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Insight and advice vs Tau


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This thread is created, due to gain alot more knowdledge and advices, on how to handle cover huggin Tau players.
My goals are to participate in tournaments, and ive been watching some games where XXXX armies vs Tau armies have been held, and 8 out of 10 battles ,Tau are victories.

Ive paid alot attention to the players who use their mobility to " deny " deep strike, and trying to race cross the tabe to get into CC range. The outcome are almost the same everytime, with the result being the opponent armies are " shot " to death and decaying before start 3.

Has any one of you players experience in doing different tactics or using strategies to avoid markerlights, pathfinders etc to gain the upper hand on these Tau armies ? :)

Any advice / ideas and tactics are welcome.

I play BA myself and have around 4300 points myself to make a pretty versatile and mobile army :)

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I think the best way is to wait till the new Codex's release (namely saturday). Unless you will have to play against them this week I believe once the nex Codex will be out we'll have more chances to indentify the strenghts and weakeness of the new army with a better degree of effectiveness...

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@ freeman82. Hey mate, good seeing you here. I know your anxiousness to learn about the tau.


Our only regular tau player is a very skilled and efficient general. His army has been played few times this last year but his defeats are few and far between. There is no doubt he will be a tough opponent as always.

I'm looking forward to learning the tricks of the new tau the hard way. Av 13 spam and fragiosos could be good. All depends on the actual contents of their codex. :)

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I hope their new codex is good, even though I loathe 'Gundam-ism' in my grimdark Gothic 40k.......... :) ........ Their codex needs.... some updating.

Wholeheartedly agree. I hope they get a great versatile codex as has been the case of late. A decent cc unit or three would give them more options than just dakka specialization.

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Tau are weak in combat.


To counter that, New Tau have covering fire that lets multiple units overwatch at a charging unit, provided they are within a certain distance.


This means that they have to clump together.


This is what Frag Cannon/HVF furiosos in a pod were made for.

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Tau are weak in combat.


To counter that, New Tau have covering fire that lets multiple units overwatch at a charging unit, provided they are within a certain distance.


This means that they have to clump together.


This is what Frag Cannon/HVF furiosos in a pod were made for.

Yup yup, but getting there is rarely guaranteed. I'd be very surprised if the don't become the masters of skyfire and gets the option of influencing reserve rolls/deepstrikers.

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Beating Tau (with their current codex) is not that hard. Get in close combat and they die easily. I'm also glad that they're (finally) getting a new codex, they deserve to be way better than they are now, especially when it comes to shooting (mostly BS3 for a shooty army, really?!).

Use your mobility to catch the fishies and squash them :)

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I'll just add that our meta has been MEQ heavy and his priority of no transports and loads of crisis suits with TL AP2/3 is quite effective. Add kroot as speed bump/counter assault/assault to gain more shooting opportunities. He's really sharp with knowing what is most important to remove.


I haven't met them I 6th yet though. Fnp is way better nowadays.


Discussing the current tau is quickly becoming yesterdays news. If any encounters them and the new codex please do a bat rep or just share lessons learned. :)

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Regardless of what the codex changes they are still a shooty army. Getting up close and personal as fast as possible is always a good way to deal with them. Lock down their mobility and firepower and it's all over.


Then again trying to pin down tau suits teams is no easy feat, and fire bases sound like they will get a lot tougher.

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Leaks are starting to appear and it looks like scouts are out (lots of AP4, and things ignoring cover). AV 13-14 looks tough for tau to deal with but many ways to get interceptor, skyfire and better shooting in general.


The riptide has the standard MC stats but with a hilariously low WS2.

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Tau are weak in combat.


To counter that, New Tau have covering fire that lets multiple units overwatch at a charging unit, provided they are within a certain distance.


This means that they have to clump together.


This is what Frag Cannon/HVF furiosos in a pod were made for.

Yup yup, but getting there is rarely guaranteed. I'd be very surprised if the don't become the masters of skyfire and gets the option of influencing reserve rolls/deepstrikers.


Skyfire and reserve manipulation doesn't matter when pods are not fliers, and come on T1 automatically.


Play the same as you always do. Maybe leave the rhinos at home as everything in the army can glance them on a 6.


Attack bikes make short work of suits, soften them up first with bolter fire to remove the drones.


Vanvets will probably be fun. Don't even need power weapons. Maybe 1 fist to deal with a broadside.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should be called "Codex: Pathfinders". Marker lights make them damn near broken.  Everything should target pathfinders. Once they are off the table and the Tau cannot put 5-10 marker lights on everything you have, you go back to having cover vs 50% chance to hit elite fire for the most part. I  think that is central to dismantling a Tau army. And our Codex is probally best equipped for getting on top of them fast with everything.

watched a few games with new codex, playing against it Thursday. let ya know how my strategy works out. 

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Played against them today, they are a little better then the old codex, but like someone else stated they are still Tau.  Our game played like many previous ones against Tau, but they had a few new nifty tricks (overcharged ion cannon on hammerhead).  I got first turn and prioritized pathfinders and marker drones so those shenanigans were not completely ruining my day.  Also, I played a heavy mech. list that Tau have trouble with now that their broadsides are S8 only.  I ran: death company in LRC with reclusiarch and libby running shield, 2 razors with assault squads, 2 baals, 2 vindies, and a raven.  Everything was in his face turn one and even with nightfight I took out enough marker lights to severely limit his flashlight shenanigans.  AV 13 with mobile cover bubble was very effective even though he tailored his list before our match (I was helping him prep. for a league match).  Oh, I lucked out on the mission to, emperor's will, so my lack of scoring was not very detrimental as I just sat back on my objective with the two razors and rushed his with my armored spearhead.  


PS. Tau run a lot of plasma for anti meq and theirs is only S6, he spent 2 turns trying to maneuver to hit my side armor while I blasted away at him.  Be ware though that their new melta is 18" range now though and EMP grenades can wreck your day.

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Is it also true that with interceper, once that unit fires, when your people come out (barring it lives) that firing unit cant fire their next turn or something? I dont have the Rulebook on me and someone just told me that at my local shop

Correct. P.38 Rulebook. And the shooting is at the end of "our" movement phase. So he must choose the pod or the unit..... And still have both range and line of sight to the targets.

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