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Typhus WIP conversion


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typhus Wip

My WIP first pic of TYPHUS Conversion.
The lower legs are off the Chaos Term Lord
Waist is a regular marine ***Will be bulked up with greenstuff
Torso is a new Dark Angel torso. The Skull with Star symbol is close to the Heresy Era DeathGuard symbol, ***Will be plague'd up with Greenstuff
Arms are two PowerClaw/Fist arms. One off Chaos Term Lord, the other is a hack, new Raptor Power Fist cut into a Term arm.
Scythe/Manreaper to come. Waiting on Bitz  from Ebay
Body to be bulked up with Greenstuff, plague'd up a little bit.
It's not an authentic "truescale" terminator, but I wanted height and scale to be larger than a normal termie (in addition to height of base) , will add a rear tabard off anothe DA Torso, again capturing that skull/star symbol that is close to DeathGuard pre-heresy.
Wanted a mix of pre-heresy bitz, and Chaos bitz...
Thoughts ?


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