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Jump Infantry lists in 6th.


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Hey all, first post on the forums so let me know if I'm doing anything wrong.


I recently pulled out my old BA models, and decided to get my act together and make a list for 6th edition. Back in 5th I was running a pretty basic/moderately effective (but by no means competitive) jump infantry list, comprising of something similar to the following:




10 Assault marines (Powerfist, Infernus pistol, Meltagun, Meltagun.)

10 Assault marines (Power weapon, Infernus pistol, Meltagun, Flamer.)

10 Tactical marines (Storm Bolter, Meltagun, Missile launcher. Mounted in a Rhino.)


Sanguinary guard (Power Fist, Infernus pistol, Plasma pistol.)

Furioso Dreadnought (Blender or Frag Cannnon, depending on my opponent.)


Land Speeder Typhoon.


Devastator Squad (Plasma Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Missile launcher - again, it varied)



That usually landed me anywhere between 1500-2000, depending on how I ran it.


Back to the point, Assault armies seemed to get pretty hard in 6th (I learnt that the hard way), so I'm looking for suggestions in creating a reasonably solid (and of course, fun to play) list. I'd like to keep as much jump infantry as I can, other than that, I'm open to anything!

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Guess it all depends on your opponents but I don't find armies with a jump assault marine core that bad. Im sure I seem to win a bit more then a loose with them.


lately iv been using something like this




Sang Preist with power axe


2 squads of 10x Assault marines with 2 melta guns, power weapons and melta bombs


2x Baal Predators


1x frag dread in a drop pod


1x Storm raven


Sometimes I swap out Meph for a regular libby and take a scout sniper squad to sit on an objective but those chaos flyers have been making a mess of them lately. Can also swap a baal for a regular pred if you need more anti tank but I find out flanking baals just as good at that job imo.

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First, you're probably going to want to drop the captain for a librarian. Captain's simply aren't worth the points, and can't take artificer armor (golly gee), and libby's make such excellent force multipliers for jumpers (shield for survivability, or BRB divination powers) that you can't afford not to have one.


I've managed to have some luck fielding ASM in my games. I usually run all 20 that I have, with 2 meltaguns in each squad, and I always have a Sanguinary priest nearby for FNP. Against small arms fire, 3+ armor and FNP is almost as good as 2+ armor, and surviving is usually the hardest thing for me to do in a meta that is heavily weighted towards shooting (I've won/lost games that come down to my last assault marine sitting on an objective on turn 7).


Speaking of survivability, I've also started adding storm shields to my ASM sergeants. I throw them up front and try to tank any marine-killing shots that come my way. This can be really useful, as you at least get 3++ against things that would deny armor and FNP. If my sergeant can save one lascannon shot, I feel like it was worth the 20pts - and he usually does more than that. And if he survives to combat, he can soak up a challenge while any attached ICs (priest/libby) go to work on the rest of the squad.


To that end, you need to be really sneaky with your jumpers, using their movement to try and keep them out of harms way. If there is LoS blocking terrain, use it. If they can't see you, they can't shoot you, and terrain doesn't slow you down anyway. I also try to use combat squads to my advantage, either to have some extra scoring bodies (another problem of an elite jumper list), or to drop a 5 man/2 melta squad behind enemy lines to take out a vital unit.


I've also had good luck bringing an aegis line. Seems a little counter-intuitive, but you can place your aegis anywhere on your side of the board, not just in your deployment zone - so that gives you a wall of 4+ cover for your jumpers to hide behind turn 2. Or 2+ if you go to ground. I also need the comms relay for my reserves (Baals and stormravens).


This post is getting super long, so as a last point I'll say that you need to use the jumpers to corral your opponent to places where your shooting can be most effective. Your opponent probably can't ignore the 20 or more jumpers bearing down on him, so your devastators or land speeder, or whatever else will usually be ignored - so you need them to do as much damage as possible. I usually keep my devs to 4 ML to keep them super cheap, while still having the option to lay down small blasts.


Oh, and get a drop pod for your dread. Dropping a heavy-flamer/frag cannon furioso on an enemy flank is usually a good idea.

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Thanks for the replies!


Unbreakable, how does Mephiston hold up after his nerf? I mean, AP3 seems to limit his versatility somewhat. Do you run him with the stock powers, or roll up new ones? I'll agree with you on those chaos flyers - Baleflamers don't agree with my marines...


TheSauce, how many priests do you usually run? And which squads do you attach them to? I picked up an Aegis line a little while ago with the intention of using the quad-gun, but I'll give it a shot with the Comms relay.


Speaking of anti-air, how does the Stormraven go against the other 6th ed flyers? Can it hold its own against 1-2, or should I be looking at taking additional support?

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Against 1-2 opposing fliers, the Stormraven is usually* adequate. Against Necron Air, for instance, I find myself wishing I had either SM or IG allies to help as I feel that a second Raven would just be too pricy.


* I say "usually" in theory only. I have missed with 11 of my last 12 Bloodstrike Missiles, so my Stormraven never does as much damage as it should. As punishment, it's not going to proxy as a vendetta until I buy a real one.

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I want my dreadnought ASAP, flaming/fragging it's heart out on turn one. Also, I am through with using the raven as a transport. Anybody who CAN blow it up, WILL. Anything in there should expect to die a horrible and fiery death. Transporting anybody in a raven is the epitome of a plan that works until it doesn't.
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Thanks for the replies!


Unbreakable, how does Mephiston hold up after his nerf? I mean, AP3 seems to limit his versatility somewhat. Do you run him with the stock powers, or roll up new ones? I'll agree with you on those chaos flyers - Baleflamers don't agree with my marines...


I run him with his stock powers, I feel you really need wings to be able to use him affectively. Yes the AP3 sword has nerfed him a little but due to his manoeuvrability you should be able to pick your targets and stay away from any 2+ amor units and AP2 weapons. He is also great at running down units due to his high initiative. Just remember to keep him out of line of sight until he can engage in CC.


Standard libby also works well, the amount of damage a RAS can dish out with furious charge and rerolls to hit is pretty nice. Throw in some force/power axe attacks from the libby and priest at WS5, S6 again with rerolls to hit and you will make a mess of most things.

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Ahh, the curse of the dice strikes again. What about using the Stormraven as a more precise delivery system for the dreadnought? Opposed to a drop pod that is.

I've had some real good success with this, comes in and kills what needs killing....but those reserve rolls can be a killer.

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I still like to use 2xRAS as a core of troops in all my lists. Sure they have taken a hit in 6th due to various factors but if you play them carefully and use their movement to your advantage they can still be affective. You have to support them with priests and a libby to get the most out of them though. Baals and fragoso dreads also make excellent support choices as they allow you to weaken enemy units before your assault marines jump in a mop up.

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