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Hail and well met, gentlemen,

I only just made an account here, because I've been many months without a good Warhammer forum and a friend of mine has already been using the website for some time.


A little about me: my family and I have been playing Warhammer for going on 7 years. I personally started with Tyranids, followed by Eldar and Daemonhunters, then Flesh Tearers, then Dark Eldar. I no longer play Eldar or Daemonhunters; the former due to a lack of interest, the latter due to a distaste with the new book. I was primarily an Inquisition guy, not a Grey Knights guy. Flesh Tearers are indeed my only power-armoured army; I started them as soon as I heard their chapter master had the same name that I do, which was a year or so before the 5th edition codex revealed Gabriel Seth as a codex character.

My brothers and father are also quite into the hobby, and they have mountains of power-armoured experience. One plays White Scars and Necrons, the other plays Space Wolves and is starting Dark Angels, and my dad has Chaos Daemons, Soul Drinkers and a DIY Dark Angels successor.  Phew!

I don't know of any of you remember the ill-fated Tau Online, but I was one of the regulars there. I actually ended up being the moderator of their Space Marine subforum for roughly two years, half of which was spent on their new forum, Second Sphere. But since that tanked I really haven't been active on the internet Warhammer scene besides reading the occasional blog posts on Faeit, BoLS, and otherwise.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I look forward to interacting with you all. 6th edition has been exciting and it's been impossible to keep up, so I'll be glad to have some more people with which to digest the torrent of information!


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B&C is the best board for 40k on the entire internet, IMHO.

I browse Warseer, I read Dakka-dakka, I scroll through 40k-Online..... but I don't post in any of those forums. In fact, I don't post in any other forums anywhere on the internet, Warhammer 40K related or not! And the reason is because of everywhere I've read, only here on the Bolter and Chainsword is the community both supportive and mature no matter the topic. The atmosphere is a comfortable blend of tactical wargaming advice, hobbyist painting and modeling support, and background musings for fluff and fun. Disagreements are amicably resolved, debates always follow along logical lines and the moderators are top-notch.

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Dammit, Dak, of all people it has to be you. :P

Nah, I keed. I remember you. The guy with waaaay too many Alpha Legion conversions!

Second Sphere isn't gone, persay, it's just on serious life support. I stopped posting many, many months ago because it's really down to a very small group of people.

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Dammit, Dak, of all people it has to be you. tongue.png

Nah, I keed. I remember you. The guy with waaaay too many Alpha Legion conversions!

Second Sphere isn't gone, persay, it's just on serious life support. I stopped posting many, many months ago because it's really down to a very small group of people.

Haha, yup, it's me!

Too bad about 2nd Sphere. I'd hope that with the Tau getting redone, it gets a boost, but I think ATT stole that ingress..

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