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Painting bolters ?'s

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I'm always trying to find ways to improve my painting. I think if it wasn't for the bolter and chainsword I would still be painting the same way I did when I was 12, prime the base color, blacken the soft armor and grills, add some yellow to the eyes and shoulders, call it a day. I probably owe 90% of my painting to the B&C, the other 10% coming from my mom's genes.


I've been searching for a good way to paint bolters, and I found a great tutorial by Pingo here on the fourms for how to paint the casings, which I plan to use, but nothing for the metallic parts. Now granted, I think we have a few ways on how to do heat stanning for barrels, but nothing for the barrel itself.


I've tried looking on you tube, but it seems all I found were people asking questions on it, and no real tutorial. Is there anybody out there who can give me a hand?

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