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Of Skirax And Scenery


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Hey guys, been a long, long time since I've made a new topic. My how the website has changed. 


Anyway, I've always been a scenery nut, and I love the Games Workshop scenery, but in my time I've seen it climb from £15 when Cities of Death was first released to £20 with the new price hike. No one can afford to just buy scenery anymore, now it's a planned thing. 


So with this in mind I have decided to make my own. I realise I'm very late to the game but the shop I work in sells sheets of "foamboard" (between A4 and A3) for a mere £2.99 and stocks plastruct pieces at a standard mean cost of just over £1. So I set about making some simple, easy, but effective and unique pieces of scenery.


Here is the first:


Complete and Ruined Makeshift Cultist Shacks

Two makeshift cultist shacks, designed to be put up in seconds and house some of the many millions of cultist the XVII Legio drags to war with them. 

Makeshift Cultist Shack

A close up of the first of the two. 

DSC 0004

A ruined shack

DSC 0005

The rubble left behind from the destruction of the shack

DSC 0006

A close up of the rubble. 
So, considering how well these went and how quickly I built them, never mind the cost (an average cost of ~£1.50 per shack) I bought the same materials again with the intention of replicating, to a degree, the buildings you would see in a Cities of Death game.
Here is the start (apologies for them being sideways):

DSC 0008

DSC 0009

DSC 0010


Soon, there will be rubble to follow and some nicer decoration. 


Many thanks



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Welcome back ^_^  I was wondering where you'd been.  I take it that the foam board is Styrofoam (the stuff they use for packaging fragile items like televisions etc)?  I had been considering using something similar lately as I think it's about time I had some scenery ^_^


Looking forward to seeing more ^_^

You think the prices are bad in UK. Try Australia!


Good idea on the terrain. The shacks look awesome! I can see those traitors hiding from the Emperor's justice within their walls. Very theatrical and adds a lot to the story of a game.


The works in progress of the larger buildings are quite striking. I look forward to seeing the results



Welcome back happy.png I was wondering where you'd been. I take it that the foam board is Styrofoam (the stuff they use for packaging fragile items like televisions etc)? I had been considering using something similar lately as I think it's about time I had some scenery happy.png

Looking forward to seeing more happy.png

Thanks Aquilanus, been extremely busy with school, family, etc. won't bore you with the details. I've been catching up on my scenery and, if you follow my shorts in my signiature, my novellas wink.png I think you're right, it's amazing stuff, I'm busy making piles of scenery.

You think the prices are bad in UK. Try Australia!

Good idea on the terrain. The shacks look awesome! I can see those traitors hiding from the Emperor's justice within their walls. Very theatrical and adds a lot to the story of a game.

The works in progress of the larger buildings are quite striking. I look forward to seeing the results


I'd love to go to Aus, but apparently the hobby's taken some major hits down under?

Thanks for your comments guys, I'm busy doing some work right now!



Here's an update for the building:

DSC 0016

And following close-ups on each "section" of the rubble.

DSC 0019

DSC 0017

DSC 0018

And, because I was bored, an extra barricade never hurt anyone:

DSC 0015

I've always loved the Aquila lines but they always look too "clean" for me, I prefer ruined, hastily erected barricades that any old guardsman could have dragged up. So from now on, all my barricades shall look like they've been shot to absolute censored.gif



I agree with the barricades looking well used. When do you erect a barricade? When the proverbial is about to hit the fan, and things don't stay shiny for long once the fan has been hit!


Those high-rise buildings look awesome and the rubble adds to the well used story aspect. I think I might have to find somewhere in AUS that sells that 'foam-board'.


Looking forward to seeing the completed scenery!



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, been a while but that's down to exams and their ilk.

Here's a little more work I've done on the High-Rise, found my spray paint last night as I was literally getting into bed so no work done yet tongue.png

The building:

High rise

High rise rear

The Ground Floor's detail:

Ground Floor

Now I tried out a method of "tiling" on the First and Second Floors, now these are bad (intentionally) as you can't expect perfect tiling after a structural collapse haha:

Floor 1 detail

Floor 2 And 3 detail

I know some of these pictures' qualities are very poor, and I'm sorry sad.png

And that's that for now, more hopefully later as I get some work done.




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