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Necron Deathmark Question


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Hi guys


This weekend we prepared a big convention in my hometown. I enjoy my first Apocalypse match via 80K points. On my table I played with Crimson fists against both Necron and Dark Eldar. Everythink was ok until a unit of some long dead guys arrived from the reserves. They came, deathmarked my 10 sternguard and i think some kind of HQ wiith a staff like think killed my guys with a flame template. It was ap1 and wounds on 2. It did not take my attention at that time because we were all talking and laughing but after the game i remember that these guys arrived from reserves but from the left of my opponents table side. But i think the reserves must come from the table edge unless they have outflank abiility. I dont know if any unit like that power on Necrons can outflank me or i know that rule correct.


Thanks already for your responses.

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Maybe but if they deep strike they must roll a scatter dice unless there is special rule says otherwise. I think you are correct about deepstrike and my opponents cheated a little in there by not rolling a scatter dice and saying they came from reserves.

"Ethereal Interception: Immediatley after an enemy unit arrives from reserve, any Deathmark units in Deep Strike reserve that have not yet entered play can themselves choose to enter play via Deep Strike, usually in the enemy turn.  Any Deathmark units that choose not to enter play in this fashion make reserve rolls as normal in subsequent turns.", C:N, pg.36

So, yes, they Deep Strike and can enter play anywhere they choose.  They also should have rolled for scatter, unless under some other special rule which overrode it.

  On 3/25/2013 at 1:40 PM, Morollan said:

Sounds like someone was being careless or, shall we say, generous with their rules interpretations.

Agreed. I generally choose to think otherwise but that guy always abuses or at least tries to bend the rules so he did not roll the scatter dice, came near me and killed my sterns+pedro sad.png At least we won smile.png

  On 3/25/2013 at 1:11 PM, Leonaides said:

There are some units that don't have to roll scatter dice, Dante and belial spring to mind, or, as an apoc game, were they using a homing beacon or something?

No homing beacons.
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