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Blood Angels Allies


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So I thought I would see what everyone thought about allies for Blood Angels.  What allies do you feel work best?  Who do you wish you could ally with?  If you do choose to play with allies, do you do it for the fluff factor or for the power backing them?  What size game would you need to play before choosing an ally?


I will only use allies in an army of 2000+ and I've been testing out Sisters of Battle as allies for my Blood Angels and loved using them.  I have Saint Celestine run around forcing my opponents to focus on her while my Jump Marines and Land Speeders do their business.  I keep the Battle Sisters behind a Defense Line with Quad Gun along with some Devastators.  The exorcist becomes another target to keep guns away from my Stormraven so my Death Company can get close and carve stuff up.

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I'm currently building an IG force for cheap troops and big guns to support a BA strike force focussing on fast movement and areial domination.

I don't plan on running Vendetta's. 2 Stormravens should be enough for now.

I'm using the Death Korp of Krieg models for fluff purposes.

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I'm currently building an IG force for cheap troops and big guns to support a BA strike force focussing on fast movement and areial domination.

I don't plan on running Vendetta's. 2 Stormravens should be enough for now.

I'm using the Death Korp of Krieg models for fluff purposes.


For 60 points more you can get two vendettas.  I'd strongly consider that over 1 of the ravens. 


To the OP, 


Currently I dont want to mess with the aesthetic of my BA and as a result have vowed to only use Battle Brother SM armies as counts as BA.

I love the nullzone libby, and i also love the options the DA offer . I also love the SM Raven and Mephy combo which just nukes stuff like the new, hardcore blood thirster.

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I'm currently building an IG force for cheap troops and big guns to support a BA strike force focussing on fast movement and areial domination.

I don't plan on running Vendetta's. 2 Stormravens should be enough for now.

I'm using the Death Korp of Krieg models for fluff purposes.

For 60 points more you can get two vendettas. I'd strongly consider that over 1 of the ravens.

To the OP,

Currently I dont want to mess with the aesthetic of my BA and as a result have vowed to only use Battle Brother SM armies as counts as BA.

I love the nullzone libby, and i also love the options the DA offer . I also love the SM Raven and Mephy combo which just nukes stuff like the new, hardcore blood thirster.

Fair enough. I can understand and respect the want to only use battle brothers and focus on keeping the army somewhat pure Blood Angels. Personally, I love trying out new ways to make my opponent rethink any strategies they originally had because I am using something they may not have normally played against. I've found that it makes for a lot of fun among friends and soon to be friends. happy.png

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I also use Sisters of Battle to supplement my BA's and I think they work very well.  Sisters offer a much cheaper tactical squad equivilant that also scores,  Battle Sisters have the big weakness of being terrible in CC and having low toughness but these limitations can also be countered by keeping them in vehicles and running Assault Marines beside them to charge in and lock what ever the sisters just bolter thrashed in CC so they do not counter charge the sisters.  Also an Exercist is the exact same points as a Predator with Las Cannon Sponsons...  I will take d6 shots S8 AP1  over a set 2 shots at S9 AP2  and 2 S7 AP4 any day.  Saint Celestine... is a beast, she will win you games if used correctly, and she is 10 points cheaper then a BA Libby with a JP, and will kill a lot more.  Some games she takes a dirt nap all game :-(, but other games she has killed 300-500 points worth of the enemy,  and once First Blood has been taken you can simply throw her at the enemy, she gets back up on a 4+ every turn and acts as normal...  My wife says it best, "she is Mephiston's little step-sisters," and personnally I would run 2 of her instead of one of him if I could (and you would save 20 points out of the deal)    

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I have tried both SW and IG as allies. SW adds a great forward punch with drop podding GH's while IG adds cheap back field scoring and big guns in form of artillery and vendettas.


I think IG allies is more helpful inThis aspect as the BA is a forward looking army which suffers from not having cheap objective campers with IG you pluck this hole nicely

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Since I have an abundance of marines laying around I have been looking at:

Vanilla SM Captain on a bike with scoring SM-bikers (AT and more scoring units)

SW Rune Priest and Grey Hunters and Long Fangs (More shootyness for my army)

DA HQ with scoring terminators and bikes (DS Termies for some forward shooting/objective grabbing, bikes for AT and scoring)


If I ever buy more GW-minis I would probably add IG, some scoring blobs and shooting units would be nice.

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I've been messing with the Vanilla codex, and noticed that I can add another storm raven, and a storm talon, along with a full tactical and a librarian in my 1850 point list.  The tacticals can of course combat squad which gives me two objective holders.  It's dirty to add more flyers, but at least I think I found a dirty list for us to use if its combined with 3 storm ravens already :P

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I've been thinking of using Imperial Guard allies (for the Vendetta, Manticore, Ogryns and Rough Riders...), but am also tempted by Necron, Tau or Eldar...


Necron - Because the monetary price of the models seems rather cheap for some great looking stuff - and I really want to paint a Scythe...


Tau - well, purely for the new stuff (the Broad sides and the Rip Tide) - but I'm not sure how more 'elite' stuff would aid my army.


Eldar - Grav tanks, jet bikes, warp spiders and dark reapers - I love all of these, and think they would go from delicate, to effective in a blood angels list (i.e. your opponent wouldn't know what to shoot first!) - but, I want to wait and see if they get a new codex/models first!


Ah its hard making decisions!

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Be careful with xenos allies. In one of my first games with allies I had a eldar runeseer and a BA librarian. That meant my libby was negatively affected...... 3d6, anything above 10 is perils!

Doesn`t the Imperium warn against trusting the decitful Eldar Xenos ? :D


Any Inquisitor worth his salt would grin mockingly and most gleefully (which is what they can do, as they sadly can`t arrest Astartes and Rogue Traders for "consorting with Xenos" without a very good reason) while cataloguing this new Xenos tretchery ^^


Serves you right :P

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I just ran IG for the first time yesterday with my angels. I ran a blob of 50 guardsmen with a PCS, lord Commissar and 3 ML and they where awesome and very cheap(445 points with 2 vox casters) and effective. So much so my Eldar opponent lost his avatar. I was lucky I think but will be more than happy to run them again.
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