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skarbrand vs the bloodthirster in the sixth edition

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I've used Skarbrand over a bloodthirster mainly due to the fact that I don't have a bloodthirster model, (I use a Shaggoth for Skarbrand), and I've definitely noticed how fast he drops to any type of heavy fire, but when he does somehow manage to get into combat he is an absolute beast that will wreck anything he is paired up against...well, so far in my experience; except one suicidal white scar storm seer that managed to cast warp-speed and then force weapon him..who also died ofcourse.

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Sorry if I'm overthinking this, but I can't help but imagine him to be extremely useful in the right context.


Using a dog pile army, just deep strike him close to the hounds on turn 2 right before the charge. The flesh hounds then gain all the benefiets of his aura powers as they plow into the enemy, who can't shoot back now because their entire front line is busy. In the event that he dies after that, he probably took attention off of the frontliners for all but 1 entire shooting phase, which is huge. It would be preferable to have more than just him hit with a whole daemon bomb.

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