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Finally Winning ...


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I've been playing for about 18 months now.  Much more time spent in construction / painting than playing matches.  I've played about 12 matches, mostly consisting of 750 point battles.  


Up until last month I had zero wins.  Part of that is not knowing how to play (generic tactics and rule knowledge) and also playing mostly generic stuff (i.e. bolter marines, and BP/CS Assault Marines with a Captain or Chaplain and a Furioso DN).  My wife went out of town for a week, though, and I put together a Rhino, some more of our HQs, many more RAS, and a devastator squad.  Also I moved my DC from jump pack to regular bolter marine DC.


I have now won 3 matches in a row (last night it was a 1250 point match).  I think most of this has to do with me actually getting into CC with my opponents, and also having better weapon selection all around (my devastator squad has proved to be brutal).  Even though I never won any matches before, I definitely studied up on how my friends play the game, and my army has now been designed to counter that.  In addition, we are using a TON more terrain now ... which is great as it provides cover for my approaching squads.


My army looks good, and now I'm playing it well.  Makes me happy.

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My army looks good, and now I'm playing it well.  Makes me happy.

This is great and important. :)

That's good to hear. Congratulations. Small amounts of terrain favors the shooty armies. A


ny time soon we will be shouting for battle reports and stuff. :)

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Awesome job! It's always good to see us underdog BA players getting out of the losing well. Just remember, every failure handled with a degree of reflection is a weapon for the next battle. thumbsup.gif

A few weeks ago I finally fixed a very bad losing streak to my best friend(gunline IG or shooty orks), so I can relate to how you feel. BA are the polar opposite to the point and shoot builds I've seen, but rather a finesse army and 6th edition has magnified this concept greatly. To conquer these tough shooty lists, great care must be taken with model, unit, and army placement as well as having an in depth knowledge of BA rules and tricks. What helped me was building a list then writing out all the respective special rules and wargear for every model in my army. This included entries from both the codex and rulebook: EVERYTHING I could find regarding a certain unit. I was surprised to find how much I actually have at my disposal! I won my 1st game in a while because I knew exactly how to play to my advantages and made absolutely dang sure I didn't forget anything.

Also, I'm glad you're playing with more cover. I find that between my friend and I, we don't have enough LOS blocking terrain, which really hurts when they can do such massive damage from turn 1 on AND get overwatch, essentially adding another turn of shooting to their army. So terribly frustrating.

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Good to see that you have got a few wins under your belt!


This game is purely down to experience, a good general has seen more battlefields etc.


In 750pts you have to be tough and don't take too many shiny toys, if any. Probably better to drop 30 tac marines on the table than take a hammer unit.


As with Zynk: Forewarned is forearmed. If you know the rules intimately, you know exactly what you can and cannot do in a game, and the same with your opponent. Always know everything that your units can do. One thing I always forget is that one of my (assault) marines can throw a grenade instead of shooting the bolt pistol. Not much, but the S6 shot over S4 is likely to cause an extra wound which can make all the difference.

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Good for you!

I am not much a competetive player and my main army is Chaos Space Marines. But I have build quite competetive (yet ground warfare) army of Flesh Tearers (to join my brothers BA) and found out that I have much more success with my Flesh Tearers. It's always good to get out of the losing streak. Good luck in the future.

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