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Hey Guys,

New to this forum. Bit of a warhammer/40k veteran who's really into Chaos. I'm presently rebooting my old Chaos Space Marines army (which was quite a wreck) and will be painting them as Word Bearers, one of my favorite Legions. I'm also a fan of Crimson Fists, Orks and do like Fantasy as well; will be starting that soon with some friends. Either going to do a Khornate Warriors of Chaos army or Orcs and Goblins (notice a pattern?). Well that's pretty much it for my war-gaming, apart from table top I like the back story of 40k and have read a bunch of the books, especially those Horus Heresy books which are often fantastic. 


Anyways this forum seems good so I hope to get used to posting here.


Regards, and go with Chaos.

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Thanks for the welcome guys. I will start a WIP thread for my Word Bearers, soon hopefully, at the moment I'm just very busy with college classes, ugh. Right now I'm working on my first squad of Chaos Space Marines as well as the Warriors of Chaos I have acquired for fantasy. When I finish the first squad and my Dark Apostle I'll show post them up, hopefully they will be to the liking of my traitor brethren.

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