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Iron Hands Isstvaan V drop site massacre inspired army


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Its just not what I want my armies to look like anymore...  (or yours for that matter)


Here you go.

Its funny how one small remark in amongst a lengthy explanation can get opinions divided so much.  What that comment meant wasn't that I want you to paint in my style, what I was saying is that I'd like everyone to develop their OWN style and explore new things, like I did, rather than being a sheep and following what GW tells us how things should look.  Take some time to look at things, I mean really look at something.  For example, sometimes when I'm sitting in traffic, I'll look at a part of of a truck, really study it and be mindful of what I'm seeing, like where the dirt and grit is, how the colours have faded from what they originally were etc.  Thats what I meant by that comment above.  I think as a hobby we'll grow and move along a lot quicker if we stop listening to what GW say our miniatures should look like and start really considering how things actually look and trying to reproduce that.  And for those of you sitting their thinking, "but they are not real" yes... I'm aware of this.  But go and have a look at what the top tier Japanese Gundam modellers are doing, its remarkable and don't even get me started on military and rail road modellers.  I can see why they don't really take us seriously.  


So just to clarify, I'm not saying paint like I paint, what I'm saying is take the time to develop your own style and really bring something to the table so we can, as a community, grow and develop.  

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I love this army - i personally would of added the lenses etc but thats just me..


however i have to agree with your sentiments exactly. its only since i started watching say the MIG videos and military painters i started to really appreciate realism.... especially in vehicles. I personally love seeing well painted miniatures of all variaties wether they are painted in a 90's comic book style or wether someone has sat the blending oils for hours to get a perfect skin tone it shows talents in different variaties.

I like seeing different armies and thats how you get inspiration for your own style.


You guys that say you dont like the heavy weathering but like the theme.... tone it down evenadd some tron highlighting if you want, experiment and I believe you would appreciate this aspect of the hobby more!

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