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The road to Terracon: Space Wolves


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Alright so me and a few of my mates are planning on doing massive road trip from Melbourne up to Terracon later this year and ill be taking my Wolves with me. I figured that I might as well start up a project diary to chronicle my efforts to get my Space Wolves up to fighting standard and hopefully keep me motivated. I might also chuck in some of my other projects later on namely a WIP Escher Gang for Necromunda converted out of the Dark Eldar Wych models.

Ive got a few teaser pictures to show you to begin with as most of my army is on display in the recently opened Games Workshop: Preston (So If you live near there go and check them out thumbsup.gif)
Ill be focusing on Harald Deathwolfs Great Company and they are all painted up in a nice reflective blue/ grey with gold details, ill make sure to get some sweet shots of them soon laugh.png

So with out further ado here is my very WIP Rune Priest hes probably one of my most extensive conversions to date:



A Wolf Scout which my friends have taken to calling Slender because I accidentally made his body way to long pinch.gif


and last but not least my test model for an Imperial Guard contingent to go along with my Space Wolves when I get around to it:



Hes got himself a southern cross tattoo tongue.png

So I hope I have got you all curious to see more so stay tuned and ill get some more stuff up shortly msn-wink.gif

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