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BA Battle reports,


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Hi guys! I thought i could make me a thread with my battle reports, and share my games and such with you all! That is if people are interested..!


Today, i had a 1250 points game against a buddy, and his grey knights.


My list, not the best one this time, but i wanted to try some things..! Didnt have anything able to shoot over 12 inches, so i gimped myself a bit, but.. still fun..!

Fragioso Dreadnought, with drop pod.
One priest.
5 sanguinary guards, all with plasma pistols, and power axe.

2 Troops.
10 ASM, 2 melta, and dual plasma pistols in both.


His list:
5 Terminators - These, and the libby started in reserves, to deep strike. Im reading the rules now, and im not sure they can, but i'l ask him later..!

1 Vindicare assassin, the sniper one..!

7 + 5 reguler grey knights, all with force weapons, and a psycannon. The squad with 5 was in a rhino.

2 Dreadnoughts, with dual twin linked auto cannons.


We played on a 4x4 board, with a decent amount of terrain.
The mission was The emperor's will. I will also say that we are still new at the game, so some rules can be wrong, as well as forgotten..! This game we had no night fighting, or any mysterious objectives..! We didnt remember..!

I got to choose sides, and won the roll to choose turn as well.

I let him go first, so he deployed, then I. I did also steel the initiative, which was kinda awesome.


Turn 1:

My turn.
I Combat squaded both of my troops, having one full troop in reserve, and half of the other one camping my objective, in my base. Used 5 reguler marines for that, and the sarge and both meltas as one squad, to move away.. The


Did not move much this turn, only one of the asm squads moved. Just used my fragioso, in a drop pod. Scattered 12 inches, but got lucky and hit some impassable terrain not to far, so i still deployd fairly where i wanted. With his frag cannon, and heavy flamer, i only scored 4 successfull wounds, on his squad of 7. Thats also all the action from my side, the first turn. No first blood for me.!


His turn.
He killed my fragioso with his dreadnought, and scored 2 glancing on my drop pod with the other one. First blood for him.
He then when off to kill one of my sarges with his sniper, but even with a ballistic skill of 8, he missed all the shots.. Kinda lucky for me..!


Turn 2:
My turn.
Both my reserves comes in. My melta, and sarge team lands perfectly close to one of the dreads. The other squad lands close to the vindicare.
I also move up my priest, Mephie, and the guards, to take out the vindicare, seeing as he is kinda scary to be left alone.

My melta strike team did its job, and exploded one of his dreads.
The other deep striking squad actually scored enough wounds with reguler bolts, and killed his vindicare.. All my other people suddenly became obsolete this turn, and i ran them instead.


His terminators and libby, deep striked into his own line, and he moved his rhino back to the base again as well. I got him on the defense quite fast.
He scattered his libbys all the way to the end of the board.

His round, he took out my sarge, and 2 meltas, and they ended up falling back. Lucky for me. He tried to destroy my drop pod with his last dread, but failed.


Turn 3:
My turn.
I moved up my squad with 2 meltas, and sarge, to take out his 5 strike squad fellahs! They did zero wounds on the shooting phase, and they got destroyed in close combat. That was no success for me..!

I moved up the guards, and they took 5 plasma shots to his rhino. Got weapon destroyd, and immobilized.

Also moved my priest and mephie, as well as the ASM squad with no special weapons.


His turn.
He destroyed my drop pod, and got two unsaved wounds on my guards, with his terminators.


Turn 4:
My turn.
Mephie wrecked his rhino with a plasma, my guards destroyed his one of his strike squads, in the shooting and assault phase.
I also moved up my squad with 5 ASM, but they ended up in the crossfire of his termi squad.


His turn.

He took out 2 of my guards, and i only had one left then. He also took out those 3 of my assault marines, but leaving me with 2 units of 2 asm next to a wall on the start of turn 5, and on the other side he had his objective, so i had everything ready to take out his 3 strike marines that was guarding it.


Turn 5:

My turn. I failed miserably, and assaulted his 5 termies, and the libby with Mephie.. Thats the first time, and only time that i will ever do that.
He did no wounds what soever, but my opponent used hammerhand instead of saving for instant death with his force weapons, so i survived one more round there.

My 2 asm units, and the last sanguinary guard took out his last three strike marines, and ended up next to the objective.


His Turn, he killed one of my marines, nothing more. The fight with mephie, and the others also whent on with nothing, he saved all my wounds, and caused a single ap2 wound with a thunder hammer.

We rolled to see if it continued, and ofc it did.. I was hoping it would end..!

Turn 6:
My turn:
I moved my last sanguinary guard, to his dreadnoughts rear armor, for a single plasma shot. I hit, penetrated, but only got him immobilized..!

In the following assault phase, mephie lost a wound to perils of the warp, and he didnt use any powers, so i could instant death him if he scored a wound. Which he did.. I almost cried.! But it was my own fault, for bringing mephie to a grey knight army..

His turn 6, he took out my priest, and did nothing with his dreadnought.

The game ended after turn 6, i rolled a 2 for the continue!

Final score was 5 kill points for me, 1 point for linebreaker, and 6 for both objectives..
He got 5 kill points, First blood, and slay the warlord for a total of 7.


I won, and it was a fun fight! I hope you enjoyed reading it, and my appologies if you didnt!




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  • 2 weeks later...

So.. Today, i've had 3 matches..!

If anyone wants to read, il try to throw up some battle reports as far as i remember them!

First match was against Imperial guards!

My list, 1005 points..! Got the okay from my buddy with the extra 5 points..!

Librarian, shield of sanguinius and Blood Lance.
Fragioso in a drop pod, with heavy flamer.
2x10 troops, 2 meltas in each squad. Combat squaded to 4 5 man squads..!

2 Vindicators.


His list had 3 leman russes, 2 veteran squad thingies, and a hq squad..! All with loads of auto cannons, and plasma guns!

We played the emperors will, and he won the side choice, and got to go first... !

I had 2 5man squads with meltas in them, in reserve, as well as my librarian, all 3 different units. I do hope that the rules allow me to do that, but either way, thats what i did!

So, after deployments, this is more or less how it turned out;

His turn 1:
He shot off all 3 tanks, and some auto cannons that was in range, as well as autocannons, and his master of ordanance or something, at least its some sort of broken large blast template!

All he did was 2 glancing hits on one of my vindicators.


My turn 1:
Drop pod got in, direct hit, and my furioso lined up.
Moved forward my vindicators, and lined them up for some action.  At this point, i realized that i was an idiot, for using my librarian in reserves, with shield, seeing as i was supposed to protect my tanks.. And i havent even gotten to what happened in turn 2!

Caused a bunch of hits and wounds, but i ended up with not killing as much as i hoped.. No first blood for me this round..!

His turn 2:

At this point, he wanted to take out my vindicator with one HP left, but failed with alot of them thingies. He did shoot and destroy my drop pod, giving him first blood.

My turn 2:
Got in all my reserves, both squads landed okayish, got to use meltas on two tanks. My librarian failed like the champ he is, ended up in a deep strike misshap, and was destroyed.
Even tho meltas landed a decent place, they didnt do much, except a glancing on one, and crew shaken, and stunned or something, on the other!
My fraggioso did kill the last of a veteran squad tho, so i got me one victory point.

I did assault one of the tanks, and they glanced the rear armor so it wrecked! Another kill point for me..!

His turn 3:

He was very unlucky with his rolls, and did no more hits on my already wounded vindicator, but did a weapon destroyed on my other..! He also took out one of my ASM squads, with plasma and master of ordanance thingie!

My turn 3:
This round, i managed to kill one more leman russ in the shooting phase, destroyed his Command squad, and wrecked the last LR in the assault phase..!

He had a small part of a veteran squad left, so he gave up, and i had me a victory!

Next report will follow soon!

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So, the next fight was against Necrons.. He has so far prooven to be unbeatable.. Noone manages to win against them necrons in our group..!

1500 points, got to play Purge the Alien..!

My list, Mostly like the other one, but the last 500 points was 2 baal predators, and a devestator squad w 4 lascannons..!
Also, i had storm shields on my sarges!

Librarian used his divination powers this time..!

His list.. I dont think i even know what its all called, but he had an overlord, 2 cryptecs or even 3, a squad of deathmarks, a doom scythe thingie, and 30 different troops..! And some spider looking thingie with 2 meltas..! He also had some lychguard folks, close combat dudes, with some crazy stuff..! All his cryptecs had some imba staff of doom, and veil of shadows!

So, he won the deployment, as well as choosing to start..! <-- This usually always happens, no matter who i play against..!

His turn 1:
Other then one deep strie misshap, he moved around 3 squads, and lined up for some shooting..!

He got first blood on one of my baal predators. Didnt do much else tho..!

My turn 1:
After some well placed shots, and hits, and wounds, i did nothing worth mentioning.. My fragioso and the other baal pred killed 9 out of 10 warriors in a squad, but he got up 5 of them again after the shooting..

One vindicator caused 4 wounds on his lychguards, and he saved 3 of them with a shield..!
The other one killed 2-3 warriors from a different squad, but he got all up again..!

I assaulted his lychguards with my ASM. I killed two of them, and he got one back up. He caused 5 ap2 and ap3 wounds, and i took each and every one on my storm shield sarge, saving all 5..! 


His turn 2:

This round, he destroyed the last baal pred. His deathmarks, and flyer got in. Flyer destroyed one vindicator, and the deathmarks caused a few wounds on my asm squad. His cryptec was in the middle there, so he couldnt use the staff..!

My turn 2:
After alot of shooting, missing, cursing, and crying, i did nothing yet again..
Only thing i did manage to do, was taking out his flyer...! My lascannon fellas, along with the libby rolled 4 shots. first roll was 2 6s, and another 6 with the reroll..! Scored 2 glancing hits, and a penetration! Wrecked, and some short lived joy for me..!

In the assault phase, i killed one, or rather.. one of them played dead for a little time, and he caused another 6 wounds on me.!
After rolling 6 3+ dices, both he and another friend wanted to check the rulebook, seeing as one damn sarge saved all the wounds, and it didnt seem fair.. The rulebook states that if several models are in base, the controlling player gets to choose which model that gets each wound..!

His turn 3:
My furioso died, and 5 last marines in the ASM squad got instant killed from a staff with a template.. imagine that..!
My last vindicator got to live another round, and he left the devs alone, as they where in cover..!

In the assault phase, my sarge finally had to bite the dust.. Died, and i lost a few more instantly from the low ap weapons, failed the morale check, and he managed to get a sweeping on me..!

My turn 3: Finally got a direct hit on my vindicator, 11 hits, 10 kills..! 4 of them got up again..!
Devs did nothing on the spider thingie, and not much else happened..

His turn 4:
My last vindicator died., saved some wounds on the devs, but i ended up calling it after this round,, i had 1 victory point, he had everything left, and it wasnt really much of a point continuing..!

This did go pretty much as i expected, my list wasnt designed to kill necrons, with me having 4 tanks, and they having gauss weapons! I designed my list for the following grey knights fight..! Ive given up trying to kill them necrons, as i dont know how..


Stay tuned for the last fight!

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So..! Third fight of the day.. Blood angels VS Grey Knights..
This was the fight i had been looking forward to, with my list of melta, lascannons, vindicator, and blood lance..!

His list had;
Grand master
2 Dreadnoughts, with 2x TL Autocannons.

10 terminators, in 2 5 man squads.
10 Grey knights, also combat squaded.
Land Raider Redeemer..!


My list, again,
Fraggioso, drop pod
2x10 ASM, combat squaded this time, 2 meltas, and storm shield in two groups, reguler ones in 5 others..!
2x Baal Preds
2 Vindicators.
5 Devestators, 4 lascannons..!

The mission we got was Big guns never tire..! I was very happy with this..!

Again, my opponent got to choose side, as well as go first..!

His turn 1:
He moved scout moves with his redeemer, a group of termies, and rhino, he got lucky with his grand master roll thingie..! Following moving phase, he moved his dreadnoughts in place to take out my vindicators!

Scored a glancing on one of them, missed on the other, and got one wound on my Libby..!

My turn 1:
First vindicator destroyed his Rhino, and 2 terminators. First blood for me! My other vindicator destroyed one GK reguler squad of marines. At this point i fell in love with my vindicators!
I had one 5man squad of meltas in reserve, as i wanted to get his dreadnoughts in the back..!
The other melta group moved up, and close to the Redeemer..! Got lucky, and destroyed it right away..! Gotta love meltas..!

In the assault phase, i put all my trust into the storm shield, and charged his terminators and grand master..! After some awesome psy grenade stuff,. he ended up with being able to reroll all hits to my squad..! I saved 5 wounds on my storm shield sarge, but didnt cause any either.. This was pretty perfect, as they where locked in combat for his following turn..!

His turn 2:
One of his dreadnoughts destroyed a vindicator! His first kill point. After some more shooting, one of my Baal preds had taken a glancing, and i saved some hits on one of my assault marine squad..!

In the assault phase, i did loose my sarge, and 2 marines..! I chose to fail my leadership thest, and whent for the falling back, knowing he couldnt sweep me with terminators..! Also perfect, according to my plan, as his group was ready to get shoot up again, in my following turn..!

My turn 2:
My ASM squad deep striked in, scattered 6 inches, in the wrong direction, and i was out of melta range, but still close enough to fire..!

My last vindicator shoot, and killed 1 terminator, as well as his grand master! Blood lance killed another one, and melta killed one!

Lascannons, and the deep striking ASM took out one dreadnought.

I took my last 2 assault marines, and charged into one terminator group.. he had 2 left, i had 2, seemed like a fair deal..! He lost one to perils *:D*.. i lost one to his thunder hammer..!

His turn 3:
He tried to move his last dreadnought in place to shoot my vindicator, but it was out of reach.. After some more shooting, i didnt take any casualties, and we got to the assault phase..!

He killed my last marine, no suprise there..

Now he had 1 terminator left on one side of the table, 3 reguler grey knights and 3 terminators on the other side, as well as the last dreadnought.

My turn 3:
At this point, i realized that i still had my fraggioso and drop pod in reserve.. We didnt know what the rules stated on this, so, he was kind enough to let me take it in, and i gave him and advantage with his terminators in the ruins..!

My vindicator killed 2 more grey knights, and my libby and blood lance killed the last terminator on the other side..!

Fraggioso managed to kill 1 terminator from the squad with 3 left..!

His turn 4:
Not much he could do know, dreadnought missed my vindicator, and he shot and did nothing to my furioso.. So he whent for the charge, lost a termie to overwatch, and didnt reach him with the charge distance..!

My turn 4: Vindicator killed the last dreadnought, lascannons took his last grey knight, and fragioso killed the last terminator..

He was destroyed, and i was pretty happy with myself at this point.. had forgotten all about the loss against the necrons earlier..!

I hope you enjoyed reading this..! :)


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