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Sons Of Horus


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Cataphractii are a must brother just for how nice the models are. Glad you like the gold and I'm glad for the feed back mate that's what I was going for not to bright but the armour still looks ornate :) and thank you reck 34 glad you like him I'm just waiting for that command squad then I'm heading warhammer world :) lol
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Sorry if this has been asked but where is the topknot from?

I love your Sons, really tempting me to paint some of my own.

Yeh no problem mate its from a black reach ork boy just cut it off his head think they would be same off any ork though not just the black reach ones and get cracking mate there a great army to paint :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

THANKS EVERYONE :) right the bases gents are scorched brown basecoat make sure it gets a good coat. Then dry brush on adeptus battle grey do quiet a heavy coat . Then dry brush a coat of astronomican grey then a final light dry rush of dhenab stone once this is dry bring the colours together with a wash of Devlan mud . Try to go heavy and light in different places makes it look like rubble from different buildings but gives it that the world is covered in battle field dust feel hope that helps mate :)


The red basecoat the area scab red then in gaps and folds add a 50/50 mix of choas black scab red. Then reapply scab red back to any areas that are prominent then blend in a mix of red gore and blazing orange add more orange as you go till its pure blazing orange then add a a wash of Devlan mud and regal blue into the recesses once this is dry do a final wash of regal blue into the recesses I don't know why the blue really helps the red really pop if I was painting Deathguard I'd add a green rather than blue makes the red look more worn. Firepower don't worry mate I'm always nitpicking surprised any get finished lol :)


Really thank you all for your feed back it is gratefully received :)

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