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The Celestial Zealots: 27th Founding - The Emperor Needs You


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Here are some of the pictures of my recent painting. I wished I started this earlier but I will post it up so that others can see. I still have a dreadnought, 2 rhinos, commander, terminators, predator and a storm talon left to go. Here are the pics. These are pretty much my first time painting experience. So yeah. Anyone know a good basing tutorial?


Tactical Squad A by wuchildnz, on Flickr

Tactical Squad B by wuchildnz, on Flickr

Tactical Squad B by wuchildnz, on Flickr

Tactical Sqaud C by wuchildnz, on Flickr


20130823_115245 by wuchildnz, on Flickr

Looking good, good luck with the rest of them. I don't have any tips for basing, but if you don't mind me making one suggestion, have you considered drilling out the gunĀ barrels? It really makes a model look cooler.

Yeah I like the look of my mini's. Im not pro its ok. I actually found a good basing guide. I will do the basing today so it should be ok. What drill bit Do I use to drill out the hole, what I mean is what size? I think I have a drill somewhere in my house..

I say 'drill out', a lot of people use a Dremmel, I actually use one of my hobby knives. If you have a small scalpel like blade, most DIY shops will sell sets of them, or a bradawl, just place the point in the centre of the barrel and start to twist, applying a slight downward pressure. I find it more precise than a drill bit, and it allows you to have different sized holes easily.


EDIT: I recommend practicing on a spare bolter you have lying around, if any, just to get a feel of how to do it.

Sweet. Fair enough, I foun an awesome basing tutorial and its easy as. So I will post some pics soon.


EDIT: I found a good flesh tutorial so I will hit that up. So I will finally do the sergeants face. I've also got to get my self matt varnish to get rid of the shine too.

I like these :)


You have a simple and effective scheme, the single gold shoulder pad gives them a unique look. It also helps that they seem to be very neatly painted, which I know from experience is not an easy thing for a beginner to achieve.


I look forward to seeing more ;)

try a pin vice for drilling out your barrels. start with the smallest and work up in size till you think it looks right or you can widen the hole with the point of your exatco blade. I find the smaller bit to center the hole then a larger bit to wide is easier and looks more realistic

By the end of this upcoming week, I will have my terminators and dreadnought done. I have finished doing the basing but I need brown paint to paint the rest of the base. So I will put up pictures soon.


EDIT: For my Jump pack commander I was thinking of gettingĀ  the BLOOD ANGEL COMMANDER DANTE or the GREY KNIGHT CASTELLAN CROWE kit and convert it to my liking. I will probably add more stuff to it so I could use it for Captain/Chapter Master for Fluff reasons.

Ok so here are some pictures of the dreadnought. yestersay I paint stripped a dreadnought using simple green. It worked! and it now looks great! So here are the pictures:


Dreadnought - Stripped by wuchildnz, on Flickr


Dreadnought - Base by wuchildnz, on Flickr


The paint is still wet in these pics. But I will put up the finished product soon. I am working also on my Tactical Squad Sergeants also.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I just ordered these bits to make my HQ. Most of the bits are deathwing but it will look awesome once I put it together.


Yeah I noticed that. I think I'm going to add something to make it bigger. I get these bits in 1 week so hopefully I'll be doe soon. I got myself a cheap predator which I will strip the paint. I also got 2 Rhinos quite cheaply and will be stripping it. I've made quite bit of savings just by geting second stuff and stripping it. The only thing that I bought fresh was the battleforce. What paints should I use to paint the scrolls of the purity seals?


EDIT: I was thinking of doing a lightning pattern on the left shoulder pad to add more spark to it. Any ideas? I just want to spice it up a bit.

For the Lightning effect have you seen the tutorial by brother nihm? Check it out if you havnt already, wish I had before I plowed ahead and made up my own way of doing lightning on my Night Lords...Given your chapter name I would have expected a star burst or something like that.

Whats the background to the Zealots?

For the purity seals and scroll work try the new equivelant to dhenab stone and a sepia wash.

Keep up the good work and the impressive rate of progressthumbsup.gif

yep ive checked out that tutorial. its really good. as for the logo on the shoulder pad. i dont what else to do really. because im a new painter and dont want to over complicate it. any ideas on the logo. i do have background but will post it when im at a pc.

Ok so here is the background for it in this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/272911-ia-celestial-zealots-wip/?do=findComment&comment=3330151

I havent changed it or edited it yet in a while. So, what do you guys thing my chapter symbol should be? I really suck at free hand but I'll try. I was thinking lightning or a red ultramarines U with a sword down the middle. I've also added more detail on my dreadnought and finally finished it. i will post pic soon.

Ok guys here are some more pics. I got my HQ today and finished him today too. It looks awesome IMO. I also added more detail on my dreadnought and it looks mint. In the last picture, the light is from Hollowfied Ichigo firing a cero. yes, I was watching bleach when I was painting :P. IM quite happy with how these went. I also got my Predator in the mail today. Just waiting for my Rhinos. I'm paint stripping the Predator now.


20130419_151812 by wuchildnz, on Flickr


20130419_151821 by wuchildnz, on Flickr


20130419_151842 by wuchildnz, on Flickr


20130419_151856 by wuchildnz, on Flickr


20130419_151910 by wuchildnz, on Flickr


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