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Serrated Suns color scheme


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I'm not a chaos player, so I'm in unfamiliar territory, but having bought the Dark Vengeance box, I didn't want the nice models to rot in my bits box. So I've been rummaging through Undivided chapters, trying to find one I like and came across the Word Bearers, or more specifically the legion's Serrated Suns chapter.


I was curious if anyone could show/point me toward their paint scheme? What little imagery I could find on the chapter dealt with a WB captain Argel Tal joining the chapter after inception, leaving me to assume the colors he has are of the Word Bearers. Unless I am clueless about the legion and all included chapters bear the same scheme? The image is the red and dark metal scheme, though I would've thought the Serrated Suns to be more fiery?


Any help or slap in the face for thinking wrongly would be appreciated.

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The chapters were identified by a small symbol somewhere on the armour. The serrated suns symbol curved over the eye (either on the helmet or flesh) and was a yellow serrated semi circle.


So pre heresy they would have dark grey (almost black) armour, or red with silver trim after becoming gal vorbak. Double check those facts though, it's been quite some time since I read the book.

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Hmm.. That's unfortunate. I guess I was viewing the Undivided as chapters, rather than legions, such as how Loyalist successors branch from their predecessors with new schemes. I was somewhat wanting to find a middle-ground between the Word Bearers and the Pyre as far as color schemes, but without making up my own chapter/warband, and had hoped Serrated Suns would fit that goal.

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In this case (well, like most Legions) I guess the Word Bearers have about a squillion minor colour scheme variations denoting whatever personal iconography/ranking/tendencies, etc. down to the squad level. But the Serrated Sun, as I recall, tended to have traditional Word Bearer colours, with black helmets. Around one of the eyes was a 'bladed' sun icon in gold, a little like this: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sun+tattoo&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=cftZUZDkKMqB4AS1noHQBA&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=955

Hmm.. That's unfortunate. I guess I was viewing the Undivided as chapters, rather than legions, such as how Loyalist successors branch from their predecessors with new schemes. I was somewhat wanting to find a middle-ground between the Word Bearers and the Pyre as far as color schemes, but without making up my own chapter/warband, and had hoped Serrated Suns would fit that goal.


Any Chapter would fit your goal; you're absolutely right, prety much any subfaction (Company... Chapter... Battalion.. Whatever...) can have its own colour schemes, perfectly justified in the lore. The Legions are vast, vast cultures with a lot of variation.

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In this case (well, like most Legions) I guess the Word Bearers have about a squillion minor colour scheme variations denoting whatever personal iconography/ranking/tendencies, etc. down to the squad level. But the Serrated Sun, as I recall, tended to have traditional Word Bearer colours, with black helmets. Around one of the eyes was a 'bladed' sun icon in gold, a little like this: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sun+tattoo&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=cftZUZDkKMqB4AS1noHQBA&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=955


Sounds quite similar to the color scheme of another Word Bearer warband, the Sanctified. Pretty nifty group, what with being Khornate daemonomancers and all-around sorcerous types.

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