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Your Blood Angels army!


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I dont know if its been done before, but i thought it would be fun to see what everyone has, and wants to add to their collection of this beutifull army of red!

Im guessing its only fair that i start!


The Sanguinor, Mephiston, Captain Tycho, Astorath, Lemartes/Reclusiarch, and two librarians! And a pack of honour guards that i need to build.

10 sanguinary guards, 3 priests, and one furioso librarian.


about 30 assault marines in jump packs, 10 tactical marines, and 30 death company, some with bolters, some with jump packs, some with different weapons! Also got 5 sniper scouts.

Fast Attack:
2 Baal Predators.


Heavy Support:
2 Predators, and a Stormraven.


For a total of 4000-4500 points to choose from..!

I have a box of DC, and sanguinary guards on the way as well, making another squad of jump marines. I dont use anything other then those two boxes for my jump marines, the reguler ones look a bit booring..!

The next thing i want, is two more dreadnoughts, and maybe some drop pods..! And a pack or two with devestators!



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Off the top of my head:


HQ:  Mephiston, PA Librarian, TDA Librarian, JP Librarian, PA Captain, PA Chaplain


Elites: 2x JP Sang Priest, PA Sang. Priest, TDA Sang. Priest, Fragioso, Talon Furioso, 12x Sternguard, 5x Sang. Guard, 10x Assault Termies, 8x Tactical Termies


Troops: 25x Tactical Marines, 20x Assault Marines with JP, 10x Death Company, 10x Scouts, 10x Assault Marines on foot


Transports: 2x Rhino/Razor (can also be a whirlwind and flamestorm baal), Drop Pod, Land Raider Crusader, another Land Raider in the works**


Fast Attack: 7x Vanguard Vets., 2x Baal Preds. (three with one from above)


Heavy Support:  Storm Raven, 2x Missile Dev. Squads, Plasma Dev. Squad, 2Laz/2HB/2MM Dev. Squad, 2x Vindicators, Whirlwind (from above)


I also have a bunch of extra special weapon marines (approx. 10 extra) and sergeants (approx. 10 extra) made for variety so I can swap the load outs on my squads.


I think that's it, at least what I can remember at the moment.  Should be over 5000pts, my last count was somewhere around there...

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Dante, Astorath, Terminator librarian, Jump pack librarian



5 Sanguinary guards, 1 Furioso dread, 1 chaplain



20 ish assault marines, 5 sniper scouts, 10 death company



1 Baal predator



2 * 5 Devastators



1 Land raider redeemer, 1 pod


Wish list

1 more Baal predator, 2 furioso dread, 2 pods, some odd 10 ish assault marines

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Sure, why not.  I'll gladely share my pitiful army list since the new codex was released....(that's when I redid my whole army from scratch for like....the 10th time, damn those cursed new plastic detailed bitz :P )  Keep in mind, this is only painted stuff


2650 - Painted


O' Captain, My Captain - JP, Power Sword


Librarian - JP (JP Magnetizable)


Librarian - JP (JP Magnetizable)


Librarian - Terminator armour, w/ Storm Bolter (from Space hulk)


Reclusiarch (or to be exact, Lemartes Model, I simply dont have a DC to put him into just yet)




9 x Terminators - Asscan, HF, Chainfist (from space hulk)


5 x Terminators - 3xTHSS, 2xLC


Priest - JP, Power Sword (JP, and PS Magnetizable)


10 x RAS - 2xMG, PF (Special and Sergeant weapons Magnetizable)


10 x RAS - 2xMG, PF (JPs, Special and Sergeant weapons Magnetizable)


10 x RAS - 2xFLM, Power Sword (JPs, Special and Sergeant weapons Magnetizable)


5 x Scouts - Bolters, and ML


5 x Scouts - Snipers


5 x Devastators - 4 x Lascannons


And currently painting 10 x DC with a bunch of magnetizable weapons, and All JPs, along with a TAC squad with 2 more heavy weapon dudes for WYSIWYG purposes.  After that will be my first vehicle into this army, the Furioso, and Aegis Defence Line with Comm Array.  After that, every vehicle available within the FOC. E.G. 3 Vindicators, 3 Storm Raven, 3 Baal Preds, 6 Razors/Rhinos (interchangeable), and so forth

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Wow. .. Listing what I have puts things in perspective. I paint slowly too sweat.gif .

Painted and ready to rock:

20 Assault Marines w/out jump-packs

10 Tactical Marines

6 DC with jump packs

1 Librarian with jump pack

1 Reclusiarch

1 Captain in Power Armor

1 Baal Predator

1 Storm Raven

1 Fragioso

1 Bastion


Assembled and playable, but incompletely painted:

3 DC with jump packs

5 TH/SS Termies

LR Crusader

10 Sniper Scouts






Chaplain Dreadnaught

Chaplain w/plasma pistol

2 Assault Cannon Razorbacks

1 Lascannon Razorback

1 Magnetized Predator

2 Baal Predators

1 Daimos Pattern Predator Annihilator

1 Death Company Dreadnaught

1 Old Metal Dreadnaught with MM

2 Black Reach Dreadnaughts

1 Drop pod

1 Power Armor Librarian with Power Axe

6 Assault Marines

1 Death Company Stormraven

1 Thunderhawk Gunship

In Various States of Assembly:

10 Assault Marines

5 Sanguinary Guard

2 Sanguinary Priests

10 Tactical Termies

Boxed and Unassembled:


The Sanguinor

Vanguard Veterans

Sternguard Veterans

Baal Predator

Furioso/Death Company/Librarian Dreadnaught

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  • Astaroth
  • Ecclesiarch
  • Captain in Terminator Armor
  • Chaplain in Terminator Armor
  • Librarian in Terminator Armor
  • Librarian in power armor
  • Chaplain in power armor
  • Counts-as Dante
  • 4 honor guard/meltas
  • 4 honor guard/plasmas
  • 3 sanguinary priests
  • 5 termies with SS/TH
  • 5 termies with LC
  • 7 sang guard
  • 10 vanguard
  • tac squad ML/flamer
  • tac squad MM/melta
  • tac squad ML/plasma
  • assault squad melta, melta, fist (x3)
  • 5 man dev squad (LCx2, PCx2)
  • 3 Baal preds
  • land raider
  • land raider crusader
  • land raider redeemer
  • furioso dread
  • DC dread
  • dread AC/melta
  • dread TLLC/melta
  • 3 rhinos
  • 3 razorbacks


I might have some odds and ends as well.

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Kitbashed Mephiston
Kitbashed Sanguinor
Kitbashed Astorath
Reclusiarch x2
Librarian x3(termi armor, jump pack, legs
Honor guard (plasma guns)

Sanguinary guard squad x2
Terminator squad(full)
Terminator assault squad (5)
2 sanguinary priests (jump pack)
2 furioso dreadnoughts
2 Librarian dreadnoughts

Assault squad w/ meltaguns x3
tactical squad (full) x2
Death company (x13)
2 Death company dreadnought
scout squad (camo)(full)

Bike squad
attack bikes x2
3 baal predators
2 land speeders

Land raider
Land raider crusader
Predator x2
devastator squads w/ missile/las cannons (full) x2
Stormraven gunship

Dedicated Transports:
Drop pod x3
rhino/razorbacks x4

Tactical squads x2
4 bikes

assault squad

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Some nice armies here.. I like it! Also tells me that i still need to get a few things..! Vindicators for example.. i didnt think i wanted one, but.. something tells me i do..!


Something tells you you want 2

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Off the top of my head - every named character (apart from Seth), 3 JP chaplains, 2 on foot chaplains, 1 termie chaplain, 5 termie Librarians, 3 PA librarians, 6 Captains, 3 Honour guard squads, 11 termi squads, 15 VAS, 5 Sternguard, 7 Dreadnoughts, 3 techmarines, 3 Sang Priests, 2 Sang guard squads, 1 Full battle company (incl rhinos), 1 additional Devastator squad, 2 additional Assualt squads, 4 additional tac squads, 2 Landraiders, 3 Landspeeders, 3 vindicators 3 Ball Predators, 2 Predator destructors, 1 Stormraven, 3 Razorbacks, 1 whilrwind, 1 x 5 man bike squad, 2 x attack bikes, 2 drop pods, 3 scout squads, 35 death company marines.


total c. 15,000pts all painted. Only took about 15 years.

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Captain with dual lightning claws

Captain with power sword/plasma pistol

Captain with power sword/hand flamer

Captain in TDA with lightning claw and thunder hammer

Reclusiarch with jump pack

Librarian with force sword

Librarian with force axe

Honor Guard squad



Tactical Squad with flamer and ML x3

Assault Squad with 2 flamers/powerfist

Assault Squad with 2 meltaguns/powersword

Death Company with bolters(10)

Death Company with BP/CCW(17)

Death Company with JP(9)

Death Company with various special weapons(11)



Sanguinary Guard x3

Sanguinary Priests with various weapons(8)

3 chaplains, one with JP

Sternguard with combi weapons(10)



Fast Attack

Vanguard Vets


Heavy Support


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Man, it's one of those things you'd rather not think about tongue.png But I suppose it's good to take a mental inventory some times.



Kitbashed Sanguinor

Kitbashed Tycho


Captain with dual lightning claws and JP

Captain with TDA

Captain with powersword

Reclusiarch/Chaplain with JP (kitbashed Lemartes)

Reclusiarch/Chaplain on foot with combiflamer

Reclusiarch/Chaplain on foot with bolter

Reclusiarch on bike

Librarian with force axe and JP

Librarian with force axe and TDA

Librarian with force sword and bike

Honor Guard, JPs, various kit

Honor Guard, infantry, various kit


5 Sanguinary Guard

3 techmarines with different gear

Sanguinary Priest with JP and axe

Sanguinary Priest on foot

Sanguinary Priest in TDA

3 Furioso dreads

Librarian dread

30~ish Tactical Terminators

10 Assault Terminators


40~ish Assault Marines with JPs

15 Assault marines on foot

40~ish Tactical Marines

30 Scouts with various equipment

10 DC on foot with BP+CCW (incl specials)

20 DC on foot with Bolters (incl specials)

15 DC with JPs (incl specials)

2 DC dreads with talons

Dedicated transports

7 Drop pods

4 Rhino/Razorback hulls

Land Raider Phobos/Terminus

Fast Attack

5 Vanguard Vets with JPs

5 Land speeders

6 Attack bikes

3 Space Marine bikes

3 Scout bikes

Heavy Support

2 Autolas Predators

3 Whirlwinds

2 Dreadnoughts

30~ish Devastators

+some RT era models that are a bit too weird to use.





NO idea how many points that adds up to. The collection has come a long way since I bought my first blisterpack in 1989.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My collection is listed here and it is in various stages of painting or re-painting.


As for what I want to add;



Tactical Squad (Need six for the Apoc Battle Company formation)

More RAS  with Jump Packs

More Scouts with various loadouts

Another Land Raider

Baal Predators

Whirlwind (Apoc Formation)

Another Stormraven

Three Vindicators (Apoc Formation)

More Bikes

Scout Bikes

Attack Bike

Land Speeder




Reaver Titan

Warhound Titan(s)

... and a pile of bits so that I can have virtually every option.


Basically I'm a collector and i want the lot for my Blood Angels :D

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Gabriel Seth counts-as


Sanguinary Priest w/ JP and Power Sword
Sanguinary Priest w/ JP and Meltabombs

Chaplain w. Plasma Pistol
10 Sternguard w/ 2 Heavy Flamers and Power Sword


6 Sniper Scouts w/ Missile Launcher
10 tacticals w/ Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon and Power Sword
10 Assault Marines w/ 2  meltaguns and Powerfist, no JP
10 Assault Marines w/ 3 Plasma Pistols and Powerfist, no JP

6 Assault Marines w/ Flamer, Powersword and Meltabombs

10 Devastators w/ 2 Lascannons, 2 Missile Launchers, Storm Bolter and Power Sword
Dreadnought w/ Twin-Linked Lascannon, Bloodfist and Heavy Flamer
Siege Dreadnought with Flamestorm Cannon and Assault Drill

4 Boarding Marines w/ Chainaxes and Boarding Shields [Totally not game legal, but they look awesome and I'll find a way to use them somehow]

Waiting for Paint:
Librarian w/ Force Sword
Librarian w/ Force Sword and JP
Honour Guard w/ Blood Champ and Powerfist
Boarding Marine
4 Assault Marines w/ Flamer
Dakka Baal Predator
Tycho counts-as
Rechlusiarch w/ JP

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Some fine armies here, thats for sure..!

I've recently bought me another furioso dreadnought, 10 more dc, and sanguinary guards thats gonna be some sergeants and devestators, ive gotten 10 other devestators, with lascannons and missile launchers, one DC dreadnought, and 2 vindicators..! Thank you Soups.. :P I did event get to field them, and boy did they do good.. my friends hated them, and instantly fell in love with them..!

Im currently planning on buying 2 more drop pods, and 10 sternguards, and one more furioso dreadnought.. I think that 2 fragiosos in the first turn, and 10 combat squaded sternguards the next will have a nice punch..! :)

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Models I own:



Power Armoured Reclusiarch

Terminator Aroured Reclusiarch

Power Armoured Librarian

Terminator Armoured Librarian

2 Kit Bashed Sanguinary priests



20 Kit bashed Death Company (megnetized back packs/Jump packs)

50 Kit bashed Assault Marines

40 Tacitcal Terminators

10 Assault terminators


3 Converted Dreadnoughts

WIP Dreadnoughts

2 Baal Predators

4 Rhinos

1 Storm Raven

1 Landraider/Storm Raven (it's converted to be able to do both!)


Looking to purchase Astorath the grim next to conververt into Mephipoo.

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Maybe this is a bit more comprehensive than what you were looking for but here it is, and its all painted and wysiwyg.




Chapter Honor Guard

Lightning Claw, 2 Storm Shields, Power Lance, Chapter Banner, Power Sword, Infernus Pistol, Blood Champion (Ax), Sanguinary Novitiate, Jump Packs


Rafen (Champion of Sanguinius) (Malakim Phoros)


Adanicio (Warden of the Gates) (Captain)

Power Maul, Plasma Pistol


Incarael (Master of the Blade) (Captain)

Lightning Claw, Power Fist


Bellerophon(Keeper of Heavengate) (Captain)

ThunderHammer, Combi-Melta


Brother-Captain Borgio (10th Company Captain, Master of Recruits)

Power Sword, Plasma Pistol


Honor Guard

4 Plasmaguns, Sanguinary Novitiate




Machiavi (3rd Company Captain)

Power Weapon, Infernus Pistol, Jump Pack

Honor Guard

Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Lightning Claw, Company Banner, Blood Champion (Ax), Meltagun, Sanguinary Novitiate, Jump Packs


Vassago (Librarian)

Jump Pack (Divination)


Cassiel (3rd Company Reclusiarch)

Power Fist


Matarel (Librarian)



Altanos (Librarian)





Warden Barius (Guardian of the Tower) (Astorath)


Honor Guard

Power Fist, Sanguinary Novitiate, 4 Meltaguns, 2 Storm Shields, Meltabombs, Jump Packs


The Sanguinor


Leonatos (Returned from Eye of Terror) (Gabriel Seth)


Karlaen (1st Company Captain)

Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Sword


Kanar (1st Company Reclusiarch)

Terminator Armor, Combi-Plasma


Belentes (1st Company Epistolary)

Epistolary, Terminator Armor, Storm Shield (Divination)


Ambael (1st Company Epistolary)

Epistolary, Terminator Armor, Storm Shield (Divination)


Remon (1st Company Champion)(Captain)

Terminator Armor, 2 Lightning Claws




Sternguard Veteran Squad 9

Lightning Claw, Meltabombs, Heavy Flamer (10 models)


Sternguard Veteran Squad 10

Lightning Claw, Meltabombs, Heavy Flamer (10 models)


Deathwatch Sanguinary Priest Creano

Hand Flamer, Power Sword, Meltabombs


Deathwatch Kill Team (Sternguard Veterans)

Lightning Claw, Combi-Flamer, Meltabombs, Combi-Melta, 5 Combi-Plasma (9 models)


Terminator Tactical Squad 3

Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, 2 Chain Fists (10 models)


Terminator Tactical Squad 4

Assault Cannon, 2 Chain Fists (5 models)


Terminator Assault Squad 5

4 Lightning Claws, 1 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield (5 models)


Telios (Chaplain)

Power Fist


Sanguinary Guard

Power Fist, Infernus Pistol


Sanguinary Guard

Power Fist, Infernus Pistol



Power Ax, Combi-Melta



Power Ax, Combi-Melta, Jump Pack


Furioso Dreadnought

Frag Cannon,Blood Fist (Meltagun), Magna-grapple


Furioso Dreadnought

Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer


Furioso Dreadnought

Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer




Sanguinary Priest

Power Sword


Sanguinary Priest

Power Sword, Jump Pack


Sanguinary Priest

Power Sword, Jump Pack


Sanguinary Priest

Terminator Armor, Power Sword




Tactical Squad 1

Power Fist, Meltagun, Multimelta (10 models)

Land Raider Crusader



Tactical Squad 2

Power Sword, Meltabombs, Flamer, Lascannon (10 models)

Land Raider


Tactical Squad 3

Power Sword, Meltabombs, Flamer, Lascannon (10 models)

Land Raider


Tactical Squad 4

Combi-Plasma, Meltabombs, Plasmagun, Plasma Cannon (10 models)


Hunter Killer Missile


Tactical Squad 5

Power Fist, Meltagun, Multimelta (10 models)

Land Raider



Tactical Squad 6

Combi-Plasma, Meltabombs, Plasmagun,Plasma Cannon (10 models)


Hunter Killer Missile


Assault Squad 7

Power Sword, Infernus Pistol, 2 Flamers (10 models)


Assault Squad 8

Power Sword, Infernus Pistol, 2 Flamers (10 models)


Death Company

Argastes (Lemartes), Thunder Hammer, 2 Power Swords, Jump Packs (5 DC models + Lemartes)


Death Company

2 Power Fist, 2 Power Swords, 2 Infernus Pistols (10 models)



Fast Attack:

Vanguard Veteran Squad 6

3 Power Fists, 3 Storm Shields, Jump Packs (7 models)


Vanguard Veteran Squad 7

3 Power Fists, 3 Storm Shields, Jump Packs (7 models)


Vanguard Veteran Squad 8

3 Power Swords, 2 Power Lances, 2 Hand Flamers, 3 Meltabombs (7 models)


Baal Predator

Heavy Bolter Sponsons


Baal Predator

Heavy Bolter Sponsons


Baal Predator

Flamestorm Cannon


Baal Predator

Flamestorm Cannon


Bike Squadron

Power Sword, 2 Plasma Guns (5 models)



Heavy Support:


Assault Cannon








Devastator Squad 9

1 Lascannon, 3 Missile Launchers (10 models)


Hunter Killer Missile


Devastator Squad 10

1 Lascannon, 3 Missile Launchers (10 models)


Hunter Killer Missile



Lascannon Sponsons, Twin-Linked Lascannon


Stormraven Gunship

Typhoon Missile Launcher, Extra Armor, Locator Beacon


Stormraven Gunship

Typhoon Missile Launcher, Extra Armor, Locator Beacon


Land Raider Terminus



Super Heavy Support:

Thunderhawk Gunship

Turbo Laser Destructor




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