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Iron Hands Isstvaan V drop site massacre inspired army


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Hey guys


I did this a few years ago.  It's an oldie but a goodie.  I had a really good time painting it, and its heaps of fun to play with.  It's since expanded quite a bit since I started it too.  Again, if you want to see more details go check out my blog





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Here are some more recent pics













there you go

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Hi Opr8or!


I've been following your blog for a while now and I absolutely love these guys.


I'm going to try your 'coffee' wash on my own Heresy-era Iron Hands to try and get the same weathered effect. Black armour is an absolute pain to to decent weathering on!!

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Color me impressed. Please tell me the scripture on the side of the Landraider is either decals or stenciled. I'll have to retire if that was done freehand. tongue.png

Speaking of the LR, that seems a bit too much empty black space on top. A dash of white, maybe? Also, no color for the headlights? Not even the helmet eyes?

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On one hand this is awesome (and it is awesome), on the other hand there are a few things I don't like from a personal "flavor" stand point. You're an amazing artist and your work is truly spectacular, so take these next comments as just personal opinion!


I don't like the dust, I understand what you were going for and I can respect weathering and having a sort of dynamic, but I feel that it washes out a lot of the details of the models. There is no "pop", the whites and reds are really dulled down and made matte by the sand, and while that isn't necessarily unrealistic I feel it detracts from the skill and time you must have put into each model individually. In contrast I feel it brings a lot of life to your vehicles, which really shine with the weathering effects without losing too much detail because of their bulk.


Also, the Libby blue is too bright, Iron Hands are supposed to have a darker, more subdued blue for their Librarians (and you've been so accurate on the rest of your stuff!). While this isn't a criticism so much as it is an observation, I thought it merited pointing out.


Over-all, however, I would give the army a gold star on theme, a gold star on execution, and just an round of applause for all the time, energy, and work you poured into it. I am envious!


Excellent stuff.

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Hey guys,

Thanks for all the feedback. A few very thought provoking remarks left actually. Let me expand on a few points to give you some idea what I was thinking at the time I painted these guys.

I was in two minds about how to proceed with this army when I started getting a few of the minis fully painted. When I decided that I wanted to paint an Iron Hands army, I was in two minds about it just anyways because it was black. Black armies are hard to paint at the best of times, as in to make them look good on the table top and coupled with the effect or appearance I wanted to go for with this army, it added another degree of difficulty. In that I was going for a realistic finish to my army. So I was aiming to not stick to some of GW's painting language that they use, and have indoctrinated the GW wargaming community into following. For example, things that are ''metallic'' means to GW that you paint it bolt gun metal or whatever and if you are really advanced you give it a black ink wash, and then dry brush it.
For me, I have been there and done that (see below) I want to try a few different things and see how they work. For me, having spent time in the armed forces, I've seen up close and personal what ''wargear'' looks like after its been used, and how vehicles appear etc. And let me tell you, they are not shiny, new looking, have skulls all over them, or massive flags (imperial eagles) festooned on every face painted in bright colours.
So, I guess with this army, I have tried to achieve a look that is a balance between the two. But being a black army, its been difficult to achieve. I'm loathed to betray the look that I am going for to make the minis conform more to GW's style language, however I conceded that I might have to just so they dont look boring. Hence the very muted tones, lack of red lenses (have a look at a real life lens of something like a camera... its basically black)
My perception of space marines is that they are more or less a group of extraordinarily highly trained killers, who spend their whole (extended) life honing their craft at warfare. With the effects of PTSD are well documented in human soldiers, even after a short period of exposure to warfare, I would shudder to think of the types of psycho-conditioning that would take place in order for marines to function effectively after centuries of prolonged exposure.

I can imagine it would make for a rather grim, hard bitten and basically censored.gif person. So I dont really buy into the romanticised portrayal of space marines in the 40k universe, particularly the way they are modelled, and painted. Hence why I wanted to portray them in this way, and to me the Iron Hands really encapsulate this aspect of Space Marines and the 40k universe (Grim Dark)

Space Marines would have a very unenviable existence.
These are some minis I've painted when I followed what GW told me how their minis should look. To me they look toy-like and something that you might see in a comic book or something. Like a parody of themselves.
Its just not what I want my armies to look like anymore... (or yours for that matter)
As for the Storm Shield, yes I make them myself.
Cheers John
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Even when grimdark was still an uncompromised theme in the early days, the colors were still stylized. Not that I think you were wrong to go with a more real world theme, I just wanted to point out that the comic-booky element has always been there. :)
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Even when grimdark was still an uncompromised theme in the early days, the colors were still stylized. Not that I think you were wrong to go with a more real world theme, I just wanted to point out that the comic-booky element has always been there. smile.png


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Hey, to each their own bud :)


Though it's funny that you grate against GW telling you what to paint like before going on to tell the rest of us how you want our armies to look instead :P


Frankly if I was a killing machine wrapped in armor that could take 90% of what the galaxy had to throw at me, I'd be rocking any color I felt like :teehee:

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Awesome IHs. Hats off to anyone who can paint a black army and make them look that good. The 'real world' dirt and grime is a fine choice for you. But it isn't for everyone so be respectful to others' ideas and comments wink.png .

Next project: Ravenwing please yes.gif .



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For me, I have been there and done that (see below)  


Other planets, or in a comic book?  And just what did you do when you got there ? ;)


Stylistic differences aside, what I like best about this army is the fact it's internally consistent.  You chose a theme, you stuck with that theme and every single model in that army is painted to a high standard in that theme.


Your Iron Hands don't look much like superhero space warriors, but you don't want them to, so that makes them cool in my book.

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Though it's funny that you grate against GW telling you what to paint like before going on to tell the rest of us how you want our armies to look instead tongue.png

Sorry, I'm confused. Where exactly does the OP tell us how he wants our armies to look??

As far as I can see, all of his posts are describing his personal views on how he came to the decision on how to paint his own army.

Or am I missing something? wacko.png

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