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Throne of Skulls March 2013

Papa Lazarou

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Hi all

Had my first ever tournament at throne of skulls this weekend and look what I got.

Best Blood Angel Player.....really chuffed as I had a few tough games but won them. Also got the Emperors Laurels for best game along with several other players but they didn't have enough printed so that's in the post.


Oh yeah and I also won it. smile.png


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Thanks guys. I will try and get some details up in the next couple of days but I won all 5 games, which considering beforehand I would have been happy if I just won one. smile.png

I ran a pure BA army which was...


Assault sqaud x 10 - 2 x Meltaguns, Power Sword
Assault sqaud x 10 - 2 x Meltaguns, Power Sword

Scout Snipers x 5 - Camo Cloaks

Priest - Jump Pack/Power Weapon
Furioso - Frag Cannon, Meltagun, Bloodfist

Baal - Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolters
3 x Attack Bikes - Multi Meltas


Stormraven - Assault Cannon, Multi Melta

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Nt to take anything away from your victory. Butit really is a pity that ToS is no longer a competitive event. Their weird scoring system where you win by the margin you beat the other players of your army? What is up with that?


To be fair he won all five of his games!


Congrats OP! And on the Sportsmanship points too.

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thanks everyone, I will try to write up what I can remember but certain details will be a bit sketchy as I was expecting a kicking most games and not really thinkning about what happend in the last turn.

Okay first ever batrep.


Big guns never tire / 4 objectives / Dawn of War

From what I remember my opponent had Slannesh CSM with allied demons

Chaos Lord x4 boons

Noise marine squad

Slannesh CSM / Rhino




Demon Hq of some sort / 4 boons


His wins roll off. I seize intiative.

Turn 1

Meph along with a SP & ASM move up on the right flank into tree cover, scout have seize an objective and have red thirst and my other ASM move up the left hand side. Okay now he had all his army in ruins with a defiler to my left hand side but holding his demon in reserve. Bikes move 12" and pop his rhino with the CSM in, first blood to me, he loses a marine in the blast.

His turn, now comes the pain. Noise marines blast the ASM on the left with his blast master so no cover saves, lose a few marines. Defiler hammer my bikes and lose one, havoc shoot at bike but save my rolls.

Turn 2

Raven & Dread stay in reserve, bike move to shoot the defiler no hits ( this will become a recurring theme ). Baal had moved up and shoots his havocs with a casualties, ASM on the left move up to the centre near his objective. Meph and team move further up the board to where all his army are camped out. Scout take a couple of pot shot but no real effect.

His turn. He rools his reserves for his demons who come on behind his CSM squad who move to intercept my ASM, they fire bolter with 1 casualy. More noise marine batter my ASM on the left again and wipe them out, horrible things those noiseblasters. havoc take more shots at my bikes, lose another. Defiler battle cannons my ASM in the centre but scatters fortunately. Things generally weren't feeling to good at the moment.

Turn 3

Raven zooms on towards his defiler and fire MM / TL AC & 2 missiles at it and take a hull point, bike fire at the deiler and takes another hull point, it just won't die! Centre most squad move up more. Baal fires at the defiler hoping to rend, nothing. Meph moves towards his lord with SP in tow

His turn. Demonettes move up to the centre behind his marines. More shooting but can't remember what. Raptors & lord move to intercept Meph , now he wasn't sure who to challege here but he eventually went for meph devil.gif . Fails Transfixing gaze so rerolls are in effect, I roll for sanguine sword and pass, now at this point I don't think realised meph was Int7, so with rerolls I hit and wound on all, he fails his save. Slay the warlord smile.png . Pile in on the squad

Turn 4

Raven moves 6 and drops of the dread next to his demons, ASM move to assault range, bike takes another havoc. Now it all start to come together. Raven melts his defiler and it AC finish of the havocs. Dread frags his demon and causes 16 wounds, one dead squad of demonettes, that frag canon rocks!!! ASM smash into CC challenge accepted, he hit first at Int6 sarge saves wounds and so do my squad, my turn sarge kills his champion and cause a few more wounds with the squad, I win combat and he fails test, sweeping advance and his squad is wiped outsmile.png . Meph batters his other champion and he fails that test too, another sweeping advance!!! Thats 4 units and his defiler wiped of the board in one turn!!! Damn, felt sorry for the guy, everything was going his way and in one turn he has one unit left holding a objective. He decides to concede and I graciouly accept. Throughouly nice chap and happy with the game, pleased i won one.

I will gladly do the rest of the games if people are interested.

Nt to take anything away from your victory. Butit really is a pity that ToS is no longer a competitive event. Their weird scoring system where you win by the margin you beat the other players of your army? What is up with that?

You're right it is a strange system, my first ever tournament so didn't know what to expect, my usual games involve ale and pizza msn-wink.gif . I guess they do it to keep it a bit more friendly. I think I was the only BA player to win more than one game, don't know how many other people won all their games though.

Thanks to all for the kind words though.

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Awesome reports, definitely keep them coming.


On the scoring system, I would definitely be interested to see the full results (I.e. wins and losses of each player by army ), to see how it affected the 'true' results (I.e. the points each person got totalled up.

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Congratulations on winning the tournament,

and thanks for the nice battle report.

I do however have a question to you, what would you add to this list to make it 1750 ?

I am a new player to blood angels and i didn't have that much succes yetteehee.gif.

And please do another report I really learn alot from these kind of battle reports,


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Hi all, game 2, now this one is a bit vague as it was a tough game so you will have to forgive me some of the sketchy details but I can remember key things.

Game 2

The Relic / Vanguard Strike

Opponent - Demons Tzeentch

Chariot with Hearld

Herald of Tzeentch

Flying Demon Prince

2x squad of horrors



Soul Grinder

plague bearers

Meph rolls as a scoring unit. He rolls for first turn and I fail to seize. Relic in the centre.

I combat squad a assault troops with 2 meltas, raven and dread in reserve.

Baal and a ASM squad are on the left, scouts in cover in a elevated position meph and SP/ 10 ASM onthe right with Attack bikes.

Turn 1

He brings everthing on the board across the centre line and creates a web portal DP moves towards meph and squad. Soul Fire his cannon but scatters harmlessly away from my troops. Lots of pink horror firing but I think I deny the witch quite a few times nothing major happens.

My turn, I move everything up towards his troops, 5xASM head towards in Warlord and get into cover, bikes rush forward and take a shot at the grinder but fail in general. Again sorry about the vagueness in this.

Turn 2

Flamers mishap and I put them on the furthest point possible. Screamers head towards my baal and prince towards meph, again lots of pink horror shooting probably looose a marine or 2. Grinder fire cannon and harvester on bikes, loose wounds and have to fall back. Dp fire at 10 ASM loose maybe 1.

ASM deep strike right behind his grinder and miss, 5 ASM move towards his horrors with the warlord. baal hits his horrors and he looses a handful. Scouts fires horrors but no wounds. Meph shoots at prince, forgot the DP was flying but had already declared, roll a 6 fails his wounds and is now grounded devil.gif . Meph charges into CC, rolls for Rage & sword, passes both. DP hits first, I fail fnp, wound caused. I roll to hit and wound several times he fails to save, S10 = 1 dead prince & first blood to me.smile.png Meph consolidates towards the SG.

Turn 3

More horror shooting this time at my 2 remaing bikes save all and toughness test have fnp now. screamers close on the baal and wreck it, not happy. Vague again I'm afraid.

Meph heads towards his SG fire but nothing, Melta ASM fire and nothing. Combat squaded ASM charge into his horrors with warlord, challenge refused, I win combat, we pile in. Meph charges SG fails Rage, wound taken, rolls for Sword, pass. Take a couple of hull points, but loose a wound the process. Sniper hit his herald on the chariot and kill him, larger ASM squad then melta the chariot. Smaller ASM with meltas kill some horrors.

Turn 4

Screamers head towards the centre where it has booted off royally!!! Horrors head towards and sieze the relic. Horrors locked in combat, challenge accepted with sarge and warlord herald I hit first and kill him, another point to me, rest of his squad gets wiped, but he spwans more on through portal. Meph rolls for Rage passes on a double 1, another wound, passes sword a blow the soul grinder up.

Raven come on and blast some of the screamer. ASM shoot then charge the screamers wiping them of the board, smaller squad kill relic holders then seize it. Meph shoots and the spawned horrors but decides to blow himslef up instead and fails his save, DEAD. Brilliant!!!

Turn 5

More horrors spawned, damn. Flamers wipe out my Large ASM squad, spawned horrors kill my relic holders. He doesn't have a huge amount leftbut whateve keeps coming through the portal.

Dread hits wipes the flamers of the board, raven finishes of some horrors. Warlord slayer squad seize relic, game nearly over with not much on the board form either side.

Turn 6

Horrors shot at relic holder, but saves.

Dread moves up to run interference

Game over, another win smile.png

Tough but great game, nice opponent too, voted me a best game as well.

Things leant

Turn 4 raen hurts alot

Meph can cause himselmore harm than the enemy.down.gif

Awesome reports, definitely keep them coming.

On the scoring system, I would definitely be interested to see the full results (I.e. wins and losses of each player by army ), to see how it affected the 'true' results (I.e. the points each person got totalled up.

I think only 6 of us won all their games.

Congratulations on winning the tournament,

and thanks for the nice battle report.

I do however have a question to you, what would you add to this list to make it 1750 ?

I am a new player to blood angels and i didn't have that much succes yetteehee.gif.

And please do another report I really learn alot from these kind of battle reports,


Thanks Jewi. If it was a fun game with mates I would fit as many DC bolters with a PW and a PF/TH in a drop pod as I could, then deep stike them aggressively into the enemy lines, suicide I know but fun yes.gif . Otheriwise I would either run a second baal with with HB/SS and another standars pred with HB/SS and maybe another scout if there is points, or a vindcator with a standard pred again, something to take fire away whilst my ASM sqaud get into range. Stick with it though pal, BA have alot of versatiliy still.

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Sounds like a really fun game! I dont think i've ever had mephie take a wound from his plasma..! Thats pretty awesome.. And the fact that he died doing it as well.. Nice..!

I vote for more reports when you have the time! :)

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Damn the other Blood Angel players for playing poor - damn margin of victory!  I think it's time we had that match Neil...


Are you down at the store a week on Thursday?  We'll play it out for 1st and 2nd!!


I'm not bitter at all - well deserved win mate.

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Damn the other Blood Angel players for playing poor - damn margin of victory! I think it's time we had that match Neil...

Are you down at the store a week on Thursday? We'll play it out for 1st and 2nd!!

I'm not bitter at all - well deserved win mate.

Haha you should win it November Chris as I won't be there msn-wink.gif

I will try and make it down then mate, I will see what the missus says as she's been a warhammer widow with all the painting I had to do recently, you'll get first shot though. Same lists as we took?

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