned compared to their competing brothers when fighting in the eye.


Realm of Chaos (fluff from before the garbage gav and kelly try to feed us) states that "All Black Legion officers, those who remember the days before the cloning of Warmaster Horus, and those more recently promoted, are cunning and ferocious. The Black Legion lacks the manpower of the other Legions, and so its commanders have learned to use their troops to the best effect."


It would make sense that a lord who was around in from this era might still use some of the presumably guerilla tactics required to survive with diminished man power, which would fit with infiltrate.


The old epic BL list (or at least the fan made one) had units called 'Forlorn Hope' squads that got a similar ability to scout/infiltrate. One might speculate that this unit represents veterans from this era.


That being said, it's always best to not commit the hobby heresy of counts as just because Phil Kelly decided to shaft your faction on useful characters. With the stupid happy chaos family fluff from the Kelly's Blowdex, it isn't even that far fetched that Huron would lead a BL force.

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The fluff has evolved. By M41, the Black Legion is by far the largest legion of the Galaxy. Ten times bigger than the Word Bearers, thanks to the crazy amount of renegade and legionnaires who join it.

They had catastrophic losses, but Abaddon single handely made it what might be the most powerful force within the Eye and outside.

As for naming lords like already known characters, I don't like it, but hey, to each his own.

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Ok, I'll probably come up with something. I like Huron's fluff, but I'll painting this guy with Black Legion colors instead of Red Corsair. Lord Gaius Crassus of the fallen Sons of Guilliman might suffice.


Beautiful thought. A Son of Guilliman, who spurned the restrictions of the Codex Astartes - or was spurned by the chapter's interpretations of the strictures, and fell into Chaos out of a sense of vengeance - finds a use for his sound strategic knowledge in Abbadon's Legion. Or something along those lines.


Just don't forget to make a backstory for why he has a "furby on a strap." It's these little details that give Chaos its real allure, after all.

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I'm thinking Lord Crassus was member of the 4th company of the Sons of Guilliman. That in my mind explains why he was having such issues with the Codex Astartes. Wanting to deploy more than just scouts, led to bigger arguments with the chaplains, etc., etc. Was with Constantinus the Liberator on Terra Nova when they destroyed the genestealer cult, managed to escape the mess after Constantinus' assassination. On his travels to escape everything, he landed on a world that had been ravaged by the Black Legion, and in his explorations found a warp rift that led him to a repository of knowledge. A stash of stuff the Thousand Sons left behind, perhaps. Fully enthralled by the knowledge, he chose to bring some of the accumulated "knowledge" with him. What seemed to be a portable data cube on tactical doctrine in the warp was actually a Tzeentchian daemon-possessed Chaos artifact in real space. Crassus is kind of crazy, this "furby" having reached a bond of sorts with him, so he gains the psychic powers, as well as a fairly indelicate case of schizophrenia. (I'm modeling the familiar as the froglike predator turret head, attached to a daemon prince thigh plate. Looks like a REALLY creepy furby.). He caught up with the Black Legion and pledged his service to Abaddon. In exchange, he was given a small frigate and a group of Black Legion soldiers to lead on his travels, as well as a copy of Huron Blackheart's weaponry made by a Warpsmith. Picked up some cultists, said Warpsmith, an apostle, some heavy armor, and took off to explore the galaxy, his little daemon buddy having infected him with the TSons hunger for knowledge. Not really allied towards a particular deity, tends to lean toward Tzeentch. Depending on my dice, Crassus may even end up as a daemon prince. Or a spawn...

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I'd just change the "he got given a copy of Huron's weaponry", as it sounds like he's literally been given a remake of what Huron has for some reason. I'd change it to the heavy flamer being the "burning flame of Tzeentch", an ability he's managed to master after his little trip, and maybe the power ax being a gift to seal his allegiance, with the power fist being his original weaponry.

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Hmm, may be presuming too much with the Heresy series, I believe ADB has said pretty much "If there are named characters that aren't in 40k, they're going to die horribly in a fire", but you could have him be "Little Horus", you know, the whole 'face off' thing and all, but then again you're not using the Huron model.

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