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Slaanesh Chaos Lords and Sorcerers


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As you can divine from the title I am here asking about the chaos lords and sorcerers with the Mark of Slaanesh. How do you run them, how do you equip them and which units do you use to escort them?


My very first attempt at a Slaanesh Chaos Lord is the following, until I get my hands on proper chaos bikes because my club is somehow picky about WYSWYG and proxies. 



Chaos Lord

  • Mark of Slaanesh
  • Terminator Armor
  • Pair of Lightning Claws

Chaos Sorcerer

  • Mark of Slaanesh
  • Terminator Armor
  • Mastery 2
  • Combi - Plasma
  • Spell Familiar




Chaos Terminators

  • 2x Terminators
  • Mark of Slaanesh
  • 5x Combi - Plasma
  • Chainfist

Both my Sorcerer and my Lord have been created with economy in mind and to act as unit buffers and support characters. Their retinue is a classic termicide unit with a chainfist as a backup weapon. Their role is to deep strike and delete units with a turn of plasma fire, than act as a melee unit.


I know that a Slaanesh lord is hardly the killing machine that is a Khornate or Nurgle lord but I guess it has some value. I am uncertain though if the lightning claws are the right melee weapon bar a daemonic one, still my reasoning behind is to benefit from the I 5.


How do you kit up and field your Slaaneshi lords and sorcerers?

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If you're set on a TDA Slanneshi lord, I'd suggest 1 claw and the brand or just take the black mace. The mace would give you a strong melee character that's still taking advantage of his high initiative whereas the brand would give you a strong template attack that slaughters MEQ while still striking at I 6 with a LC.


Edit: And is there a particular reason for the sorceror being MoS? Like fluff or? If there isn't, I'd suggest making him unmarked as then you can invest all your points in biomancy or telepathy.

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Honestly, I have two major options for a Lord.


1. Lucius: I don't care what anyone says about Lucius, he's a damn good option for his point cost and he can terrorize a great many special characters with the new way they're going for characters. (most dont have 2+ save). I love the guy.


2. Murder Sword: I know it's not exactly viable, but I like taking this guy every once in a while when I know my opponent likes to taking expensive characters. Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil of Corruption, and fit him up with a squad of chaos Marines that has the icon of excess.


as far as sorcerers go, the only one I use rides a steed of slaanesh and rides outflanking with a squad of bikers.

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I have a fluff list with a slaanesch marked lord. He gets a jump pack, sigal, LC and brand. No retinue. Stay mobile, avoid CC, torrent anything you can. People tend to pack their models in tighter when in cover to get more models in the area. These are the best torent targets.
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For Slaaneshi lord, I'm a big fan of the black mace. The volume of attacks coupled with I6 means you're going to get some wounds in.


As for Lucius, I'm liking the background on him the more I read the HH series and while he's not a top tier choice, I think he's totally workable. More than anything else, I view in as a second doom siren. Two of those can wipe out most MEQ squads. Other than that, he's a good character assassin assuming their don't have a 2+ save.

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Well I have a MoS sorcerer because I plan to have a full fledged EC warband, so everything that is allowed to have a mark will have the Slaanesh one, with the exclusion of the Obliterators who have not even a single iota of usefulness from it. 


Hmm I was looking at the Brand and it seems to be a deadly weapon, in the long turn it will avail me more kills than the lightning claws and will make my terminator squad the fire magnet I need but it will also allow them to be useful pass the turn of plasma fire. Now my question is, is the Brand a weapon viable for Overwatch?


Again there is a reason why I favor a terminator lord and that is simply the models available, to have a biker lord you need chaos bikes and those are available only in a battleforce (of which I have no need, perhaps one day) and to have a jetpack lord you need a full retinue of Raptors which I think are subpar to the terminators since both are deep strike units and I get more bang from my cash invested with the terminators.


On the note of Lucius, I have ordered his model, along with Fabius Bile, but he needs a proper escort and the means to arrive in melee which is translated in a Chaos Land Raider, an additional Doomsiren squad of Noise Marines and the points needed for them. Again perhaps one day. 


As for Fabius, he seems to be a great character if you take CSM as allies.


Long story short you seem to have persuaded me to give my Lord the Brand and a lightning claw. Both are good weapons and too bad that the power axe hits at I 1 thus I am forced to take a claw, a sword or a mace. Of which only the claw has some utility with its rerolls. 


Now on the Sorcerer, is my setup viable, is the spell familiar actually needed and which secondary psyker discipline should I take with Mastery 2, since the role for my sorcerer is to buff my army and hope for the spell that works in concert with my Noise Marine Blastmasters?


Edit: Does the Brand benefit from the ranged weapon boons from the Chaos Gift table?

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Edit: Does the Brand benefit from the ranged weapon boons from the Chaos Gift table?


The Brand is really a deadly weapon. You could model it like a Doom Siren or something like that.




Now on the Sorcerer, is my setup viable, is the spell familiar actually

needed and which secondary psyker discipline should I take with Mastery

2, since the role for my sorcerer is to buff my army and hope for the

spell that works in concert with my Noise Marine Blastmasters?

The sorcerer is cheap as hell and Slaanesh might have the best spells around (poor Tzeentch...). I find it a solid choice when there are NM around.

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For the Sorcerer, I'd probably give him the prime Slaanesh power and bury him in a squad of Noise Marines. Now he has fearless, helps provide an additional I5 power weapon and can toss some more dakka downrange when you're using doom siren. Keep him cheap and simple is my vote.

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