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Hmm, if half the tau broadside rumors are true...

Trevak Dal

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They're going to do to Airforce lists, what 6th edition did to Full Mech.  2+ armor save, ablative wounds with 2+ armor saves and 4++ invulnerable saves.  Strength 8 ap1 seventy-two inch range.  Up to 4 in a squad supposedly.


Oh and Vanillas can attach a Chaplin for Fearless-so they keep shooting until you kill EVERY drone, and take off EVERY wound.

Turkey season is going to be open in a week.  The sky ain't falling, so much as the wings are gonna get clipped.

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I don't care about the hellturkey- for me, the lack of high-powered guns means that our eternal-warrior-lacking DPs are back on the table. The black mace is gonna turn those silly blue xenos into a nice, smooth paste.

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They're going to do to Airforce lists, what 6th edition did to Full Mech.  2+ armor save, ablative wounds with 2+ armor saves and 4++ invulnerable saves.  Strength 8 ap1 seventy-two inch range.  Up to 4 in a squad supposedly.


Oh and Vanillas can attach a Chaplin for Fearless-so they keep shooting until you kill EVERY drone, and take off EVERY wound.


Turkey season is going to be open in a week.  The sky ain't falling, so much as the wings are gonna get clipped.


S8 Ap1? I thought it was S10 AP1... so it's less worse that I thought and/or feared ;)

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They're going to do to Airforce lists, what 6th edition did to Full Mech. 2+ armor save, ablative wounds with 2+ armor saves and 4++ invulnerable saves. Strength 8 ap1 seventy-two inch range. Up to 4 in a squad supposedly.

Oh and Vanillas can attach a Chaplin for Fearless-so they keep shooting until you kill EVERY drone, and take off EVERY wound.

Turkey season is going to be open in a week. The sky ain't falling, so much as the wings are gonna get clipped.

S8 Ap1? I thought it was S10 AP1... so it's less worse that I thought and/or feared msn-wink.gif

But they gain Skyfire.

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They're going to do to Airforce lists, what 6th edition did to Full Mech. 2+ armor save, ablative wounds with 2+ armor saves and 4++ invulnerable saves. Strength 8 ap1 seventy-two inch range. Up to 4 in a squad supposedly.

Oh and Vanillas can attach a Chaplin for Fearless-so they keep shooting until you kill EVERY drone, and take off EVERY wound.

Turkey season is going to be open in a week. The sky ain't falling, so much as the wings are gonna get clipped.

S8 Ap1? I thought it was S10 AP1... so it's less worse that I thought and/or feared msn-wink.gif

But they gain Skyfire.

So are they S10 under normal conditions and S8 when they use skyfire option?

Anyway I thought they were S10 with the option to gain skyfire rule.... so it's better than I thought...;)

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Rumours are Broadside Rail guns are slightly weaker. Makes sense really.


Now, if they do get Skyfire the game will be rebalanced again! For every unit of S8 toting Gundam Wings we see, that's one less Hammer Head. So my Land Raider is more survivable and the ground war is going to be winnable, whilst all those cheesey Vendetta and Nightscythe lists will have to be rethought.


This could be really good news for us all.

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Rumours are Broadside Rail guns are slightly weaker. Makes sense really.


Now, if they do get Skyfire the game will be rebalanced again! For every unit of S8 toting Gundam Wings we see, that's one less Hammer Head. So my Land Raider is more survivable and the ground war is going to be winnable, whilst all those cheesey Vendetta and Nightscythe lists will have to be rethought.


This could be really good news for us all.


I think they will have the chance to use skyfire or not.

Anyway we must consider with 2 FoC at 2000 pts there is the chance for Tau to field a unit of "Gundam Wings" and a good number of hammer heads.


I suppose these are bad news for CSM and good news for Codex: SM armies ;)

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Rumours are Broadside Rail guns are slightly weaker. Makes sense really.


Now, if they do get Skyfire the game will be rebalanced again! For every unit of S8 toting Gundam Wings we see, that's one less Hammer Head. So my Land Raider is more survivable and the ground war is going to be winnable, whilst all those cheesey Vendetta and Nightscythe lists will have to be rethought.


This could be really good news for us all.

yes. of course till people start to play Ig/tau lists. or tau+SW pods with melta .





@Jeske, Can you go out an purchase it yet? That's what I mean.

sorry didnt knew people dont have it yet. ma bad.



actualy a bit of an offtopic , but why does it show that I only have 1 warrning ? do they decay after some time . I had 1 when gav dex came out , then another for bad language , one for getting too angry at a codex few seen before release and I think I had one for caps locking too , but that may have been warseer. But am sure I had 3 minimum.

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sorry didnt knew people dont have it yet. ma bad.

Arrr? pirate.gif

Anyway, one of my regular opponents is Tau, and as an unrepentant railgun spammer, he is not happy about these changes. Fliers are pretty gimmicky already, so if the meta changes to start dissuading people from taking them, you won't see me weeping bitter tears.

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the jeske: warning points do decrease after time of uninterupted good behaviour. What's more, only you can see your warning points and the moderators of whatever forum you're posting in. Probably better for you take this up in PMs with a mod or admin if you do wish to discuss the issue.

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Well from what I know of Tau once you pass their gun line is like killing baby seals. Still I am all out for my helldrake, I love the model and despite how it ends in 6th, 7th or 58th edition I would probably continue to field it, just one. What scares me more is the number of armies that will take Tau as allies for some proper AA and strength shooting, this will ruin my day. Yet I have decided to stay true to chaos for the duration of the 6th so it is wise to start imo to plan some proper greyskin antimeasures. Maulerfiends anyone?

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2+ armor save, ablative wounds with 2+ armor saves and 4++ invulnerable saves.  Strength 8 ap1 seventy-two inch range.  Up to 4 in a squad supposedly.


And they're buddies with everyone too.  It depends on the points, but we might be finding out just how dependent on the Heldrake the CSM Codex is.

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Well from what I know of Tau once you pass their gun line is like killing baby seals. Still I am all out for my helldrake, I love the model and despite how it ends in 6th, 7th or 58th edition I would probably continue to field it, just one. What scares me more is the number of armies that will take Tau as allies for some proper AA and strength shooting, this will ruin my day. Yet I have decided to stay true to chaos for the duration of the 6th so it is wise to start imo to plan some proper greyskin antimeasures. Maulerfiends anyone?


But the "once you pass their gun line they are dead" was true in the previous edition. Now they can get strong CC oriented units from Codex Space Marine, just to mention one of their two battle brothers (they are being the Eldar who can be quite dangerous on their own).  

So after we pass their gun line we may meet a 10 men TDA welcoming party...



2+ armor save, ablative wounds with 2+ armor saves and 4++ invulnerable saves.  Strength 8 ap1 seventy-two inch range.  Up to 4 in a squad supposedly.


And they're buddies with everyone too.  It depends on the points, but we might be finding out just how dependent on the Heldrake the CSM Codex is.


True. This could be indeed be the proof on how dependent on the Heldrake CSM are, which is not anything new ;)

Anyway if with "buddies" you mean "battle brothers" they have sich degree of alliance only with Codex: Space Marine and Eldar, which is a rather scary combination for most opponents.

They are also allies of convenience with nearly everyone else (except Chaos Daemons, Dark Eldar and SoB who are desperate allies and Tyranid who have no allies). This means they will likely see the role of allies with many armies posing some problem to let's call them "pure chaos armies"... just a thought ;)

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Anyway if with "buddies" you mean "battle brothers" they have sich degree of alliance only with Codex: Space Marine and Eldar, which is a rather scary combination for most opponents.

They are also allies of convenience with nearly everyone else (except Chaos Daemons, Dark Eldar and SoB who are desperate allies and Tyranid who have no allies). This means they will likely see the role of allies with many armies posing some problem to let's call them "pure chaos armies"... just a thought msn-wink.gif

Yep, this. We shall see I guess.

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Eh, I've not lost to tau in quite a while now. I used to be very afraid of them when I took up the hobby and my one friend spammed railcannons and I liked tanks. Then I discovered berzerkers and he's not won since.


I'm not really claiming that we'll see an insurgence of berzerkers to counter the tau's [superior] casting ability, but their units are garbage at mele. Of course we can do the ally "what if" questions, but we've been seeing that from absolutely everything this edition. Any tau player who takes CC allies is losing firepower to do it, and most players are already bringing an ally unit to fill in gaps as is. Not to mention that this railcannon spamming behavior is not not conducive to winning against blobs, which are the current trend. Yes you lose the drake, but then somewhere around 4 cultists die a turn.. which is a terrible trade for the amount of points it costs to put those broadsides on the table.

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Anyway as I said before I realy like the new stuff GW makes as long as it not for chaos. DA were awesome , tau are great and have tons of options even without a good codex [there are so many ally combinations for them] , but to realy judge 6th ed people have to wait for eldar . Man those eldar , they will beyond the awesome . It is going to be like a RT era codex[number of pages with fluff that makes sense] cross breed with 4th ed craftworld [options and builds everywhere] in a solid 6th hard cover [which for me is flyers and ally options].

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Any tau player who takes CC allies is losing firepower to do it, and most players are already bringing an ally unit to fill in gaps as is.


Not necessarily. They may not just lose firepower to do it but they can make sure their firepower survives long enough to deal damage. In other words they invest such point in protection. Just another thought ;)



  Not to mention that this railcannon spamming behavior is not not conducive to winning against blobs, which are the current trend. Yes you lose the drake, but then somewhere around 4 cultists die a turn.. which is a terrible trade for the amount of points it costs to put those broadsides on the table.

But rail cannons can take sub-munitions, if I'm not mistaken. So they have blast weapons to deal with infantry hordes.



Anyway as I said before I realy like the new stuff GW makes as long as it not for chaos. DA were awesome , tau are great and have tons of options even without a good codex [there are so many ally combinations for them] , but to realy judge 6th ed people have to wait for eldar . Man those eldar , they will beyond the awesome . It is going to be like a RT era codex[number of pages with fluff that makes sense] cross breed with 4th ed craftworld [options and builds everywhere] in a solid 6th hard cover [which for me is flyers and ally options].


I agree CSM is among 6th Codices the "less powerful" one, if we want to use that word. It's they way they made many of rules that limits our options for competitive play.

Anyway why do you think Eldar will be hyper powerful?

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