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Terminators or Obliterators?


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OK, they're different slots on the FOC but in my 2k army I have a spot I want to use for either one of these units. I can take 5 kitted Terminators or the three Oblits. I know you can make Terminators to fulfill a wide variety of roles but then the Oblits can be a great toolkit for various threats and provide more wounds. They'd be going in a Slaanesh list alongside Noise Marines, Slaaneshi CSM, some Bikers, Cultist Horde, Forgefiend and Heldrake if that helps. I'll be facing off against SM of various flavours, Tau, Eldar, Grey Knights, Necrons and Nids. 

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Obliterators hands down. They're just far far better than terminators. There are alot more ways to utilize obliterators than there are for terminators. I'm sure the Jeske will be around though to tell you all about it....

I second this. All of it....;)

I've tried to like terminators for a long time now, and I just can't. I've used a few termies as counts as oblits for a couple of games to try them out, and wow.
The only potential problem is chaos has a metric asston of heavy support choices, so if you're like me you'll have to pick something to sit out in place of them. They've done alright by me so far, tho.

3 Obliterators with the MoN are superb for 228pts.


The downsides are - slow and purposeful (no overwatch) and poor assault ability (for the points, at least)


You want MoN to limit ID kills (MoT is irrelevant as you should deploy them where they'll get a 4+ cover anyway)


Terminators are probably the best elites choice chaos have (although I prefer special weapon toting chosen, but this has been argued to death elsewhere) the most popular builds in 5th were units of 3 with Combi-weapons usually coming in via deep-strike. In that guise they make good suicide squads, capable of taking out a key target before (usually) dying.


In 6th large, cheap squads might be a reasonable idea. Purely because 2+ armour is so good in combat in 6th, and having a unit capable of tanking most other units in CC adds a great roadblock type unit to your army (if that's what you want). Although the lack of any way of giving them a 3++ does limit them in this regard.


The downsides to Terminators are that you either go specialist with Combi-weapons (at which point you have to focus them on 1 key target and they lose survivability) or you go generalist with mixed weapons which will dilute their effectiveness.


Obliterators are often the better choice because they are more effective against a greater variety of opponents for more of the time than the Terminators.

If your opponent lacks terminators or other 2+ units then yes, they're not a bad idea to take cheap squads. If they do though, loyalist terminators almost always will stomp ours into the ground. Obliterators are also 2+ 5++ though with the ability to utilize almost whatever weapon that works best in whatever particular situation they're in. Oblits are especially scary with MoN. They really aren't a bad tarpit in CC either, they're not amazing but they'll hold up all but dedicated assault units.

  • 2 months later...

If it's one or the other, Obliteratiors are obviously the choice to make.  That said, if your heavy is full (of Obliterators) already, then a cheap 5-man squad with combi-plasmas isn't a bad unit, especially when you catch your enemy out of cover.  Additionally, 5 combi-plasmas is quite handy if your opponent is running lots of monstrous creatures.  While the Obliterators could dish out 3 twin-linked plasma guns, 5 combi-plasmas is actually marginally more effective, in a single round (dealing ~4.444 wounds to a T6 MC, vs ~3.333 from the Oblits).


I don't want that to sound at all like I'm saying Terminators are better than Obliterators, but when your heavy support is full, Terminators can offer some interesting options.

I must admit I havent used oblits but I used a unit of 3 termies yesterday with 3 combi meltas 2 chain fists and a power maul on the champ. I felt they were very effective for their points and VoTLW helped them no amount. So in short Terminators are good if you have a specific use for them otherwise they are not the best unit as unlike loyalists we cant combat squad so we cant mix match our squads


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