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Skyfire/Interceptor question

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I'm planning to use an ADL soon with an attached Quadgun. My question is if the Long Fang unit I have behind the ADL can have its Squad Leader fire the Quadgun as an 'Interceptor' shot at an enemy flyer (e.g. at the end of the enemy Movement phase) and then still fire the rest of the LF squad's weaponry during my turn? Am a little confused as to whether the penalty for not being able to  shoot in my own turn if I use the Interceptor ability applies solely to the Quadgun or to the entire squad...

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Nothing in the Interceptor rule prevents the Long Fangs from using their Fire Control rule.





If this rule is used, the weapon cannot be fired in the next turn, but the firing model can shoot a different weapon if it has one.


Fire Control



As long as the Squad Leader is still alive and does not shoot in the shooting phase the unit may split its fire
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