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Sons Of Horus


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They're lovely. Any chance you'd be willing to share the recipe for these chaps? Or maybe, if I'm lucky, a step-by-step tutorial (with or without pictures)? That would be, as ADB would say, rad.






EDIT: :cuss I thought that my choice was set with the Night Lords, but now I've seen these... Argh! Damned choices!

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Yeh no probs the pics will have to wait till weekend when I get round to painting another son :) the armour is adeptus battlegrey basecoat washed with dabad black then a 50/50 coat of astronimican grey orchide shade with a wash of badab black to the recesses Then 70/30 of the previous coat . And for the extreme highlights pure astronimican grey :) .The gold was 50/50 scorched brown shining gold then a coat of shining gold to the raised areas , amid of 50/50 mitheral silver to shining gold was then added finished with a final highlight of mitheral silver. Thank you all for the comments really thank you :) really enjoying painting these think I could actually finish a marine army before starting another lol . Well maybe coincide with pre heresy world eaters ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like your work Dange! These are fantastic SoHs - everything works: from the shade of green, the measured battle damage and all the little details with the black sholuder pad and the hazard stripes... :tu:


What's the grand plan? will you work out a small force?

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Thanks folks for the feed back. I'm hoping to do as many as my wallet will allow lol.:) no want to do a company. I am really enjoying painting these marines not only am I painting all of them different within reason ;) I'm painting not to finish a squad like I have done in the past the reason is more fun and I haven't restarted one in anger yet so something is going right .but thank you all .your comments are gratefully received :)
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Holy crap those are nice how did you paint them

If people bothered to actually read things rather than just stare at the pretty pictures, they would have seen the following...


the armour is adeptus battlegrey basecoat washed with dabad black then a 50/50 coat of astronimican grey orchide shade with a wash of badab black to the recesses Then 70/30 of the previous coat . And for the extreme highlights pure astronimican grey :) .The gold was 50/50 scorched brown shining gold then a coat of shining gold to the raised areas , amid of 50/50 mitheral silver to shining gold was then added finished with a final highlight of mitheral silver


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