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Hmm, if half the tau broadside rumors are true...

Trevak Dal

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infiltrating oblits using huron ?


This may not be a bad idea. The have 12" melta range so a greater chance to be in range. However the same limitations that apply to Infiltrating Raptors apply to them.

Raptors have a 12" ignore terrain movement plus 6" melta range. Oblits have 6" movement and 12" melta range. If they are infiltrate withing line of sight they will rarely be in range on turn 1. Outside line of sight they have to be lucky with difficult terrain rolls when they move through a wall ;)

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However the same limitations that apply to Infiltrating Raptors apply to them.


I thought about Infiltrating Raptors, but I didn't know if Jump Infantry counted as Infantry for the purposes of Huron's special rule. I looked online and found arguments both ways, so I gave it a miss for my first attempt at a Huron list. If any Huron users reading this have ideas about that, do chime in.

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The way I understand it, "Jump" is an appellation -- a qualifier if you will -- to their unit type of Infantry. 


We talked about that matter in another topic here on Chaos forum (I don't remember the topic/link,though)

Anyway rulebook say Jump units follow the rule of the category and, in addition, the are subject to the sepcific rules of "jump" category. So it's exactly what you said ;)


The only problem is even melta raptors will rarely be able to kill an Tau vehicle on turn 1, especially when they have that +1 bonus to their cover saves. Hammerhead behind a ruin: 3+ save.

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About Taking Tau as Dark Mech Cyborg allies.




So, first model offered by the Dark Mech, a Prototype of Chaos Knight " Nefarious Mk II".

Thinking about calling the "Crisis" something like Deamon Knights or Doom Knights.

This prove that everything can be corupted by Chaos, no models are safe....

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For the glory of the Dark Mechanicus! thumbsup.gif

The minis I want as troops are expensive, which is why I haven't done this yet myself. Also that Riptide kit is expensive. This whole damn hobby is expensive, but I love it...

I go back and forth on who I really want for allies, and I'm holding out hope that this talked of allies book actually does come out.

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I played a khorn list against the new tau codex for luls. Tragically, the tau player got all the luls, and I got tabled. I can't really say that I expected the list to do all that well, though. From what I saw, the hammerhead is better and the broadside worse. Also, the bodyguard units are more annoying with all those drones. Riptide was unimpressive... but I don't think our dice rolls represented a very good average.

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I played a khorn list against the new tau codex for luls. Tragically, the tau player got all the luls, and I got tabled. I can't really say that I expected the list to do all that well, though. From what I saw, the hammerhead is better and the broadside worse. Also, the bodyguard units are more annoying with all those drones. Riptide was unimpressive... but I don't think our dice rolls represented a very good average.


What list did you play? If you give us some more info we could try to give you some advice on dealing with them.


I played Tau myself in a couple of matches (I wanted to play something different and Tau are fun ;) ). The Riptide is a beast if he is not cursed by gets hot! and scatter (that's why the support commander exists ;) ) and aimed at the right targets.


My first Tau match was versus SoB, the second was versus a SM list built around the Fire Angel Captain from IA Vol.9 and in both matches the Riptide+Longstrike hammerhead killed more than 50% of the enemy army. Since I'm an Astartes fan I included allies (SM in first match, SW in the second )


However Tau have a very strong limitation: Capturing/holding objectives in the enemy deployment zone. Marching Fire Warriors are dead Fire Warriors and if they get a ride in a Devilfish they will have to subtract points from other units. Beside they will need support since they have to disembark to capture the objective. Transport rush is no longer a viable objective grabbing tactic in 6th since units cannot capture an objective if they stay inside a vehicle.

The other option they have is infiltrating/outflanking kroots. However Kroots die even more easily if they have to abandon cover. Missile Launcher blast attacks will decimate them with ease.

So unless they are bringing allies, which is not uncommon though, use these weakness against them. Also the Heldrake is very effective against Tau. Sure they will have anti-air weapons but a single heldrake can kill a lot of fire warriors per turn.

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Chosen/Havocs with flamers might be a decent way to take out some firewarriors. Real problem I see is suits.


True. The problem with flamers is also the range, namely if have to come very close to use them. Farsight Bomb is a real danger. The amount of fire power he can deliver is devastating. Beside even instant kill them wiìould be difficult since if Farsight himself is the model who suffer the wound he can reallocate the wound to any near model auto-passing look out sir roll.

Drones will die and suits will stay alive.

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I was thinking rhino rush it, probably give up first blood with the rhino but it'd get the flamers close. Could also bring Huron.


What sort of options do we have for those? High strength/Low AP blasts?


The key is to avoid their lines of fire. As soon as they get s "firing solution" with their pulse weapons they will inflict a lot of wounds. If you manage to inflitrate an unit and avoid a turn of fire before reaching flamer range you should be able to inflict some damage ;)



T5+ multi wound units are probably the best bet to shrug off the blasts.light and medium Tanks are probably dead, same with fliers. Can't rely on cover either. Necron allies for wraiths, or demons for flesh hounds.


Longstrike kills Land Raider too with not too much problem. Anyway, as I said, if you can reduce the number of their firing solutions, namely keeping your targets out of sight, they should survive a little longer.

On the flyers issue: Tau have a lot of anti-air potential but if the spam it they will have a lot of less points available for other stuff. However Broadsides or even Missile Pod crisis with skyfire can deal a lot of damage to flyers.

Big guns never tire scenario with a skyfire option rolled on the mysterious objective held by a hammerhead would be painful... just for the records...;)

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^ no, but you need something else to eat up more points! Its not like you are gonna footslog cultists at them. msn-wink.gif

maybe YOU wouldn't...

@ Shepard, the list I had wasn't really made to win, so discussing tactics would be a waste of time.. unless you would like me to tell you how to lose.

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I had a game vs Tau at the weekend (1850) - short edge deployment, random scenery (Aegis only on my side, two hills on the side edges of the centre section and tons on the Tau side for hiding in and behind), Big Guns Never Tire scenario and Nightfight on Turn 1. It was pretty nasty - I had to be really aggressive with my Drop Pod Dread, Bikes and Termies (T1 DS) to give myself a chance but even removing a couple of threats and the Pathfinders wasn't enough to mitigate the incoming devastation. Still, would have scraped a win if the game had ended end of Turn 5, but it didn't...


EDIT: Do note that I was playing DA.

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I had a game vs Tau at the weekend (1850) - short edge deployment, random scenery (Aegis only on my side, two hills on the side edges of the centre section and tons on the Tau side for hiding in and behind), Big Guns Never Tire scenario and Nightfight on Turn 1. It was pretty nasty - I had to be really aggressive with my Drop Pod Dread, Bikes and Termies (T1 DS) to give myself a chance but even removing a couple of threats and the Pathfinders wasn't enough to mitigate the incoming devastation. Still, would have scraped a win if the game had ended end of Turn 5, but it didn't...

EDIT: Do note that I was playing DA.

A quite common event. Do not blame yourself, Brother. The problem is most army have to close the distance with Tau in order to have a chance to win but in order to do it you have to expose your units to a volley of fire. Beside most units will have to suffer a turn of pulse rifle fire before charging, unless they ride a Land Raider or can assault after deep striking.

The Land Raider will have to survive hammerheads' attentions (especially Longstrike) the deep striking units fear their interceptor weapons.

I'd suggest the heldrake. I know it may seem strange since Tau have fine anti-air weapons but 2/3 heldrakes will likely kill most of their troops and/or pathfinders before they are shot down. Unless they put them in devilfish but this will reduce the number of weapons they can field. Just a thought msn-wink.gif

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Played them again, 1500 playing vs the tau guy I played in the final of my local tournie, totally Different army this time, he took an ethereal as his warlord, 4 squads of 12 fw, two 9 man sniper drone teams, riptide, hammerhead with the ace, and 3 stealth suits, playing dawn of war deployment for the relic, I stole the initiative (playing a variation of my spawn/beast rush army) bombed forwards, was in combat turn two, turn four his ethereal was dead, and he conceeded (I had first blood, warlord, ethereal, linebreaker, he wasn't gonna get to the relic, or get linebreaker) tau have so many problems getting to objectives outside of their deployment zone, and that's what kiboshed him. The sniper teams are obscene, but can only pick on one unit a turn, and invulnerables ruin their day, the tank ace was useless vs my army, but I'd imagine brutal vs tanks, the riptide didn't do much, but I think he was very conservative with it, given how quickly I removed it in our last game. The ethereal is nice, but the extra VP makes him very risky to take.


Overall, I'm still jelly of the synergy and options of their codex, but in a way this is detracting from the lists I'm seeing as they want to try everything, with demons and csm there isn't much choice, which makes refining a list easier in a way, if that makes any sense?

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Interesting, very interesting. So we have some advantage if we rush the objectives early or simply pop the Devilfish so that they have to leg it across the board, loosing firepower in return... I am glad to hear that the Spawn are deadly now, I always liked them in role and you sir provide quite an incentive to field some beasties...

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