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Slaaneshi Warbands


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As the title says in quite generic terms how do you envision a Slaaneshi warband?


Several fonts from older codexes onward portray the Slaaneshi warband and in extention the EC as the premier raiders of imperial worlds. While all chaos warbands do raiding for material, slaves and geneseed the EC need slaves more than others thus seem to be the most active raiders. A Slaaneshi warband will quickly fall into orgiastic infighting once it runs dry on slaves and I presume the III legion is one of the most disturbing factors for the ruthless and opressive Imperium.


I envision a Slaaneshi warband as seekers of all things perfect, precious and exciting. This can be a new drug distilled from a rare flower that grows only on a single planet, the blade of an eldar champion of ages past, of beautiful women that drive entire worlds to lust or from a piece of art long forgotten to mankind. In this terms Slaaneshi warbands promote civilization, learning, artistic endeavors and are perhaps the most wordly and modern in philosophy of all the chaos warbands. 


Now what drives the Slaaneshi other than pleasure, art and excess. The joy to share it. I quite see covens of Slaaneshi cultists promoted among the nobility of a hive spire, a feudal world delivered from constant brutal war to raise again in human civilization and spirit, barbarian tribes taught how to read, write, sing and dance in order to be delivered from ignorance and the lack of artistic flourish that it is forced upon them.


Usually Slaanesh is interpreted as a lusty, carnal entity but I find the other pleasures much more commonplace among Slaaneshi warbands. Pleasures that if allowed to nourish can invoke an awakening on all levels of human society and thus bring humanity one step closer to its peak and its unavoidable demise. 


So to repeat the question, how do you envision a Slaaneshi warband?

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I believe that even more so than other Warbands Slaaneshi bands are completely defined by the whims and beliefs of their commander.

So a warband still made up of Emperor's Children, led by a once Noise Marine may make war simply to feel the orgy of battle, whereas a more 'standard' Slaaneshi might simply be seeking new experiences and sensations - they may never have fought on a death world, for example, or against Tau. Others might, as you say, be looking to capture slaves for torture or trade and others again might simply be looking to take revenge on the Imperium or raise the influence of the Dark Prince.

Whilst the followers of other gods might be able to pull together and fight for some collective goal, but Slaaneshi are committed solely to their own gratification - their own Path to Glory.

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Several fonts from older codexes onward portray the Slaaneshi warband

and in extention the EC as the premier raiders of imperial worlds.

Remember that they also tend to enjoy slaughtering Eldars.

Now what drives the Slaaneshi other than pleasure, art and excess. The

joy to share it. I quite see covens of Slaaneshi cultists promoted among

the nobility of a hive spire, a feudal world delivered from constant

brutal war to raise again in human civilization and spirit, barbarian

tribes taught how to read, write, sing and dance in order to be

delivered from ignorance and the lack of artistic flourish that it is

forced upon them.

As Enaek said, the purpose of the warband is quite often linked to the Chaos Lord that leads it.

You forgot pride, as a decent purpose smile.png.

The individual is really the focus of Slaanesh (when Nurgle is more about building a family). I could see a Slaanesh Lord going to war in order to allow the imperials to witness his gorgeous blade dance, or ear the subtle harmonies of the great ochestra his warband is. You could also go with a Lord that is in love with a perticular Daemon, and war is only a way to see that Daemon again (because Slaanesh himself made sure it is the only way they could see each other).

That doesn't mean they can't be fuelled by the hatred all CSMs share, they surely are too, and like all CSMs they have to get slaves, ressources, means to survive, territory... The soft spot the EC have for art and perfection makes them really unique, a slaaneshi warband could go with something alike, or something absolutly new.

EDIT : If I wasn't a diehard fan of the Black Legion, I think I'd be very tempted to go with a Slaaneshi warband.

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Very well put Vesper. I forgot about the whole cult of personality thing, a very relevant part of the whole EC philosophy even before their fall. Though it is hard to understand to which extent this was capable to go among the legion ranks. I presume that the Lord Commanders were really idolized by the legion but that is reasonable enough, what I wonder is the relationship between the squad and its sergeant, or between squads and a lieutenant or captain.


Yet Slaaneshi warbands are really something special in the otherwise ragged force that are the other chaos warbands. I easily see a warband devoted to Slaanesh to have the most perfectly maintained weapons and armor, each a beautiful work of art and lethality, their ships superbly crewed, their weapons lovingly cared for and fired with unholy grace and precision. 


If you consider the basic building block of a chaos warband, a cell of chaos cultists, many things might be more clear. The basic Slaaneshi cultist is a person or mutant that has experienced everything, whose drive is to experience everything and everything must be superb in order to sate their appetite for excess. Thus such cultists would really venerate their astartes lords, obbey every whim of the space marines and perform every task asked of them. Even the act of obbedience, weapon maintenance and sacrifice upon the enemy blades would have been seen as a gratification, an act of extreme admiration for their lords and their god. I quite see the cultists kill each other just to be able to touch and maintain the armor of their divine lord, a Slaaneshi marine, a champion made manifest, a person marked by their god.


Such drive for excess, perfection and admiration would have many beneficial effects upon a Slaaneshi warband. Most certainly their crews would be extremely keen to serve their masters in all ways and such fondness to serve would be used on many levels thus a Slaaneshi warband could very well be one of the most effective forces out there. Also the innate fearlessness of the devout followers of Slaanesh is a great boon to their astartes lords.


So yeah the more I dig in the lore behind Slaanesh and the EC the more is clear to me that the Dark Prince has many more cards in his hand than we credit him and that his warbands are trully something special. 

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If I remember correctly, the EC were very focused on a top:down command structure. Every officer above you was closer to perfection and as such you needed to obey their every command. This is easy to distort into character worship.
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Such drive for excess, perfection and admiration would have many beneficial effects upon a Slaaneshi warband.

War and strife are the hygiene of the world, right ? :)



So yeah the more I dig in the lore behind Slaanesh and the EC the

more is clear to me that the Dark Prince has many more cards in his hand

than we credit him and that his warbands are trully something special.

Indeed. They tend to be overshadowed by the other gods' warbands that are way more straightforward in concept (Tzeentch being trapped in the gimmick of the Thousand Sons...), but there's true wealth around Slaanesh.

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One idea I had for a Slaaneshi warband was a splinter of the Emperor's Children who had continued to seek perfection even as that was warped to excess - each unit now embodies a single tactic or concept taken to excessive levels, like a perversion of the Aspect Warrior concept - the Noise Marines and bikers have grown from mere raiders into the pinnacle of destructive passing, the 'Tactical' Chaos Marines have taken the pursuit of battle and tactical obedience until they are perfect soldiers, even at the cost of initiative when not given direct orders, the assault marines have become Warp Talon predators etc.


I see this as a microcosm of Slaanesh Warbands in general - Slaanesh seeks excess and revelry and each man and warband can find its own path to His excessive excellence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why would a Slaaneshi Warband have to be Emperor's Children exclusively? There are literally hundreds of Warbands that are not based on any of the Horus Heresy era Traitor Legions, but come from chapter established later on?


Any drive for perfection can be distorted into obsession and thus excess, so I can easily see later coming chapters falling to chaos via strive for perfection in deed, form or thought.

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I think people are using the Emperor's Children because they are the most well known, but no matter where the warband originates it will most likely reflect the Lord's reason for turning to the Dark Prince.

The Flawless Host, for example, fell because (like the Emperor's Children) they were proud and wanted to prove their 'perfection' and the Imperium scorned them for it.

A warband whose leader fell because he resented the monastic life of the Astartes, on the other hand, might look like an exercise in decadence and excess - armour like works of art, bolters modified to be as inefficient with ammo as possible, eating fresh grapes in battle, cultists carrying parasols for Aspiring Champions etc.

Finally a warband that has turned to Slaanesh because their commander craves sensation might be clad in gaudy, garish armour, cover their armour in barbs to rip their enemies and their own flesh, and focus on taking slaves for their depraved experiments and rituals.

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Well we have some ideas of Slaaneshi warbands from the individual traits of the EC characters:


- Lucius: Martial Perfection, the astartes seeks to master his weapons and tactics. The warband can be superb line infantry as well as graceful blade dancers. Their excess is revealed in the countless hours of martial training and in the score of their feats of arms. 


- Julius Kaesoron: Excess in all kinds of pleasure and sensation. The warband warriors are degenerated fiends who strive to experience every form of decadence and sensation possible. They are entrapped in their lust for all kinds of experience, that travelling across the stars can be the only way to see everything and experience everything. Such a warband can be skilled in navigation, can have exotic allies and ravage entire populations in decadent practices. 


- Eidolon: Hubris and arrogance are the traits of such a warband. The astartes of such a warband carry themselves as divine beings, clad in the finest armor, worshipped by countless servants and war to prove their superiority not in martial skill but the superiority of their beings. Such warbands might fight to humble kings, they could maintain a court but more than all herald the old traditions of the legions with ranks, orders and character that implies a regal persona. 


- Fabius Bile: Here we are more in the realm of the degenerate and mad. A mad scientist is a good name for such a lord but the warband is also well stepped in the lore of genetics, mutation and fleshcrafting. Such a warband seeks to master the many forms of flesh and could very well be seen with Haemunculi allies or with a menagerie of wicked monsters in the form of possessed and spawn. Here excess comes in the form of scientific experimentation void of any ethics thus such a warband would fight to obtain genetic material and will contaminate countless populations with abberations.


- Marius Vairosean: Noise Marines, the cult troops of Slaaneshi warbands. Here war is a mean to unleash a cacophony of dirges, screams and pain filled vox in order to stimulate these degenerate warriors. Sonic weapons are the norm and a battle the concert of them. Perhaps the most typical warband of the Slaaneshi if it wouldn't be the case that the Noise Marines are not so many in lore as we make of them. 



There are also other themes like pain, love, lust, cannibalism, speed and various forms of combat to experience. A Slaaneshi warband can be anything really, from cold assassins who test countless poisons and drugs on their enemies, soldiers entrapped in a vicious drive for speed with jump pack units and bikes all across the board, to warbands who strive to prove their perfection in the perfect synchronization of disparate elements of their force. Some lords can be lustful fiends that war to capture male or female slaves while others can be scholars and politicians of such sublime skill that entire worlds fell to their words...in short Slaanesh allows countless fluff concepts to be viable and real thus it is hard to pinpoint a Slaanehsi warband.


Yet I believe that we have some points to consider:


- Pain = Pleasure for a Slaaneshi. Regardless of warband if the marines are former EC than we can assume that most have their brain centers rewired by Bile and his followers.


- Grace: Mauled as he may be a Slaaneshi warrior will move with grace and poise, his strikes are elegant and subtle. This can be applied to all, from tactics to personal skill. The EC are duelists more than brawlers. 


- Speed: Speed has been the trademark of the EC legion before the fall and it remained after it. EC are not static troops, their combat tactics are more akin to the eldar, with every unit fast and nimble. 


- No Fear: For most of the astartes can be said that they have no fear for this sense was mutilated via indoctrination. For the Slaaneshi marines this is a fact, for when you relish when you are torn limb by limb and you are exalted when you are felled by a death blow than what is fear to you. In fact I suspect that the EC would relish to actually feel such an intense emotion as fear.


- Perfection: This is perhaps the argument that will most appear in this discussion but I say that it is the hardest to understand and explain. I believe that perfection in the EC case implies many things, perfection of body, perfection of mind, perfection of skill, perfection in art as well as perfection in command. As many skills as there are out there so many types of perfections can come to life. A Slaaneshi techmarine would apply his drive for perfection on his mechanical charges while a Slaaneshi apothecary might go to great lenghts to maintain the perfection of body and geneseed, or in the converse he might try to improve this perfection.


- Culture: Now that is a tough subject, especially under such a generic term but bear with me. To me the EC or Slaaneshi in general are some of the most learned and cultured beings in the universe. How can you experience art if you do not know what art is, how can you write perfect poems if you are not schooled in such practice and how can you trap countless people with your worlds if you are not a learned demagouge. Fiends as they might be the Slaaneshi are surprisingly worldly and sophisticated people, artists, nobles, poets, officers and artisans. While baser beings might relish in simple things like beating, looting and ravaging everything the true Slaaneshi go a step further and they find pleasure in the most advanced arts of their people. Thus I believe that a Slaaneshi warband is indeed a fiendish thing but you will hardly find more learned people with the exception of the servants of Tzeentch or some alien races. In short if you want to know if something exotic and rare exists out there, you can bet that a Slaaneshi would know it. 



This are just my observations. I am well aware that other warbands worship Slaanesh but I tend to use the EC since they have a reliable background of lore on which lean on. The Flawless Host, the Corpus Bretheren and all those bands are all fun and fluffy but I personally like to have some established lore to work on, if for nothing else, than to better tie my warband in an existing story ark. 

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Well we have some ideas of Slaaneshi warbands from the individual traits of the EC characters:


- Lucius: Martial Perfection, the astartes seeks to master his weapons and tactics. The warband can be superb line infantry as well as graceful blade dancers. Their excess is revealed in the countless hours of martial training and in the score of their feats of arms. 


- Julius Kaesoron: Excess in all kinds of pleasure and sensation. The warband warriors are degenerated fiends who strive to experience every form of decadence and sensation possible. They are entrapped in their lust for all kinds of experience, that travelling across the stars can be the only way to see everything and experience everything. Such a warband can be skilled in navigation, can have exotic allies and ravage entire populations in decadent practices. 


- Eidolon: Hubris and arrogance are the traits of such a warband. The astartes of such a warband carry themselves as divine beings, clad in the finest armor, worshipped by countless servants and war to prove their superiority not in martial skill but the superiority of their beings. Such warbands might fight to humble kings, they could maintain a court but more than all herald the old traditions of the legions with ranks, orders and character that implies a regal persona. 


- Fabius Bile: Here we are more in the realm of the degenerate and mad. A mad scientist is a good name for such a lord but the warband is also well stepped in the lore of genetics, mutation and fleshcrafting. Such a warband seeks to master the many forms of flesh and could very well be seen with Haemunculi allies or with a menagerie of wicked monsters in the form of possessed and spawn. Here excess comes in the form of scientific experimentation void of any ethics thus such a warband would fight to obtain genetic material and will contaminate countless populations with abberations.


- Marius Vairosean: Noise Marines, the cult troops of Slaaneshi warbands. Here war is a mean to unleash a cacophony of dirges, screams and pain filled vox in order to stimulate these degenerate warriors. Sonic weapons are the norm and a battle the concert of them. Perhaps the most typical warband of the Slaaneshi if it wouldn't be the case that the Noise Marines are not so many in lore as we make of them. 



There are also other themes like pain, love, lust, cannibalism, speed and various forms of combat to experience. A Slaaneshi warband can be anything really, from cold assassins who test countless poisons and drugs on their enemies, soldiers entrapped in a vicious drive for speed with jump pack units and bikes all across the board, to warbands who strive to prove their perfection in the perfect synchronization of disparate elements of their force. Some lords can be lustful fiends that war to capture male or female slaves while others can be scholars and politicians of such sublime skill that entire worlds fell to their words...in short Slaanesh allows countless fluff concepts to be viable and real thus it is hard to pinpoint a Slaanehsi warband.


Yet I believe that we have some points to consider:


- Pain = Pleasure for a Slaaneshi. Regardless of warband if the marines are former EC than we can assume that most have their brain centers rewired by Bile and his followers.


- Grace: Mauled as he may be a Slaaneshi warrior will move with grace and poise, his strikes are elegant and subtle. This can be applied to all, from tactics to personal skill. The EC are duelists more than brawlers. 


- Speed: Speed has been the trademark of the EC legion before the fall and it remained after it. EC are not static troops, their combat tactics are more akin to the eldar, with every unit fast and nimble. 


- No Fear: For most of the astartes can be said that they have no fear for this sense was mutilated via indoctrination. For the Slaaneshi marines this is a fact, for when you relish when you are torn limb by limb and you are exalted when you are felled by a death blow than what is fear to you. In fact I suspect that the EC would relish to actually feel such an intense emotion as fear.


- Perfection: This is perhaps the argument that will most appear in this discussion but I say that it is the hardest to understand and explain. I believe that perfection in the EC case implies many things, perfection of body, perfection of mind, perfection of skill, perfection in art as well as perfection in command. As many skills as there are out there so many types of perfections can come to life. A Slaaneshi techmarine would apply his drive for perfection on his mechanical charges while a Slaaneshi apothecary might go to great lenghts to maintain the perfection of body and geneseed, or in the converse he might try to improve this perfection.


- Culture: Now that is a tough subject, especially under such a generic term but bear with me. To me the EC or Slaaneshi in general are some of the most learned and cultured beings in the universe. How can you experience art if you do not know what art is, how can you write perfect poems if you are not schooled in such practice and how can you trap countless people with your worlds if you are not a learned demagouge. Fiends as they might be the Slaaneshi are surprisingly worldly and sophisticated people, artists, nobles, poets, officers and artisans. While baser beings might relish in simple things like beating, looting and ravaging everything the true Slaaneshi go a step further and they find pleasure in the most advanced arts of their people. Thus I believe that a Slaaneshi warband is indeed a fiendish thing but you will hardly find more learned people with the exception of the servants of Tzeentch or some alien races. In short if you want to know if something exotic and rare exists out there, you can bet that a Slaaneshi would know it. 



This are just my observations. I am well aware that other warbands worship Slaanesh but I tend to use the EC since they have a reliable background of lore on which lean on. The Flawless Host, the Corpus Bretheren and all those bands are all fun and fluffy but I personally like to have some established lore to work on, if for nothing else, than to better tie my warband in an existing story ark. 


I really like your take on the themes of Slaanesh and I do agree that they are the main themes. I asked of the EC mostly because as far as Chaos Warbands are considered I've always preferred homebrewn fluff over something with long, established background. This is mainly because I think consistency is something Chaos doesn't do... at all. Leaning too heavily on established fluff might lead to Warbands that are carbon copies of one "standard pattern" set up by the most common prevalent interpretation of fluff and that, I feel, is counter to what Chaos Warbands should be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since Slaanesh embodies some of the most broad and ambiguous aspects of all the Chaos powers (arguably), the warbands dedicated to him can take various different forms and emphasize very different philosophies. For example, one might take the "classic" portrayal of a Slaanesh chaos space marine warband as a collection of utter hedonists and sybarites, engaging in warfare as a means of experiencing the most extreme of conditions and sensations, or to take slaves and other resources with which to slake more basic desires. 


On the other hand, you may have the Slaaneshi warband that has dedicated to one or other of the more abstruse aspects of Slaanesh; those who adhere to some abstract notion of perfection or self betterment; of martial artistry or skill. This warband would likely be quite different from the former in the manner in which it is composed and operates, not to mention the aesthetics and symbolism it evinces. 


Then we have warbands like my own Severed Angels, who are dedicated to Slaanesh on a more philosophical level, in that they believe Slaanesh represents in all his various aspects a kind of "living art;" a means of transcending all parameters, whether they be moral, ideological or even physical, and who go out of their way to modify their own bodies and anatomies; "beautifying" and transforming, to the extent whereby they become next to unrecognisable as the space marines they once were. 


There are also examples in the background of those who have become consumed by a particular vice or sin which has then come to define their natures: those consumed by cannibalistic desire, preening vanity, particular forms of carnality, indolence etc etc. The scope of manifestation for a Slaaneshi warband is vast; arguably limited only by the imagination. 

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During my first incarnation, back in the 3.5 codex (man, I miss Doomfists), My warband was originally part of the 2nd Great Company, with my Daemon Prince being the original Company Commander. His Company fell in part for the desire to experience everything there was, and in part to share those experiences with others. In the fluff, my Daemon Prince, who was a Siren Prince and constantly changing shape into whatever the person looking at him loved the most, occasionally wondered if they did the right thing. After ten thousand years of war with the Imperium, he almost wished he could get back in, and attempt to share the pleasures and benefits from within, without having to kill so many people. My warband much prefered to keep people alive, that they may experience all the different sensations Slaanesh had to offer, so he frequently announced his arrival and readily took "prisoners" (freed worlds, as he called it).


The corridors of their ships were lined with people shackled to the walls, and occasionally, the traitor marines would grace them with a brush of their clawed gauntlets and just let them bleed for a bit.


For my warband, it's about love, pleasure, and experiencing something new, which is difficult after 10,000+years of life.

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I can't wait for the FFG Black Crusade: The Tome of Excess to be available, so far their roleplay books have been of great help to me. Now can you suggest me some nice names for Slaaneshi warbands, cults and squads...please?

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I can't wait for the FFG Black Crusade: The Tome of Excess to be available, so far their roleplay books have been of great help to me. Now can you suggest me some nice names for Slaaneshi warbands, cults and squads...please?


Liberatus Silentium:  Latin: To set free perfection. 


Silentium Sonitis  Latin: Perfect song/noise


Note, the is ungrammatical latin.  Just the words put together without proper understanding of Latin.

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I too am interested in some Slaaneshi warband names. I keep naming my army lists different things, but even though I'm going for a rock band theme, I haven't come up with a name for the actual band. 


However, in relevance to this concern, I've named one of my lists Symphoniae Interitus (Latin: Symphony of Destruction) after the Megadeth song. Most of my stuff is named after rock bands or some other similar stuff, but without a band name, all I have to go on are my list names.


*Edit* Well after some further consideration, a name finally dawned on me that fits both the rock band theme and Slaanesh theme perfectly: The Perfect Circle. It's a play on the band A Perfect Circle. I kinda wanted to have an '80s hair band for the name, but this one just stuck out because of theme similarity to The Flawless Host.


Also, those unit names sound really good, Tenebris. I think I might "steal" one. Joyous Rapture sounds perfect for some Warptalons.


I may have neglected to mention this, but my army colors are pink and purple, so the names that sound really serious don't really suit them very well, since I was trying to make my dudes look pretty. However, since hair bands and glam rock bands had sort of the same thing going for them, band-themed names work really well in my opinion. I named my Chaos Lord Zed Leppard, somewhat of a mash-up between Led Zeppelin and Def Leppard, so similar names are what I'm going for. I'm thinking of a name for my sorceror, something along the lines of Alice Cooper, but I don't really have any better ideas than that.

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I think that the unit names are more like the Raptured Heart, Symphony of Deceit, Joyous Rapture...latin is good and well but the unit name Kakophoni implies more of a greek root to it. On a side note, I think that the naming convention for the Emperor's Children are the names of the old Byzantine Empire, medieval but with a latin or greek root. 

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Well, to go with something non-EC Slaaneshi for a change, my own Slaaneshi warband were once Iron Warriors, that are now known as the Host of the Graven Image. They very much follow the "personality cult" methodology, with the warband having the over-all leader, the Gilded Lord, with the three members of his 'trident' below that, each of which has their own chosen obsession. You've got the pseudo-Plague Marines, those Astartes that enjoy debauchery and feasting too much, and have descended into cannibalism and ever more esoteric sources of culinary pleasure, led by the once-leader of the force, a figure too obsessed with perfecting the next feast to care about ruling, a being so obese even his power armour cannot carry him. The other two groups are opposing factions, obsessing over the hunt, with their being a Raptor/Warp Talon group that believes in running the prey down and butchering them, relishing in the music of blades opening flesh, and the visceral delight of heartsblood speckling the landscape. Their rivals are huntsmen, Astartes riding Steeds of Slaanesh, that delight in torturing their prey, closing the distance only to nick their body and peel off, continuing until the despair and weary agony reaches a fever-pitch before descending for the feast. Above all of them, as mentioned, is the GIlded Lord, a sorceror who rips the mind from his victims, devouring them in the hopes of finding a new experience amidst the memories. His "bodyguards" are a squad of Possessed, Astartes-things who fawn over their Lord and Master, taking the personality cult to its full extent.


The armour colours are gold with bone trim (the melted tributes of their vassals, and the bone being the tributes of those who were forced to pay in 'other' ways). The Warband was once the Iron Warriors garrison of a backwater world used as a stockpile, that became increasingly decadent and tyrannical to the native population as the years went on in isolation. Before too long, they'd turned to Slaanesh worship, and established themselves as the rulers of the population, body and soul.

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