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Hi I'm having a fight with a Death Wing army next week. Something in the region of 16 Death Wing terminator models that will be deep striking in and a Nephilim jet fighter.


I'll be running 3 squads of plague marines (melta, plasma, flamer) and some tanks. 


What sort of strategies are effective against this sort of force please?


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How do you want to be given advice? I have no idea on points limits, nor your actual army list. The only advice i can give you is: take Ap:2, don t expect to win close combat and take the usual aegis + Quad. So basically: Get as much plasma as possible and focus on wiping out one squad at a time or at least knocking the termies down to unit sizes you can cope with in close combat. But without more details there isnt much i can tell you, apart from dark angels generally speaking gimping chaos marines all in all. Due to special rules and Toughness modifiers.

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I would suggest you change your list, which sounds like a 5th ed hold-over. Knowing what you are up against is useful, so I would prepare accordingly. Get all the plasma. Flamers are useless; taking those against DW is like taking a toothpick to a gunfight. Melta is sub-optimal as well, since you will probably only get off one shot before getting swamped in assault.  Luckily PM squads are great at staying small while still having a couple plasma guns. Oblits, as always, are good too.

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Buy 5 man plague marine squads with 2x plasma guns each. Watch deathwing melt and you can use FNP against "gets hot". You could also take obliterators with MoN - these are good flexible choice anyway and they have more plasma (or melta, flamers, etc). Alternatively, a handful of suicide combi-plasma terminators with axes. 



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Yeah its less about unit selection and more to do with a strategy. I getting the impression I should keep out of the way and make my opponent roll lots of saves.  It's a small game (1250) and I've got 21 plague marines (3 x 7) but is it better to have 4 squads of 5 so I can take more special weapons?

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Hard to say - at that cost, I'd still be concerned of the effectiveness of a five man PM squad after only a couple of casualties. Might be worth keeping them bigger for all round work.

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Well regardless of the size of a PM squad. You are not likely to win at close combat against termis. So I´d probably max out special weapons and try to get as much shooting in as possible. As has been said try fitting in some Obliterators, they work wonders.

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I don't have any oblits so they're out. I suppose whether it's squads of seven or five they'll still fold in close combat. I imagine having four units of five men will give me more flexibility, allow for more special weapons and provide redundancy if a squad gets trounced.


Thank you guys.

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I don't have any oblits so they're out. I suppose whether it's squads of seven or five they'll still fold in close combat. I imagine having four units of five men will give me more flexibility, allow for more special weapons and provide redundancy if a squad gets trounced.


Thank you guys.


And indeed, more Champions to arm if you have the points!

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Hate to go against my kin to give advice, but yea, heavy rate of fire and plasma is a good combo. You could also consider a vindi (or two). If he is going to land right in your face, might as well meet him with some fire in retaliation as he will be all clumped up for a turn. It could even deterrent and will obviously be a fire magnet.


As for strategy,  if you know he is gunning for you anyway, you can castle up a bit so your units can support eachother. 16 terminators means you are probably looking at Belial with either three 5-man squads or one 10-man and one 5-man.

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