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Blood Angel greenhorn question about assault squad insignia


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Hi everyone, apologies for this thread but I have a burning question. As far as I am aware, in the Codex Astartes assault squads wear a arrowed-X symbol to denote them as an assault squad. However in the Blood Angels Codex (and elsewhere) in the typical company organisation, the assault squads have the lightning bolt symbol:




Is the X symbol something only attached to DCompany with Blood Angels or does the standard Astartes symbol also get used? Reason I ask is I want to use the spare DCompany jump packs I have with the embossed X on the top faces, with regular assault marines. I've seen a local army that simply painted the packs red and the X bright yellow to tie in with the helmet... looked great but is this a fluff mistake or acceptable? I'm new back to 40k and Space Marines after a long time out, and I was sure back in the day the X was a standard assault squad marking? I know BA aren't totally standard Codex Astartes but they are considered a follower of it, yes?


Thanks in advance!

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The four arrow X used in codex chapters really isn't used by the BA.  Neither are the Tac arrows or the Dev symbol.  Don't remember why, just aren't.  The BA are codex in org, but not in markings.  The Xs on the JPs and elsewhere are not traditionally worn outside of the DC, but that doesn't necessarily make it a mistake to use them elsewhere.  I've tended to use mine on vets, libbys and priests; places where bling doesn't look out of place.  I'd say the same could be said for the sarge in an assault squad.  I think they could look great if you did the whole squad in them as well. 

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Squad number (1-10) in the BA is done by knee symbol


Squad designation (tactical, assault, devastator etc) are the symbols (arrow, cross, chevron).


No reason for your models not to have the 8th squad badge on the knee and yellow crosses on their armour.

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SOmeone ought to have pointed out by now that squad designation is shown by helmet colour, red is tactical, yellow is assault, blue is devastator, gold is usually veteran or honour guard, tho terminators tend to have red helmets in either loadout
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Squad number (1-10) in the BA is done by knee symbol

Squad designation (tactical, assault, devastator etc) are the symbols helmets colour (arrow, cross, chevron red, yellow, blue).

No reason for your models not to have the 8th squad badge on the knee and yellow crosses on their armour helmets.

corrected it for you msn-wink.gif

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Blood Angel roles are designated by helmet colour.


Blood Angel Chapter symbol is placed on the left shoulder.


Blood Angel Company symbol is placed on the right shoulder.


Blood Angel squad symbol is placed on the right kneepad.

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