BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted March 31, 2013 Share Posted March 31, 2013 Hi everyone, So I felt that having (finally) sorted out my lighting setup for photography - and learning a little more about my camera in the process - it'd be a good time to photograph what I'm working on at the minute. My old Sons of Tyr log is now over, as I'm starting a new force made up of some old purchases never assembled, some eBay rescues, and a bunch of old stuff stripped and redone. Working from those humble beginnings, hopefully I can put together a force painted to a higher standard than the old. I've already got a bit better at modelling, I think - the subtle modifications I'm making to truescale my miniatures are no longer quite as glaringly obvious. I titled this Arkhan's Log as it won't just be limited to my Sons of Tyr chapter. Expect to see some VIIth Charon Watchers (Imperial Guard) soon, some victims of a Plague of Unbelief (ZOMBIES), and potentially some Dark Mechanicus and Khornate nutjobs. All depends on how much I get done over the next few weeks... In the meantime, here's some stuff I've been working on over the Easter break. First up is an Aegis Defence Line minus AA quadgun which I'm still painting. Props go first and foremost to the excellent Imperial Propaganda posters made by GalenArtorius over on Warseer - check them out if you haven't already. Shown for scale with Nubator, the first Marine I assembled and painted for the old force Not quite sure why the mud's gone so flat here - it looks a little more three-dimensional in real life, but I probably need to go over it again. Some old terrain pieces I've been repainting - the stone and earth is finished, but nothing else. Just sprayed - Devastator Squad Subjugator [Long Fangs] with veteran Tahonis in Tactical Dreadnought Armour. The last squad I painted for the old force, Devastator Squad Dominator [also Long Fangs] in terrain. And a teaser of a squad to come - Tactical Squad Conqueror [Grey Hunters], battle-brother Padanis., criticisms, etc all welcome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 31, 2013 Share Posted March 31, 2013 big difference in the pictures can't wait to see more enjoyed your old posts .purchased some of the AI bits you showed now to figure out the camera I picked up cheers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndigoJack Posted April 1, 2013 Share Posted April 1, 2013 Looks very good! I love the weathering on your ADL. Where did you get the CML on that termie? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMan Posted April 1, 2013 Share Posted April 1, 2013 Looking awesome man. They look very cool amongst those terrain pieces as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted April 1, 2013 Author Share Posted April 1, 2013 Thanks guys. I need to sort out the weathering on the Aegis ASAP. IndigoJack - I seem to remember it's from Kromlech. Got it ages ago. Today and yesterday's efforts - assembling another five Marines in Squad Conqueror, and messing around with some greenstuff, a toothpick, and a Khornate icon ;)I didn't quite get the pre-shading here right - some of the areas of armour have just turned out kinda grey. Which is fine, as I'm still learning, but the take-away lesson is that I need to pay a bit more attention to the direction of my spray (hur hur). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted April 1, 2013 Share Posted April 1, 2013 Oh yeah!!!! these are going to rock great job on the load outs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted April 2, 2013 Author Share Posted April 2, 2013 Got my fourth proper game with the revised force in today. Took a few snaps, thought I'd share here. I lost a game I really should have won - I made some terrible calls with the placement and use of the Grey Hunter squads. I say 'should have won' as the dice gods favoured me until the end of turn 2, at which point my errors of judgment (overconfidence) came into play. Lessons learned: -There is no such thing as going for an objective too early. -Plague Marines are deadly en masse. -Never split your force to fight on two fronts. On to the pictures. 1. Deployment. Enemy forces are Chaos Space Marines of the Disciples of Nurgleth (fellow B&C member Disease). The board we were fighting on wasn't finished, as is evident, but should be a cracker once it's had the last touches. 2. View from the opposing side. 3. Initial deployment. Old One Aegir, Tactical Squad Vengeance, Devastator Squad Subjugator and Brother-Captain Arkhan visible. Librarian Damas Tirekes manning the quad-gun in the back. 4. The Decimator! This thing took a hell of a pounding before eventually being wrecked by lascannon fire. My opponent has a penchant for passing 5+ Daemon Engine saves... 5. Turn 1 - Squad Conqueror and Brother-Captain Arkhan advance, using the Arbites court to their right to shield them from enemy fire. (Also left an unclaimed objective in my back field. Blindingly obvious mistake) 6. Turn 1 - Squad Dominator's view of the battlefield with the Decimator visible in the distance. 7. Turn 2 - BOOM! The Heldrake, arriving from reserve, is shot down by the Librarian manning the Aegis quadgun! Unfortunately it fails to scatter onto the Plague Marines debarking from their Rhinos, so Squad Vengeance breaks into a run towards them, intending to charge (mistake 2: don't assault overwhelming numbers of Plague Marines with a single Grey Hunter squad). 8. Turn 2, close combat - the Grey Hunters whittle down the first squad of Plague Marines before being annihilated in Turn 3 assault phase. 9. On the other side of the field, Arkhan spots the enemy commander limping into cover, his retinue of cultists torn to shreds by heavy bolter fire. Arkhan puts on his rage face and begins the chase... 10. Squad Prosecutor arrives from reserve. I decide it's a GREAT IDEA to deploy them REALLY TIGHTLY PACKED when they're within 12" of a Lord with the Burning Brand of Skalathrax. I'm not going to say what happened next (I wanted to rapid fire the Havocs in his back field - I should have brought them on further behind him to assault his rearguard objective). 11. Arkhan and Squad Conqueror are at the bridge. Elsewhere, Squads Prosecutor and Vengeance have fallen silent on the company vox and the Plague Marines march ever closer to the Sons of Tyr gun lines. 12. Arkhan attempts to run down the enemy commander as Squad Conqueror takes heavy losses securing the bridge. Aware of the depth of his failure of command, Arkhan attempts to secure vengeance for the lives of his fallen battle-brothers as he brings the enemy Lord to bear. As the Traitor Marine roars defiance, Arkhan rams his eviscerator chainsword through the infested, putrid chestplate of the Chaos Lord, killing him outright. From here onwards the game devolved terribly. By the end of the game I had my Librarian (Rune Priest) and a single squad of Long Fangs left on the field. If I'd held Squad Conqueror back, shot the enemy Lord rather than chasing him in close assault, used Arkhan to support Squad Vengeance's charge into the Plague Marine lines, and used my outflanking squad to assault the enemy objective rather than getting within range of all the enemy guns at once, this might have been a very different game. As it was, I got to kill a Heldrake before it got to fire (unheard of) and had a really good time overall, learning a lot from the game. My opponent was an excellent sport and the quality of his miniatures means it's always a pleasure to play against this army. Now, into the pain glove. Forty dead Marines in a single action - Arkhan will face sanction from Chapter Command for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disease Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 Really was a great game (It has always been very very close between our forces). My only regret - not having my minis painted! There could have been some great photos. Unfortunate that so many Sons were captured and tortured in the name of Nurgleth, but i'm sure Arkhan will have his revenge... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Disruptor_fe404 Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 That really is a nice board (rather, will be when it's finished). I really need to find a place with nice scenery and stuff so that I can actually get good shots of my completed models. Also, Arkhan (or should I say, you?) looks like a right-on badass on the tabletop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted April 3, 2013 Author Share Posted April 3, 2013 Really was a great game (It has always been very very close between our forces). My only regret - not having my minis painted! There could have been some great photos. Unfortunate that so many Sons were captured and tortured in the name of Nurgleth, but i'm sure Arkhan will have his revenge... Yes indeed. When you have your stuff painted (and that Plague Drake fully assembled) it'll be a great excuse to have a rematch. Cheers Disruptor. I'm reasonably pleased with Arkhan but I'm going to do another version of him on a larger base at some point and rebase the current mini, whose base I'm not currently happy with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 Awesome work again brother will be following this new thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted April 21, 2013 Author Share Posted April 21, 2013 Finally, it is time for an update. About time! Thanks for the interest guys. Over the past month, my hobby time (and there hasn't been much) has been mainly devoted to assembling things and painting some test schemes on some old Space Hulk 2nd ed. Terminators I had lying around. In that time I've found a colour scheme I'm quite happy with - it's essentially the same one I used for my old army but with some new (gold) bits and better highlight (and in fact hopefully better painting all round, but I'll let the beholder be the judge of that). I managed to get to Salute 2013 yesterday, and picked up some goodies (photos below) - really looking forward to seeing how they come out, the Maxmini heads in particular. I have a thing for helmetless Marine heads that 'look like' Marines, and these fit the bill in my mind. The big news in this post is that I've finally finished the first miniature of my Sons of Tyr battleforce mk.2 - battle-brother Artac Padanis of the Seventh Brotherhood, Hawk Squad. All that's lacking from Padanis is a Hawk insignia, and an Anishinaabe emblem (which I will be using as the Chapter's emblem) - it's this: And Padanis himself: DIE XENOS SCUM Oh yeah, I finished a second Drop Pod (of three total - I'm thinking of going silly and getting another 2, but I HATE painting them) What will become Old One Rabican... Getting a head in the Adeptus Astartes: And somewhat randomly, two shots of a wound counter I'm making to substitute for the time-honoured method of laying a die down by your wounded character and then picking it up and forgetting how many wounds he'd taken. I'll be making more, much more interesting, versions of these. finally, after a request for a recipe for the Sons of Tyr paint scheme (which was very flattering): here's the recipe I'm currently working with and pioneered with Padanis: Undercoat black, white spray highlight 1. Grey Armour Basecoat GW Skavenblight Dinge Wash Army Painter Dark Tone (analogous to old GWBadab Black wash) Layer with 1:1 Stormvermin Fur/SkavenblightDinge Broad highlight with 2:1 StormverminFur/Skavenblight Dinge Less broad highlight with Stormvermin Fur Highlight with 1:1 Codex Grey/Stormvermin Fur Highlight with pure Codex Grey 2. Bone Armour Basecoat Dheneb Stone Wash 2:3 mix of Strong Tone/water Highlight Dheneb Stone Highlight 1:1 Dheneb Stone/Bleached Bone Highlight Bleached Bone Many thanks for reading this far. Please give me any comments or criticism you have - I'm here to improve. Cheers, Arkhan EDIT: There is nothing like a really close up shot to reveal to you how you thought you'd trimmed all the mold lines and watered your paint down sufficiently, but...oh well. Practice! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted April 21, 2013 Author Share Posted April 21, 2013 I also couldn't resist posting a story I wrote idly one day during a break from other stuff. It concerns Padanis and the rest of his squad in the aftermath of an assault on the Sons of Tyr homeworld, Madrigal. Any comments on that welcome as well. ++++++++++ As he stood upon the ridge overlooking the settlement, Padanis gazed uponthe ruins of his old home and felt the dull ache of grief tighten in his chest.The white walls of the longhouses, stained grey and black by ashes, were allthat remained standing within the settlement's boundaries. Roofs had collapsed,outhouses had crumbled into nothingness; only the brick and mortar walls of thesettlement's homesteads had survived the firestorm. Here and there, a wall hadbeen torn down, shattered into rubble, by the weapons of the foe who had purgedEagle Falls clean of life. For six centuries Eagle Falls had been a haven for the coastal tribes,providing shelter and arable land for the survivors of the Great War, those fewwho had not died in the scouring of the plains, when fire rained down from theheavens for weeks, and great, burning hulks of iron and steel plummeted fromthe stars into the world of Madrigal beneath. They had built their homes on themountaintops, clinging to survival while the great Sky Warriors fought a war toend all wars in the valleys below, choking the mountain passes with thegreenskin dead until a man could walk for a day across the valleys without eversetting foot upon the ground. After the Great War ended, and only a handful ofSky Warriors remained, the bravest of the survivors of the tribes had lefttheir mountaintop shelters to retake their ancestral lodgings. Finding theplains scoured clean of life and arable earth, they had moved to the coasts,building the first and greatest settlement at Eagle Falls. Seven tribes had setaside differences and old grudges to found the great settlement; and for sixhundred years, Eagle Falls had been a symbol of hope for the survivors ofMadrigal, a symbol that the tribes would endure, united in their cooperationand shared purpose. And now that had ended, thought Padanis. He scanned the ruins of thesettlement, emotions foreign and unfamiliar rising unbidden in him. Histraining as a Sky Warrior - as a member of the Adeptus Astartes, he remindedhimself, mentally chiding himself for slipping into the Madrigalan terminology- required him to analyse the ruins of Eagle Falls for information which couldidentify the foe's numbers, their armaments. His duty was to assess, toobserve, to collect information for the coming hunt. But Eagle Falls had beenhis home, and even the psychological conditioning of a Space Marine could notforbid him from feeling grief for those who had been family to him. His kin,tribal brothers and sisters, elders and skraelings all lay dead in theashes of the buildings around him. A century of service amongst the Astartes had desensitised him to the veryworst horrors of war. He could recall atrocities which would have left soldierslacking his augmentations and training traumatised and broken, and yet thesight of a place which had once been his home lying in ruins brought forthsentiments of grief and loneliness utterly alien to him. For an hour, Padanisand the rest of his squad had scoured the ruins of the settlement, searchingfor survivors in the wreckage and rubble, for anything that might be rebuiltwhen the time came to do so, but they had found nothing but blackened bodiesand structures gutted by fire. The enemy had not simply butchered thepopulation of Eagle Falls - three thousand men, women and children - but theyhad systematically destroyed everything of value in the settlement; grainstores, water purifiers, stables and the minimal armoury the settlement hadpossessed all lay in ruins. Anger and sadness vyed for supremacy, conflictingwith the training imprinted into his consciousness which demanded he remainimpartial to the tragedy before him. They had burned the shaman's longhouse last. He noticed this as his gazepassed across the eastern side of Eagle Falls, where the settlement wall hadbeen entirely flattened. No small arms fire did that, he surmised. Sustainedbolter fire would have been sufficient to tear apart the individual buildings,but the reinforced wall would have required heavy weaponry to penetrate. Sothey had entered the settlement there, nearest the shaman's great longhouse,but judging by the smoke still rising from the ruins of the shaman's lodgingsit had been burned after the rest of the settlement had been sacked. As he pondered this, the autosenses in Padanis' armour tingled, indicatingthe approach of a squadmate. At his shoulder Silak appeared, kneeling next tohim, his bone-white shoulder pauldrons dulled with the ashes of the settlement.Unlike Padanis he was helmetless, preferring to let his bionic eyes gaze uponthe settlement which had also been a home to him. 'Melta weaponry breached the eastern wall. From there, flamer teams clearedthe breach and dealt with the bulk of resistance, if the state of the easternhalf is anything to go by. No signs of struggle by the western and southern entrances- the whole settlement must have been up in arms to fight them.' Padanis nodded, agreeing with his squadmate's assessment, and felt a smalltinge of pride. If there had been any survivors, they would have found them bynow. That the bulk of the tribesmen and women had died in the streets of theeastern half of the settlement - where the foe had breached the wall -suggested they had died fighting against the invaders. They could have fled andyet they fought against a foe immeasurably their superior, who had butcheredthem where they stood with horrifying ease. And yet not one of them had fled. Silak seemed to sense Padanis' emotions, and tapped his squadmate on hisshoulder pauldron. 'You were not the only Hawk warrior to call this place home, brother. Youdo not mourn alone.' Padanis bowed his head. Silak, like him, had been of the Hawk tribe, andalthough two decades his elder, surely felt the pain of loss as keenly as didPadanis. He felt ashamed that his grief was so plain to see. 'Forgive my moment of weakness, Brother-Sergeant. My conduct shames me.' Silak snorted, and rose to his feet. 'No weakness in mourning, sarhan.Your loyalty to the tribes separates you from the unctehila who didthis.' Padanis smiled within his helm at his squad sergeant's gradual slip intothe Madrigalan tongue. The impact of their shared home's destruction had awokenold sentiments and memories of their mutual upbringing. 'Let your thoughts turn now to vengeance, Padanis. The Chapter remembersits own. We will burn the entrails of those responsible as offerings to thecannibal-spirits to let our kinsmen rest in peace.' Padanis tapped the twin-headed eagle on his chestplate and uttered the SkyMother's name, finishing the rite of vengeance his squadmate had started.Padanis stood to join Silak, and the two looked out over the settlement. 'Your assessment matches mine. I noticed no bodies in the western half andcould not find signs of struggle there either. They had time to muster adefense. Why did they not use the comm-relay at the settlement hub?' Padanisasked. Silak cocked his head to one side, a mannerism Padanis recognised as onethe hollow-faced Marine displayed when perturbed. 'I do not know. The enemy would have employed jamming beacons but theemergency failsafe would have provided a pulse recognisable by the planetarycomnet. Unless they did not activate the failsafe, which I doubt, I do not knowwhy we were unable to pick up the distress signal. Maybe...' Silak fell silent, as the same thought entered Padanis' mind. Barringtechnological failure - unlikely - and the possibility that the tribal headsmenhad not thought to use the comm-relay to call for aid, which was so unlikely asto be inconscionable, the alternative was that the relay had been sabotaged.The unwelcome thought sat in his mind, daring him to disprove it, and yet hecould think of no other possibility. Silak broke the silence. 'If it was sabotaged from within it would have happened shortly before theattack was launched, to maximise disruption. If it had simply malfunctioned,the headsmen would have sent a horseman to call for aid. The enemy would havekilled him before he could escape, and we would have found the body before now.There can be no other alternative.' As much as Padanis wished to deny it, he knew that their suspicion musthave been correct. The thought of atribesman or -woman turning against their own kin and sabotaging thesettlement's primary means of contacting their Space Marine overlords - denyingthem aid and consigning them to their fate - filled Padanis with rage. The rest of their squad emerged from the ruins of the buildings below.Mkal, Lanan and Artac cradled their bolters in the ready position, and Padanissaw that the same rage he felt twisted their countenances. Mkal, the youngest,nodded to Padanis and spoke addressing Silak, his single braid twisting in thewind. 'Your hypothesis was correct, Brother-Sergeant. The comm relay wasdestroyed by bolter fire, but energy weaponry was discernibly used to disableit. The scarring is consistent with basic las-weaponry. The enemy would not haveused such primitive weaponry.' And so there it was. Someone in Eagle Falls had turned against their ownand destroyed the only means of communication the settlement could have used tocall for aid. Silak nodded, taking in the younger Marine's information, andaddressed the rest of the squad. 'This is a matter for Chapter Command. If one of the tribes is harbouring unctehilaworshippers, we must root them out before they can taint the rest of thepopulation. I will inform Brother-Captain Arkhan while we regroup with the restof the strikeforce. Check and bless your weapons, brothers.' Padanis nodded and felt the battle-rage rise within him. In the distancethe landing lights of a Storm Eagle gunship could be seen, approaching theruined settlement of Eagle Falls rapidly. Whilst Silak's squad had searched thesettlement for information, the rest of the Chapter's strike force in theregion had been searching the surrounding area for signs of the enemy. As thegunship approached, the company-level voxnet crackled into life, the voice ofthe company Captain filling Padanis' helmet and the vox-links of hissquadmates. 'Arkhan to Silak. Regroup at muster point Apex with squads Conqueror andProsecutor. Chaos Space Marine presence at Talak settlement confirmed. Mainforce en route with Thunderhawk support. Target enemy rearguard and engage withutmost prejudice. The war-spirits call for blood, brothers. Arkhan out.' As Silak and the rest of the squad formed up on the ridge, Padanis felt aswell of anticipation rise within him as the rising howl of the gunship'sengines echoed the surging of his own spirit. War beckoned. The Chapter rose toavenge its own. The anvil of war awaited only the smith's hammer to beat out atune of death and destruction upon it, and Padanis would be a willing artisanof the bloodshed to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted April 21, 2013 Share Posted April 21, 2013 Well written you know that some some of us will want more.I liked this this thread when I first started looking around and still do.Got some modeling ideas from here. So well done brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 Thanks for posting the paint scheme... Do the layer paints work well for a base coat? If you don't mind can I use your scheme but with some different twists? Keep up the great work... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted May 6, 2013 Author Share Posted May 6, 2013 Greetings fellow lifeforms! About time I updated this. Haven't had a huge amount of time to paint, but this is what I got! Nearly got a whole squad of Hunters done in this scheme. Also included: un-good shots of the wound counters for my Rune Priests. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted May 6, 2013 Share Posted May 6, 2013 Looking good brother poses are great . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Disruptor_fe404 Posted May 6, 2013 Share Posted May 6, 2013 Don't forget to paint in the black dot on the end of the bolter barrels! You did it for the meltagun, so I can only assume you intend to at a later date... Cool wound counters too. Your Rune Priests must be hard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted May 10, 2013 Share Posted May 10, 2013 How did you make the chainsword for Arkhan? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Disruptor_fe404 Posted May 10, 2013 Share Posted May 10, 2013 It's a Kromlech two-handed chainsaw sword. I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted May 10, 2013 Author Share Posted May 10, 2013 Yup, it's Kromlech. There's a pack with four or five huge (and I really do mean huge) chainswords and that's the smallest of them all. It's a complete pain to assemble - the resin is very fragile and any attempts at pinning it should be made with caution as the handle's so thin in its diameter that you risk shearing right through it with the drill. Hopefully have some more pics up either tonight or tomorrow - have finished the squad above, assembled + undercoated my first Shaman and sorted out my custom decals to be applied! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted May 10, 2013 Share Posted May 10, 2013 How did you get custom decals Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Disruptor_fe404 Posted May 10, 2013 Share Posted May 10, 2013 You can buy decal paper from... wherever it is people buy stuff for model trains. If you buy the right ones, you can just print onto them with your laser printer at home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted May 16, 2013 Share Posted May 16, 2013 Have you guys seen the rub on decal paper? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted May 16, 2013 Author Share Posted May 16, 2013 I've had some quite pleasing results with laser printer decal paper. Camera's not on me ATM but I intend to post pics tomorrow night of the finished results. Been a bit sidelined recently by BFG... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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