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Thousand Sons and daemons of Tzeentch: nasty combos


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Princes have Daemon of Tzeentch and not marks, so they don't suffer from the limitation. :)


I honestly believe that the Daemon of Tzeentch is the best daemon a DP can be. It is defensive, which the DP needs because of the lowest T amongst MCs, unlike the other defensive 'daemon of' (Nurgle) he can still wipe units out in melee and can still run, and also has a better defense against the weapons that are bound to wound/kill him the most, the smatter of high-ap dakka...

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Going to try out a csm dp with the black mace and enough heralds to give him a 4++ from forewarning and the bonus from the grimoire. Now you can still mess a squad from the safety of a challenge with a potential for 2++ 're rollable save

Remember you have to have the daemon codex as primary detachement if you want more than one herald...

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Oh it is. I was running a dp and loc before. Now I am dropping both to bring in the csm dp. I put my heralds of tzeentch on disks and attach them to screamers. Jetbike flat out moves gives me tons of mobility allowing me to keep my army buffed. That black mace should give tar pit units pause.
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