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Throne of Skulls March 2013

Papa Lazarou

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Same lists sounds good mate. If you can't make it down I'll try to get a game with Matt. After helping him sort it his list I've still not played it!!


Don't know about November though. Rumour has it Eldar for June - of so I'm going to try and get my Saim Hann painted for it.


Hope to see you Thursday, but I know much about how Warhammer Widows demand!

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I've felt your pain on the raven coming in late and that's why I now take an aegis with comms relay. At 1500 points it can be a tough fit though. 


When you played the daemons why didn't you destroy his portal? It's only 1 hp so an easy kill, but left all game long it's going to hurt since it's pumping out more demons every turn.

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Just thought I'd add a big old well done Papa! As one of the fellow BA's there I'll take small credit for my role in your victory due to my horrendous record of W1-D0-L4 (including being tabled twice plus I played three friendly games and lost two of those too!). Glad the dice gods were with at least one of us.


Joking aside; especially well done with the sportsmanship - it's always nice at ToS when you find out most of your opponents enjoyed playing you the most - to win is always good but to win and have the losing opponent vote you his best game is real credit! Keep it up sir.

My Angels Sanguine are off to hang their heads in shame and take a reasonable hiatus from ToS...the *cough* Eldar *cough* are coming.

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Okay all GAME 3 before I start to forget them but here is what I remember.

Purge the Alien / Hammer of Wrath

Khorne Chaos Marines


3 x Khorne Beserker Squads

2 x Rhinos

2 x Obliterators

5 x Bikes

1 x Landraider (not sure which)

1 x Vindicator

Scouts and an Assault squad get red thirst. He wins roll off.

Raven/Dread reserved, scout in ruins near my board end, baal / bikes on the left flank with a ASM in trees near by. Meph and other ASM/SP behind tree in the centre.

Turn 1

He moves the land raider with Kahn and squad down the centre covering his bikes. Vindicator comes through the middle and rhinos come down his right whilst his Oblits sit in cover. No real shooting.

My turn, bikes move up the left behind a building towards his rhinos with baal in tow, ASM squad following behind. Meph and squad stay put, I think he's going to come to me. Bikes melta the rhino, first blood to me , baal then takes a few more of the marines out with firing.

Turn 2

Land raider moves forward with bikes toward meph & co. Rhino comes to join his mates and the beserkers shoot at my bikes causing a wound. Vindicator shoots at the ASM of the left causing a few deaths, not to bad though. Besekers charge my bikes melee ensues with a bike dying but generally tying them up.

My turn, no reserves. ASM on the left move to reinforce my bikes, baal blows up his other rhino. Now he had to turn his vindicator more side on to shoot so my snipers decide to have a crack, hits several time, one rends and wrecks it!!! smile.png Assault squad charge the beserkers and challenge ensues with my sarge killing his champ with a power fist. More casualties on both sides but he manages to keep 2 alive which I didn't want as his other squad will charge me next turn, we pile in.

Turn 3

His landraider spills out kahn and the rest of his heretic filth, bikes close in next to the landraider, Shooting happens but nothing of real note. Beserker on the left charge my other ASM/Bikes, challenge ensues with both of us with powers swords, both us die in the challenge, alas. bikes die and my squad gets wiped, but leaving him with only 4 or so marines left. Now to it, ASM are charged my the beserkers my sarge and his champ with PF square off, he dies, this why I don't take an axe/pf in a challenge. Sqauds batter each other only losing and few on each side, Sp saves a few more, we pile in. Meph vs Kahn, he fails LD test for gaze, I roll for sword and get it and proceed to S10 the censored.gif out of him, he fails his saves, makes no difference that you can't force sword him with S10. Slay the warlord.

My turn, Raven comes on and fire everything at his raider but doesn't even scratch it.( This might have been T4, can't remember but...) Meph charges the other squad and wipes it out. we consolidate. On the other side of the board it's not going so well and my bikes and ASM squad get wiped.


His bike move in behind the landraider, can't remember much of this but I think his oblits blow up my baal. and his beserker that are left move towards my DZ.

My turn. Raven moves 6" and drops off it's nasty cargo in front of the bikes. Meph&co moves towards his remaining beserkers Raven then melta's his raider and take a couple of pot shot at his oblits who save. My furioso then frags the living hell out of his bikes and wipes them of the board with just the frag cannon. Pretty much over now.

TURN 5/6/7

Upon realising meph was after him he decides to retreat his reaming marines, and I just stayed in my DZ. I thought he would declare but it carried on till turn 7 with not much going on.

Next up will be against Dark Eldar who I had never played.

I've felt your pain on the raven coming in late and that's why I now take an aegis with comms relay. At 1500 points it can be a tough fit though.

When you played the daemons why didn't you destroy his portal? It's only 1 hp so an easy kill, but left all game long it's going to hurt since it's pumping out more demons every turn.

It does hurt, I have actually started to roll for strategic warlord traits now hoping for the reserve roll.

Never knew I could destroy the portal wallbash.gif , but I do now! Thanks

Just thought I'd add a big old well done Papa! As one of the fellow BA's there I'll take small credit for my role in your victory due to my horrendous record of W1-D0-L4 (including being tabled twice plus I played three friendly games and lost two of those too!). Glad the dice gods were with at least one of us.

Joking aside; especially well done with the sportsmanship - it's always nice at ToS when you find out most of your opponents enjoyed playing you the most - to win is always good but to win and have the losing opponent vote you his best game is real credit! Keep it up sir.

My Angels Sanguine are off to hang their heads in shame and take a reasonable hiatus from ToS...the *cough* Eldar *cough* are coming.

haha thanks, I owe you a pint. It's all down to the dice anyway I think. msn-wink.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next game from what I remember.


Vs Dark Eldar / The Scouring / Hammer & Anvil

Her list was roughly....

Dark Archon

2 Units of Warriors

2 Raiders

2 Units of 3 Reavers

1 Razorwing

2 Ravagers

1 Venom

Objectives get set up fairly even and the scouts get red thirst. I decide to combat squad my meltas and have them in reserve. Scouts infiltrate and hold a objective in ruins. I seize the initiative.

Turn 1

Meph and a 5ASM with SP move up the left, baal moves into cover near some trees in my DZ and the other 5 ASM move behind some ruins for cover. Bikes zoom up the centre and take a pot shot at a raider, hits but she make her save.

Her turn. Transports move up a bit but generally are kept in cover in her DZ, there are lots of trees in her DZ that it's nearly like Sherwood! Jetbikes move up and then zoom over meph & co, the other bikes do the same over my bikes causing hits on both squads, bik loses a wound.

Turn 2

Both melta squads arrive by deep strike 1 behind a raider and the other behind a ravage both hit but she makes both of her saves. Bikes move forward and hit her ravage again and again she make her 5+ save. This will become a recurring theme sad.png . Meph and co move back to where the bike flew past them and meph makes the charge and wipes them out, First Blood to me. The baal shoots at the other bikes and the ASM squad charges them, I win combat and the remaining bike fails their LD and falls back.

Her turn. From what I remember there was lots of shooting at me, DE can shoot an awful lot!!! Scouts went to ground and my bikes got wiped out. Meltas squads lost a marine as well.

Turn 3

Still no raven. Meph & co move up the left flank again. 1st melta squad blows up a transport containing her Archon & squad, and the other melta squad knock a HP of a Ravgaer. Snipers take some pot shots and the squad that has been bumped from their transport.

Her turn. Meph takes a couple of wounds from the ravagers and a Melta squad gets charged and wiped out by the recently forced out of the transport squad to claim a objective. A ravager and venom moves out towards meph & co and the ASM lose a couple.

Turn 4

Raven turns up finally and does jack. Brilliant. Baal moves to claim a objective in my DZ. The remaining melta squad wipes out her other ravage. Meph move towards the other and smashes it to pieces.

Her turn. Meph take a couple of S8 AP1 hits and takes a wound but his entourage get wipes out by some warriors in some ruins. The venom kills my ASM squad behind cover and the remaining raider shoot at my last melta squad which fails their LD and falls back 15" which loses me linebreaker.

Turn 5

Scouts blow up the venom with the squad inside taking casualties and failing their pinning test, which is good because they were getting close to contesting the scout objective. Baal moves to claim a objective in my DZ and the melta squad move and run just making it inside her DZ for linebreaker.

Her turn

Alot shooting goes onto meph who eventually succumbs, he can't half take a kicking though, and the scout get a lot of fire directed at them but decide to go to ground for a 2+ save. At this point there about 4 minutes on the clock so we decide to call it.

I win 9-6 but I felt that I was lucky and it should have been a draw, she didn't realise that the Baal was FA choice which made it scoring.

I'm sure I've missed a lot out but overall a very enjoyable game with a nice opponent. First time I've played DE, they can put out an awful lot of shooting when they want to. Oh and I hate that 5+ save they have on their transports, never seen so many 5/6 in my life.

Last game is Imperial Guard with Blood Angel allies.

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I tried this list today. I must say it was quite efficient! It worked well! I played against a Dark Angel force, based mostly on the "Bolter Rain".


The Attack Bikes were resilient enough to resist many shots, not only that, they got me First Blood by destroying a Rhino.


Mephiston did his job. He pulled the attention from a Terminator Squad with a Librarian (with a 4++ to things around), and managed to kill one squad that was sitting over an objective. He died because of his own Psyker Power, but he hold the DeathWing squad enough to actually stop them.


The Baal Predator surprised me. It killed a squad that was robbing one of the objectives and I didn't have ways to get it. Three. Rending. Shots.


Assault Marines took two squads to kill the Terminator Squad. But they got me one objective, AND killed the Librarian, giving me Slay the Warlord.


Stormraven took it's sweet time. The Furioso inside also didn't do much.


Scouts with Camo Cloak and Sniper Rifles. DAMN. They were there, chilling and even with dozen of shots over them, one of the scouts survived and killed one marine with a perfect headshot.


Great list, didn't think it would actually work that well, but it did. 



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Vs Guard with BA allies / Emperor's will / Vanguard strike.

He roughly had...

BA libby

10 x ASM (no JP)



Squad of guards (not sure of size)

2x Valkyries

He wins roll of and places his objective behind a building, 1 Lemen russ is on his left flank in trees and the other is in the centre with it back at the board edge. Rhino with marines hides behind the building with objective. Everything else is in his reserve for him.

I place my objective in trees with scouts camping. I place 2x 5man melta squads and my baal in reserve. Meph, 5ASM & SP are on my left covered by a building and the other ASM are in the centre behind some trees. Furioso is also on the left where theirs no line of sight on him near meph.

Turn 1

I seize the initiative smile.png . Meph and company move up behind a building near his lemen russ in the centre and they all run. Furioso closes to the front of the building too.

His turn.

Rhino disembarks a squad which moves to the top floor of his building near the objective and then pops smoke. The lemen russ in the centre fires at the 5ASM in the centre but scatters harmlessly away. The other russ on his left fires at the scouts but scatters in the same vain.

Turn 2

Raven, baal and both ASM squads arrive!!!! Raven zooms up the centre near his marines, the baal on flanks on his left where the lemen russ is in cover. the first ASM squad lands next to his other lemen russ in the centre and the other ASM lands next to his rhino. Meph and co close in on his lemen russ in the centre with the furioso not far behind. Shooting phase. The Raven kills half his squad in the building and fires a BS at his rhino but misses. The ASM squad fails to blow his rhino up due to his 5+ save but the other ASM blow up his lemen russ in the centre. The baal moves and fires at his other lemen russ in the trees hitting his rear armour and blowing it up. This is how the list should work msn-wink.gif .

None of his reserves come on. He decides to run with his rhino and charge a 5ASM that tried to blow his rhino up, unfortunately his squad gets wiped out taking a couple of my marines leaving him with only the rhino left. At this point I felt really bad for the guy as he was staying at the same hotel as me and we had a beer and a chat the previous night but he was taking it all in good spirits.

Turn 3

I move and fire everything at his rhino but fail to blow it up!!!!...............not really, they raven wiped it out straight away. Game over, it lasted about 30 minutes all in all. I told him as I was going to vote in for best game as he took the game in a friendly and gracious way, exactly how a game should be, he kindly enough voted for me too.

This is kind of how I wanted my list to work but late reserves can really hurt you. So from going in to it hoping I didn't lose all my games I think I came out of it pretty well.

Hoped you all enjoyed reading it as I did playing.


Glad it worked for you too bud thumbsup.gif , I know what you mean about the furioso but when I needed it to hit hard it ended up wiping squads out in a single turn. Think I might swap out the Priest though for something else in the future, maybe a whirlwind or a HS predator.

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I liked the Priest. He can keep the army alived against so many things, even if he is nerfed, he still grants some good bonuses. Specially against special weapons like Plasma, and I can even deal with the damn Helldrake. If I would swap somenthing, it would probably be the Dread. The Raven should really stay flying unless he is carrying a combat squaded Jump Assault Squad with the Priest, or Mephiston. Also, is the Whirlwind really good?



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